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Master Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis

Posted on | Selasa, 07 Februari 2012 | No Comments

Master Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Announcement follows

As competition policy becomes increasingly relevant in both the public and private sectors, there is a great need for professionals prepared to address market regulation issues. The highly practical focus of the Competition and Market Regulation Program assures that students in the
program graduate with sound job prospects in their chosen field and an advanced understanding of the interaction between economic theory and practice.

Master Degree
Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a Master Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis awarded jointly by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

All Barcelona GSE master degrees have been recognized by the Catalan and Spanish Education authorithies within the framework of the Bologna Process (in Spanish, “Master Universitario o Master Oficial”).

The program is divided in 3 terms. In the fall term, students will acquire basic economic tools. In the winter term, students will study core issues in competition policy and market regulation with the help of leading specialists in each field. In the spring, students will
consider real competition policy cases and how regulation works in several specific sectors. For more information, please download the academic calendar.

Students are strongly advised to take the Math and Statistics review course and the Computer Tools course offered in September. More information is available on the MCMR courses page.

The degree requires the successful completion of 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits of graduate courses (6 credits are equivalent to a 40 hour course), some compulsory and some elective.
The students' final program must be discussed with and approved by their Master Director.

The academic performance of each student is reviewed regularly.
Attention is given to the maintenance of normal academic progress, through a combination of formal written examinations and coursework.
Core courses will award grades. Some optional courses may be evaluated on a pass/fail or pass with honors/pass/fail basis.

The Competition and Market Regulation Program is located at the Ciutadella campus at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in central Barcelona.
The campus is within walking distance of both the beach and the city's financial, cultural and governmental centers. Students can take advantage of a wide array of services and activities offered by the UPF.

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