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USB Ashtray, USB Mirror Ball and The puzzle alarm clock
Posted on | Kamis, 01 November 2007 | No Comments
The USB Ashtray is made to draw the unpleasant cigar smoke.
The USB Ashtray draws smoke from a room using of a powerful motor. The smoke is filtered inside the ashtray and the new purified air is released in the room.
Of course the new air it will not be 100% pure, but the manufacturer guarantees you of a significant difference in the air purity.
USB Mirror Ball
The Office Mirror Ball gadget just plugs straight into a USB port on either your PC or Mac, no software required.
Now you can turn it into a Disco Inferno.
Why not dance away that Monday morning accounts meeting and turn your week into one long party with this USB Office Mirror Ball?
The puzzle alarm clock
This is a fun gadget, but in the same time is very useful. The clock will wake you in the morning by firing four puzzle pieces up in the air, and then it is your task to get the pieces and put them back in the alarm clock.
The alarm clock won’t turn off until the puzzle is completed.
Originally posted on the gifts blog.
The puzzle alarm clock can be bought online for $67.00 from
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