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ITB Cari 600 Siswa Cerdas Miskin
Posted on | Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009 | 2 Comments
1. Calon lulusan sekolah menengah umum pada tahun ajaran 2009 (bidang studi IPA untuk fakultas Sains dan Teknik).
2. Berasal dari keluarga yang tak mampu secara ekonomi (penghasilan kedua orangtua di bawah Upah Minimum Regional setempat)
3. Memiliki prestasi akademik yang sangat baik.
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan ekstrakulikuler sekolah (lebih diutamakan yang memiliki bakat memimpin)
5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari kepala sekolah
6. Bersedia mengikuti ujian penerimaan yang dilakukan ITB
kalo saya lihat jawal test-nya sudah lewat; tapi krn ada publikasi yg menyatakan bahwa siswa yg memenuhi syarat kurang
(dari kuota 600 org); jadi info mengenai beasiswa ini saya fwd.
Coba email langsung mengenai hal ini ke: kontak@itbuntuksemu;
Smoga berhasil.
Bisa dilihat syarat2nya klik situs ini
Indonesia ini memang anomali. Ternyata sulit mencari anak cerdas miskin. Dari kewajiban ITB sebagai PTN BHP untuk menyediakan 20% untuk calon mahasiswa cerdas miskin dari total 3.000 calon mahasiswa baru, hanya 51 orang saja baru berhasil dijaring ITB. Perlu kampanye kreatif dan agresif jemput bola sampai ke gang-gang becek dan ke seluruh pelosok Indonesia .
Baru saja saya ditilpun Rektor ITB, Prof. Djoko Santoso. Ia ingin meluruskan tentang tulisan saya yang dikutip ratusan blog dan mailist yang pertama kali dimuat di mailist IA ITB berjudul; "Kembalikan Kursi SNMPTN 2009 kepada yang Berhak".
Menurut Prof. Djoko Santoso, ITB justru kesulitan untuk mencari 600 siswa lulusan SMU yang cerdas miskin. Angka 600 ini adalah bukti kekonsistenan ITB sebagai PTN berstatus BHP yang mensyaratkan 20% dari total penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITB yang seluruhnya 3.000, harus untuk calon mahasiswa cerdas miskin.
Jumlah mahasiswa cerdas miskin ini baru berhasil dijaring sejumlah 23 orang melalui Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) ITB 2009. Dan 28 orang melalui seleksi "Beasiswa ITB untuk Semua" 2009. Menurut Prof. Djoko Santoso, profil mereka adalah anak-anak rakyat Indonesia cerdas tetapi orang tuanya miskin. Profil orang tua mereka adalah tukang bakso, penjual nasi pinggir jalan, pemilik kios warung kecil, pembantu rumah tangga, petani musiman, nelayan, tukang gali tanah, tukang bangunan, sopir angkot, anak calo bisnis kelas teri, pensiunan tentara dan polisi pangkat prajurit, anak Satpam, guru ngaji, pensiunan guru SD dan lain-lain.
Melihat total calon mahasiswa cerdas miskin yang berhasil dijaring ITB hanya 51 orang dari 600 orang untuk kursi yang tersedia. Maka saya sarankan agar ITB lebih agresif lagi dan lebih kreatif lagi dalam menginformasikan dan menggerakkan minat masyarakat untuk masuk ITB tanpa biaya sepeser pun selama dia kuliah di ITB dan seluruh biaya hidup ditanggung ITB sampai lulus.
Mungkin selama ini masyarakat miskin sudah takut dengar nama ITB sendiri sebelum mereka mau mendaftar. Yang mereka tahu, ITB itu yang paling mahal biaya formulir pendaftarannya yakni Rp. 850 ribu. Nah kalau ia seorang pembantu berarti dia harus menyerahkan seluruh pendapatannya dua bulan gaji untuk beli formulir seleksi masuk ITB. Belum untuk urus sana urus sini. Pokoknya berat di ongkos. Sedangkan biaya untuk hidup keluarga mana?
Pengalaman spesifik perjuangan dengan segala kendalanya dalam menyeleksi USM ITB dan "Beasiswa ITB untuk Semua" 2009, ada baiknya ditulis dan dijelaskan secara panjang lebar kepada media cetak dan elektronik lokal maupun nasional termasuk di mailist IA ITB ini. Setidaknya ini akan menggugah para alumni ITB yang jumlahnya puluhan ribu untuk memberikan saran dan idenya. Syukur-syukur mau jemput bola, siapa tahu anak pembantunya cerdas, siapa tahu anak Satpam di lingkungannya pinter; siapa tahu anak supirnya juga otaknya moncer. Syukur-syukur ia sendiri mau menyumbang.
Sebab menurut Betti Alisjahbana, yang mengkoordinasikan program "Beasiswa ITB untuk Semua" semakin banyak pendukungnya. Setelah kemarin, 23 Juli 2009, pak Jusuf Kalla, Wakil Presiden RI berkenan membantu penggalangan dana melalui goresan pertama di dua lukisan seniman ITB.. Maka pada 24 Juli 2009 Betti Alisjahbana mendapat konfirmasi donasi "Beasiswa ITB untuk Semua" dari Pertamina sejumlah Rp. Selain itu seorang alumni ITB (Haminanto Adinugraha) baru saja menyumbangkan Rp. 100.000.000 ke pundi-pundi "Beasiswa ITB untuk Semua". Dengan demikian total komitmen donasi yang sudah kami dapat adalah Rp. Dana ini cukup untuk membiayai 42 mahasiswa sampai lulus dari ITB. Sementara hasil seleksi untuk calon mahasiswa cerdas miskin hanya 28 orang.
Mari kita cari sampai ke gang-gang becek, ke seluruh pelosok Nusantara, para anak cerdas miskin yang diprioritaskan masuk ITB gratis sampai lulus. Permintaan ITB dan para donatur hanya satu mereka yang diterima jadi mahasiswa ITB kelak diharapkan menjadi agen perubahan di lingkungan sosial asalnya.

APEC 20th Anniversary Writing Contest
Posted on | Jumat, 24 Juli 2009 | No Comments
Kesempatan mengikuti perlombaan ini terbuka bagi seluruh mahasiswa sarjana tingkat akhir dan mahasiswa pasca sarjana Fakultas Bisnis/Ekonomi.
Pemenang Pertama akan mendapatkan kesempatan menghadiri APEC CEO Summit 2009 yang dihadiri oleh pemimpin perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh anggota APEC dan APEC Economic Leaders Meeting di bulan November 2009
(biaya pesawat dan akomodasi ditanggung pihak penyelengara) ,
serta bertemu secara langsung dengan pemimpin negara/pemerintahan masing-masing.
Selain itu, pemenang juga akan mendapatkan uang tunai sebesar US$5000.
Runner Up Pertama akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai sebesar US$1000.
Runner Up Ke Dua akan mendapatkan uang tunai sebesar US$500.
Essay dapat dikirimkan ke paling lambat 31 Juli 2009 pukul 23.59
(waktu Singapura).
Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai panduan penulisan essay dan kriteria penilaian dapat diakses melalui http://www.apec. org/20years
atau menghubungi:
Dit. KIK ASPASAF, Departemen Luar Negeri
Telepon : 3811083, 3441508 ext 2327
Email : apecindonesia@

Beasiswa LintangIndonesia untuk anak SMA/MA Sederajat
Sejak berdiri pada bulan November 2007, LintangIndonesia sudah menyalurkan beasiswa kepada 19 orang siswa sebesar Rp. 27,35 juta. Untuk memperbanyak penerima beasiswa, kami juga mengajak para dermawan untuk ikut berdonasi melalui kami. Keterangan lebih lanjut untuk donasi bisa dilihat di
LintangIndonesia kembali memberikan beasiswa untuk siswa SMA/MA atau yang sederajat yg kurang mampu untuk tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Beasiswa akan diberikan selama 12 bulan (Juli 2009 - Juni 2010) kepada 25 siswa dengan besaran Rp. 150.000,00 perbulan.
Aplikasi beasiswa dibuka sampai tanggal 31 Agustus 2009, hasil seleksi akan diumumkan pada akhir September 2009. Formulir aplikasi bisa diunduh di
Aplikasi dan dokumen pendukung bisa dikirimkan ke sekretariat :
Komplek Gedung Putih
Pondok Krapyak
Yogyakarta 55011

MBA Scholarships, Lausanne, Switzerland
Posted on | Minggu, 19 Juli 2009 | No Comments
The Future Leader Scholarship award may be applied to the BSL Executive MBA, Full-time MBA or Flex-MBA degree program. The Executive MBA takes place on Saturdays and is completed in 1½ years. The full-time and flex programs follow a modular format, with the full-time being completed in 1 year. Participants in the part-time, Flex-MBA determine their own study schedule and may take up to 3 years to complete. Tuition for an MBA at BSL is CHF 44,800.
To apply for the scholarship, eligible candidates are asked to submit an essay of 2000-2500 words on how they will use a BSL MBA to achieve their professional vision(s).
All applications and essays must be received by July 31, 2009.
click here to visit our website

Langkah-langkah Memenangkan Beasiswa ke Amerika
Posted on | Rabu, 08 Juli 2009 | No Comments
Untuk dapat beasiswa ke Physics grad school di USA (juga Singapore), di bawah ini sudah Franklin rangkum langkah-langkahnya secara ringkas sampai pengurusan visa F-1.
Franklin percaya satu tahun persiapan cukup untuk dapat beasiswa ke USA. Beasiswa yang bisa kita beroleh biasanya berupa Teaching Assistantship / TA (jadi asisten dosen dan dibayar), Research Assistantship / RA (jadi asisten laboratorium- riset dan dibayar), atau fellowship (beasiswa tanpa ikatan, biasanya karena prestasi tertentu).
Misalkan kawan-kawan ingin kuliah pada tahun 2010, inilah yang akan saya anjurkan dari sekarang.
1) Tahun ajaran di Amerika biasanya dimulai pada Fall term sekitar bulan September (semester ganjil kalau di Indonesia) atau Spring term sekitar bulan Maret (semester genap kalau di Indonesia). Summer dan Winter term biasanya digunakan untuk menulis tesis dan riset. Saya anjurkan melamar untuk Fall 2010, karena beasiswa lebih berlimpah pada term tersebut.
2) Buka website kampus yang ingin dilamar, cari professor yang riset atau publikasinya sesuai dengan minat anda. Coba kontak baik-baik dengan sopan lewat e-mail, apakah bisa jadi mahasiswa PhD di bawah bimbingan beliau juga kemungkinan mendapat beasiswa di kampus tersebut.
Jangan kirim apa pun saat ini, lihat dulu beliau tertarik atau tidak. Jika beliau berkenan, silakan kirim CV atau abstrak skripi atau publikasi riset yang relevan dengan bidang beliau. Harap diingat bahwa profesor sangat sibuk, jadi mungkin butuh waktu berhari-hari sampai beliau membalas e-mail anda. Jika sampai 1 minggu tidak ada jawaban dari professor, silakan kirim lagi e-mail untuk mengingatkan beliau. Jika tidak ada jawaban juga, jangan berkecil hati dan coba kontak professor lain.
3) Kalau kelihatannya sama profesor dan kampus ini sudah 'cocok', persiapkan diri untuk mengambil internet-based TOEFL, GRE General, dan GRE Physics untuk dikirim ke kampus tersebut. Silakan melamar tes-tes tersebut di website 'Educational Testing Service'. Pembayaran tes sebaiknya menggunakan kartu kredit. Kalau tidak punya, boleh minta tolong teman, keluarga, atau kantor.
Sebelum mengambil TOEFL dan GRE, sebaiknya paspor anda juga sudah diurus dan masih valid. Paspor biasanya menjadi tanda pengenal yang diakui ketika anda datang ke tempat ujian TOEFL dan GRE.
Usahakan mendapat nilai setinggi-tingginya pada tes tersebut agar peluang diterima di kampus dengan beasiswa semakin besar (iBT-TOEFL >100, GRE General Q: >700, GRE Physics: >700 biasanya sudah dianggap cukup baik). Harap diingat bahwa hasil tes hanya valid selama 2 tahun.
4) Aplikasi lamaran biasanya via-online lewat website kampus. Kalau masih rada gaptek, boleh minta tolong dibantu sama teman atau keluarga yang mengerti internet. Lamaran bisa juga didownload untuk diprint dan diisi sendiri, tetapi ini nanti harus dikirim balik ke Amerika. Ada biaya pendaftaran yang harus dibayar di muka, biasanya dengan kartu kredit. Jika memungkinkan, minta fee-waiver (digratiskan) untuk aplikasi anda, hal ini bisa terjadi jika kampus menilai anda sangat layak diterima menjadi mahasiswa di kampus tersebut. Jika tidak mungkin, bayar dan print kuitansi pembayaran anda. Usahakan koneksi internet anda tidak down selama mengurus pembayaran.
5) Persiapkan dokumen-dokumen pendukung lamaran anda. Yang wajib hukumnya biasanya kopi Ijazah dan Transkrip dalam bahasa Inggris yang sudah terlegalisir. Juga tulisan Essay (Personal Statement, Letter of Motivation, Statement of Purpose, atau apapun namanya) alasan anda bergabung dengan kampus tersebut maupun kelayakan anda memperoleh beasiswa. Bisa juga disertai dengan kopi paspor, KTP, CV, abstrak skripsi, atau kopi sertifikat dan penghargaan yang berhasil diraih selama kuliah. Dokumen bisa diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris dengan bantuan penerjemah tersumpah atau jasa EducationUSA di AMINEF – Balai Pustaka, Jakarta.
6) Seringkali anda diminta menyebutkan 2 – 4 nama orang yang sanggup memberikan surat rekomendasi untuk aplikasi anda. Orang-orang seperti dosen, dosen pembimbing, kajur / dekan / rektor, maupun atasan adalah orang yang sangat pantas untuk memberikan rekomendasinya. Surat bisa mereka ketik sendiri dan tanda tangan, atau –jika mereka mengizinkan- anda ketik sendiri lalu mereka tanda tangan. Usahakan surat dicetak pada kertas berkop resmi universitas tempat anda kuliah / kantor tempat anda bekerja dan dimasukkan pada amplop resmi kampus / kantor anda. Tergantung pada kebijakan kampusnya, surat rekomendasi tersebut bisa dikirim scannya saja via e-mail sang pemberi rekomendasi, atau harus disertakan bersama-sama semua dokumen pendukung aplikasi anda.
Kirimkan semua dokumen anda lewat pos ekspres atau jasa kurir (terkadang kampus juga menerima kiriman dokumen via fax atau scan-nya via e-mail). Hal ini akan memakan waktu beberapa hari atau sekitar satu minggu-an. Jangan lupa untuk terus mengontak kampus untuk memastikan dokumen anda benar sampai ke kampusnya. Juga pastikan semua dokumen yang mereka minta sudah terkirim sekali jalan. Dokumen yang kurang lengkap bisa membuat pengurusan aplikasi anda tertunda sampai anda melengkapi dokumen yang masih kurang tersebut.
7) Bisa saja ada interview dari profesor yang telah anda kontak sebelumnya. Ini untuk mengecek keseriusan anda untuk belajar serta kelancaran anda dalam komunikasa bahasa Inggris. Interview biasanya dilakukan via telepon atau internet. Profesor akan mengontak anda beberapa hari sebelumnya untuk memberikan hari dan jam interview anda, persiapkan diri anda sebaik-baiknya. Usahakan diinterview di tempat yang koneksi telepon atau internetnya bagus dan bebas dari gangguan yang tidak perlu selama interview.
8) Untuk penerimaan mahasiswa Fisika pascasarjana pada Fall 2010, semua hal di atas harus sudah dilakukan sebelum 15 April 2010. Ini merupakan ketentuan bagi semua jurusan Fisika di Amerika, tetapi tidak benar-benar mutlak. Bisa saja lamaran diurus setelah 15 April, tetapi itu sangat tidak dianjurkan.
9) Mengapa harus 15 April? Karena kampus akan memberikan keputusan anda diterima, ditolak, atau sekedar cadangan sebelumnya! Biasanya pada Februari-Maret anda sudah tahu keterima dimana saja, dan mesti mengambil keputusan untuk menerima offer tersebut sebelum 15 April 2010. Setelah 15 April, mereka yang sekedar cadangan boleh harap-harap cemas 'naik tingkat' dan mendapat offer dari kampus yang mereka inginkan. Kampus bisa juga menerima anda tanpa beasiswa sama sekali, atau keputusan beasiswa baru datang belakangan. Harap berhati-hati sebelum menerima atau menolak Admissions offer.
10) Setelah anda memutuskan menerima offer dari kampus -dan saya asumsikan dengan beasiswa yang cukup- kampus akan mengirim form I-20 untuk mengurus visa student (F-1). Pada form ini, ada keterangan SEVIS yang harus diikuti dan dibayarkan sebesar $200. Bayar SEVIS ini segera di situs Department of Homeland Security, dan print kuitansi pembayarannya. Bisa juga menunggu kuitansi pembayaran SEVIS dikirimkan langsung ke alamat kita, tetapi ini memakan waktu.
Bagi yang masih bingung apa itu form I-20 dan SEVIS untuk kuliah di Amerika, silakan cek Google atau Wikipedia.
11) Silakan urus tanggal interview F-1 visa di website kedutaan Amerika, dan persiapkan pasfoto + semua dokumen yang mereka cantumkan. Sangat dianjurkan untuk menggunakan jasa konsultasi Visa dan penerjemahan dokumen di EducationUSA AMINEF – Balai Pustaka, Jakarta supaya bisa lebih siap sebelum tanggal interview. Juga ikuti program Pre-departure Orientation di AMINEF agar bisa lebih mempersiapkan diri sebelum interview visa maupun berangkat ke Amerika.
12) Datang tepat waktu (lebih pagi lebih baik) pada hari interview di kedutaan Amerika. Pakaian sebaiknya rapi dan sopan. Pastikan anda membawa paspor dan dokumen original lengkap, dan sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk menjawab pertanyaan interview dari petugas konsuler. Antrian akan relatif panjang, jadi persiapkan stamina anda.
Jika semua lancar, paspor bercap F-1 visa dapat diambil beberapa hari setelah interview sesuai dengan tanggal yang tercantum pada tiket pengambilan. Jika aplikasi visa anda ditolak, tanyakan keterangan alasan anda ditolak secara tertulis beserta dokumen pelengkap yang harus dibawa pada interview berikutnya. Juga segera kontak AMINEF untuk mempelajari mengapa visa anda ditolak dan konsultasi lebih jauh agar aplikasi F-1 visa berikutnya bisa berhasil.
Selamat Mencoba. Semoga Berhasil

16 Erasmus-Mundus Studentships Computer Vision and Robotics
Posted on | Jumat, 19 Juni 2009 | No Comments
VIBOT is one of the European Union`s flagship Erasmus-Mundus courses. The key aim of VIBOT is to produce the next generation of leading engineering researchers to solve important future challenges in a broad range of engineering applications. Starting from a comprehensive coverage of the prerequisites in the field of digital imagery and basic image processing, the students will cover at specialized level all subjects of artificial vision applied to robotics, medical imagery and 3D vision.
This Masters programme will provide an unrivalled knowledge in computer vision and robotics applied to industrial problems and medical imagery. Moreover, the students will have also acquired a mobility, a broadmindedness and the language skills which constitute, in an age of globalization, a major asset for finding research work either in a public laboratory or in a private company.
VIBOT encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific and engineering research from fundamental theoretical results to applied engineering solutions that have strong industrial relevance. Individuals within the VIBOT research network are leading authorities on areas ranging from computer vision, autonomous vehicles, statistical signal processing, robotics and image processing.
The Masters candidates will experience research cultures in three different European countries and will be able to draw on the expertise from leading experts in different disciplines and different nationalities. The students spend the first semester in Scotland, the second in Spain and the third in France. The fourth semester is reserved for the 5-month Masters research project at one of the host universities or in industry.
Selection Criteria
Admission to VIBOT is highly competitive and based on academic excellence. Applicants should have a minimum of a BSc degree in computer science, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics. The VIBOT research programme is intended for top level non-EU and EU students with a fluent knowledge in spoken and written English (TOEFL 550). Applicants are expected to provide a statement of their research interests and motivation.
Further information and application procedure can be found at:
http://vision. u-bourgogne. fr/masters/ vibot/
Closing date: 15th January 2010
Further Details
Click here for Employer Profile CK045/16_ Erasmus-Mundus_ Studentships

Program beasiswa Departemen Keuangan Untuk Lulusan SMA
Posted on | Senin, 15 Juni 2009 | No Comments
Departemen Keuangan RI telah membuka pendaftaran pendidikan Program Diploma Keuangan gratis. Pendidikan dilaksanakan di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara Jakarta.
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara on-line di sini pada tgl 10 Juni 2009 sd 29 Juni 2009:
Biaya ujian Rp 100.000. Pendaftar harus memiliki alamat email.
Ujian dilakukan secara serentak di 23 kota.
Syarat: nilai ujian nasional SLTA rata-rata minimal 7.0 dari berbagai jurusan, belum menikah dan berbadan sehat.
Informasi rinci silakan tengok di sini
Proses seleksi cukup kompetitif dan insya Allah benar-benar bebas KKN.
Setelah lulus pendidikan, biasanya ditempatkan di instansi pemerintah. Berdasarkan data yang ada, penempatan paling banyak di Departemen Keuangan (Ditjen Pajak, Ditjen Bea Cukai, Ditjen Perbendaharaan, Inspektorat Jenderal, dsb). Ada juga yang ditempatkan di Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dan instansi lainnya.

3 PhD Scholarships in Science and Management of Climate Change
Posted on | Senin, 08 Juni 2009 | No Comments
CALL for APPLICATION 2009/2010
In 2007, the Department of Economics and the Department of
Environmental Sciences of the UniversitĂ Ca' Foscari of Venice, in
collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change
(CMCC), have launched a 3-year PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change.
Every year, up to twelve students are enrolled in this Ph.D. programme.
All lectures are given in English by internationally renowned professors.
The PhD Programme is organised into two streams:
* Dynamic Climatology at the CMCC Headquarters in Bologna
* Climate Change Impact and Management, at the Department of Economics of the University Ca' Foscari of Venice
For the year 2009/2010 (25th cycle of Italian PhD Programmes) we offer three scholaships with the financial support of the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change.
Please note that there are two additional felloship opportuntities funded by AXA-CMCC. More details are available at: http://venus. phd-climate- change/en/ node/187
Courses and credits
The courses will start in September 2009.
During the first year, PhD students will attend twelve 5-credit courses (30-40 hours of lectures, seminars or labs per course). Eleven courses are planned in
each of the two thematic streams, and students will choose the twelfth
one from the list of courses of the other stream. Credits are acquired
by attending the courses and passing a final exam.
During the first year, each student will be assigned a tutor who will be the main reference of the PhD candidates over the 3-year period. Tutors can be academics or distinguished researchers in disciplinary fields related to the PhD programme.
A thesis proposal, coordinated by an academic advisor, must bepresented after the first year. The final thesis is due at the end of the three years. An extension is possible in exceptional cases. The thesis, written in English, is reviewed by two international referees.
In order to apply, students are required to hold an Italian "Laurea magistrale" or an equivalent foreign university degree (e.g. MSc or DEA). Foreign applicants shall provide full documentation of their university studies, including course profiles. Knowledge of the English language is a necessary prerequisite. Students are required to send proof of their knowledge of English (Toefl, Cambridge Certificate,
Please note: Candidates for the Dynamic Climatology Stream should have a background in mathematics or physics at the BA level. Previous experience with numerical modelling and programming in a UNIX/Linux environment would be desirable, though not essential.
The Stream on “Impact and Management of Climate Change” has a multidisciplinary approach and background on Economics or Enviromental Science are preferably. Proficiency in mathematics is requested e.g. integral and differential calculus, linear algebra.
Applications for the PhD programme must be formally submitted by
sending an application form together with the following documents:
* Proposal for a research project to be carried out during the three years;
* Curriculum vitae;
* Presentation/ recommendation letters by previous tutors/professors;
Other documents that may be considered are the following:
* Degree certificates and scores (or equivalent)
* Masters degree certificate or other specialisation courses;
* Academic transcripts (list of courses with grades);
* Scientific publications, including an English abstract;
* Certificates of research experience at universities or research institutions;
* Score in GRE, GMAT, TOEFL or similar standard tests.
Admission evaluation
The candidate's ability to carry out high level research activities will be screened through the evaluation of the documentation attached to the application form. Phone interviews may be organised if necessary.
Application deadline
Applications open on 20th May 2009 and close on 23rd June 2009 h. 12.30 (Rome time)
website link:
http://venus. phd-climate- change/node/ 105

6 PhD Studentships in Computer Science, Swansea Univ, UK
Posted on | Minggu, 07 Juni 2009 | No Comments
Six PhD studentships are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 12,940 GBP stipend plus fees.UK candidates are eligible to apply for all six studentships.
Overseas and EU candidates ARE eligible for some of the studentships!
Potential candidates should preferably have a first-class Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a cognate discipline, or an equivalent qualification.
To ensure consideration for an award, please apply to the University for admission as a PhD student in Computer Science: http://www.swan. te/apply/
Deadline: 15th June 2009
Separate application for an award is NOT required. Candidates should however discuss possible topics with potential supervisors before the end of June. Queries may be addressed to Dr Arnold Beckmann a.beckmann@swansea.
Decisions concerning awards are expected by mid-July.
Computer Science at Swansea University offers an active and stimulating research atmosphere for PhD students, with internationally- leading research groups in Theory, Graphics and HCI. For further details of our research, see: http://www.swan. research/
In RAE 2008, 70% of the research submitted by the department was assessed as either world-leading or internationally excellent; only 12 Computer Science departments throughout the UK achieved a higher percentage of world-leading research. ZM262/Six_ funded_PhD_ Studentships_ in_Computer_ Science/

Kesempatan riset dengan UN di bidang kelautan
Posted on | Selasa, 02 Juni 2009 | No Comments
Riset dibagi dua tahap, tahap pertama (6 bulan) di salah satu dari 38 institusi maritime terkemuka di 19 negara (Australia, Eropa atau Amerika). Tahap kedua di Markas PBB di New York (3 bulan). Semua dana ditanggung, allowance lebih dari USD 2000 per bulan, which is really good.
Untuk ini, kandidat diminta membuat proposal sesuai dengan template yang tersedia dan menyertakan dokumen lain termasuk nominasi dari institusi yang tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipenuhi. Silahkan lihat
Sebagai informasi, hingga kini sudah ada 3 orang Indonesia yang berhasil mendapatkan kesempatan ini. Sebagai negara kepulauan dengan luas laut yang signifikan, kesempatan terbuka lebar untuk Indonesia. Silahkan persiapkan segala sesuatunya mulai sekarang, deadline: Agustus 2009. Please check the website.

Mexican Government Scholarships 2010
Posted on | Kamis, 28 Mei 2009 | No Comments
This Call for scholarships and grants shall be open from April 22 through August 31, 2009, and online registration of candidatures shall be done from July 15 to August 15, 2009, with the exception of the following Programs: “Genaro Estrada” Program for Specialists on Mexico; High-Level Lecture Program; Special Internship Program; Studies on Mexican Independence and the Mexican Revolution; Program of Visits for News Media Collaborators; the Mexican Program to Improve the Quality of Mexico’s Higher Education Institutions; and the “Daniel CosĂo Villegas” Programs of El Colegio de MĂ©xico. The foregoing shall remain open until October 30, 2010. Online registration for these programs is not required.
The general conditions of the scholarships offered by the Foreign Ministry through its General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation are contained in the Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, the text of which can be found at the end of this Call.
Scholarships or grants are not open to persons residing in Mexico nor are they available to foreign diplomats accredited in Mexico or members of their families. Persons who have acquired dual nationality through naturalization will not qualify as eligible candidates.
Scholarship Characteristics
Scholarships are awarded for specialization studies, master’s degrees, doctorates, and medical specialties, postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits, visits for artistic creation and for visiting professors and experts, high-level lecture visits, professional internship programs for visiting professors and postgraduate mobility.
Scholarships are not granted for preparatory courses, distance studies (virtual mobility), supported open learning, or for Direct Doctorates (Master’s and Doctorate integrated programs).
The vast majority of the supply offers come from Mexican public institutions and some private institutions are likewise participating in this Call, including: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey [Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education]; Universidad de las Américas, Puebla [University of the Americas, Puebla]; Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana [Claustro de Sor Juana University]; Universidad Iberoamericana [Ibero-American University]; and Universidad La Salle [La Salle University].
Scholarships are offered in the disciplines stated in this Call, except for odontology, plastic surgery, marketing, accounting, advertising, and business administration. In the field of medicine, scholarships are granted only in the public health institutions, hospitals and institutes established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Ministry of Health cooperation program.
Scholarships are granted for a period of up to one year. In the case of masters’- level studies, scholarships may be renewed for up to 12 months while doctorates and medical specialties and subspecialties, scholarships may be renewed for up to an additional 24 months, in accordance with what is established in the scholarship award. The postgraduate mobility scholarships are granted for a maximum period of 6 months in school system.
Scholarships or grants for postgraduate research and postdoctoral visits shall have a maximum duration of one year and under no circumstances will they be extended beyond that period.
Scholarship grantees must ensure the conclusion of their theses within the regular period of their study programs since no additional extensions are granted for concluding theses or for taking final examinations once the program has been completed.
Scholarships may begin on the date authorized by the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation.
Types of Programs in the Call
Of the programs offered by the Mexican receiving institutions, in collaboration with the SRE, there are three types: Bilateral, which stem chiefly from Agreements and Programs signed between the Government of Mexico and the government of another country; Multilateral, originating from Mexican Government commitments assumed with international bodies or under multilateral mechanisms; and, Special, which encompass topics of considerable importance for Mexico’s international agenda.
The institutions and programs which comprise this Call can be viewed at the following webpage:
Candidate Profiles
Preference will be given to persons who:
* Intend to take studies which focus on themes of priority for their country’s development.
* Will work in areas of particular importance for the institutional development of their country.
* Will take postgraduate studies that are registered in the Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad (PNPC) (National Quality Postgraduate Program).
* Will take postgraduate studies not available in their own countries.
* Will take studies or conduct research at institutions located in states throughout the Mexican Republic.
* Are professors or researchers at public higher education institutions and scientific research centers in their own countries.
* Are government officials in charge of areas or programs of special interest to their countries.
* Work on projects for human, social, or economic development that target marginalized groups or areas which are socially or economically depressed.
General Requirements
* Submit candidature on the corresponding application form (Application Form A or B) within the specified deadline. Both forms are included in this Call. (1)
* Have the official proposal from the government of the candidate’s country that forms part of Application Form A.
* Have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or doctorate, depending on the type of studies for which they are requesting the scholarship or grant.
* Have a minimum GPA of 8, on a scale of 1 to 10, and in the event of a different scale, they must submit the equivalent.
* Have the academic acceptance of the receiving Mexican institution. (2)
* Meet the requirements specified in this Call. Neither incomplete dossiers nor original documents shall be received.
* Return to their home countries upon termination of the scholarship and remain there for at least a time period similar to the duration of the scholarship in Mexico.
* For postgraduate- level research scholarships, the candidate must submit the letter of acceptance issued by the Mexican institution with curricular credit acknowledgement.
The specific requirements are established in each of the Programs. It is recommended that they be very carefully read. (2)
(1) These Application Forms can be found at the following website:
(2) It is possible to receive a letter of contact from an institution at the time of applying for the scholarship or grant and then to later continue with the processing and requirements of the receiving institution. Once the latter have been met and the letter of academic acceptance has been obtained, it must be signed by the Head of the School Services Department, the Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, and/or by the Head or Academic Secretary of the Faculty, School, Institute or Center selected. In the case of medical areas or fields, the acceptance letter must be signed by the Head of the Specialty and the Head of Teaching at the hospital or institute of the Ministry of Health. It is important to mention that the definitive letter of acceptance must be sent – through the receiving institution and/or the respective Mexican Consulate or Embassy – to the SRE at least one month prior to the date the studies are to begin.
In the case of postgraduate studies, the document must indicate the study program in which the candidate was accepted, as well as the program duration and the starting and finishing dates, according to the school calendar, and program modality (six-monthly, four-monthly, or quarterly). In addition, in the case of research visits, the document must specify the name of the academic tutor of the project, the place where it is to be conducted, and the time period it will take.
Regardless of the opening of the Call, applicants must establish contact with the academic institution in order to process their acceptance.
Reception of Dossiers
All scholarship processing formalities must be expedited before the Mexican Embassy in the applicants’ home country or before the concurrent corresponding Embassy, through the applicants’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Education and/or the local governmental institution designated for said purpose. When the application calls for the official proposal signature of the government of the applicants’ country by virtue of being an intergovernmental offer and generally reciprocal, the documentation must carry said signature, otherwise the application shall not be taken into consideration.
Dossiers shall be received at Mexican Embassies between April 22 and August 31, 2009.
Candidatures must be submitted, as required, on either Application Form A or B, properly filled out, together with copies of the documents stipulated. Only applications fully completed and meeting all requirements will be processed. Original documents will not be received.
Documents will need to be notarized or carry an apostil if so requested by the receiving Mexican academic institution as a condition for accepting an applicant.
Candidates must conduct the necessary formalities directly with the Mexican institutions of their interest and must have the latters’ acceptance before candidatures can be officially considered. If at the time of handing in a dossier an applicant does not yet have academic acceptance, said candidature shall only be received conditionally.
Selection Criteria
* Academic excellence of the candidate in the area intended to be studied at a Mexican institution.
* A congruent relationship between candidates’ academic and professional backgrounds and the area in which they wish to specialize in Mexico.
* Importance of the studies and their direct influence on the development of the candidate’s country.
* Reintegration of candidates into their countries’ labor market on completion of the scholarship.
* Connection between the studies and specific projects underway or already approved, as well as their impact on the development of candidates’ countries.
* A projection of the specific application of the knowledge acquired.
Applications meeting all requirements shall be reviewed by a Preselection Committee in the applicants’ respective country.
The final decision regarding scholarship awards rests with the Government of Mexico and shall not be open to appeal.
Scholarship Benefits
* Enrollment and school fees, where applicable.
* Monthly allowance, equal to:
1) 4 D.F. (Federal District-Mexico City) minimum wages for a specialty, Master’s or Master’s-level research, as well as for studies in the Spanish language and Mexican culture. This currently amounts to $6,576.00 pesos.
2) 5 D.F. (Federal District-Mexico City) minimum wages for a doctorate or doctoral research, as well as postdoctoral visits, medical specialties or subspecialties, and expert and artistic visits.. This currently amounts to $8220.00 pesos.
* Medical insurance coverage from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), effective as of the third month of the scholarship, as long as scholarship grantees comply with the delivery of the documentation requested in due time and manner in order to proceed with their admission into the IMSS system.
* At the beginning of the scholarship, transportation from Mexico City to the location of the academic institution where the grantee is to study, and transportation from there back to Mexico City upon termination of the scholarship.
* International air travel costs will only be paid to nationals of countries with which Mexico has a reciprocal agreement covering the international air travel of scholarship grantees, and, to grantees whose program in this Call includes said benefit.
Any expenses not stipulated in the foregoing shall be payable by the scholarship grantee, including: costs involving study incorporation and revalidation costs; costs for printing of the thesis; graduation and degreeprocurement processing fees; costs of registration in the National Register of Foreigners; and visa renewal fees.
Scholarship Awards
The scholarships for 2010 will be awarded by the SRE, through its General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation. Scholarship grantees shall be notified between December 1 and 17, 2009. The results will be delivered in writing at the corresponding Mexican Embassy.
The terms and conditions of the scholarship awards shall be made known to applicants through the Mexican Embassy in their countries.
Scholarships are non-transferable to other individuals and may not be deferred for any school years other than those for which the scholarship was originally granted.
Persons granted a scholarship from this Call must sign a written pledge to return to their native countries upon completion of their scholarship studies.
Regulations for Scholarship Grantees
Scholarship grantees shall be documented as non-immigrant students at the Consular Section of the Mexican Embassy in their countries. They must not travel to Mexico as tourists.
Scholarship grantees who hold dual nationality must enter Mexico as scholarship grantees and accredited citizens of the country which proposed their candidature.
Scholarship grantees must agree to sign the document entitled “Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships”, which is included in this annual Call. Signing this document, as well as the Award Contract, constitutes acceptance of the scholarship and of the conditions governing the grantee’s stay in Mexico.
Once a scholarship is awarded, no changes of either educational institution or studies will be permitted. In the event a scholarship grantee were to abandon his/her studies, become involved in activities contrary to the provisions of Mexican law, fail a subject or unjustifiably obtain grades below a GPA of 8.5 (eight-pointfive) , on a scale of 0 to 10 in each study period, the scholarship shall be cancelled.
Scholarship grantees must abide by the rules of the Mexican academic institution where they are studying. Should they directly or indirectly participate in any hostile movement or act, inside or outside their academic surroundings, or should the academic institution discharge or expel a grantee, the scholarship shall be cancelled automatically.
Scholarships are granted to pursue studies in Mexico, therefore, candidates may not be absent from the country for a period exceeding 30 days per scholarship year. Should this occur, the scholarship allowance shall be suspended but may be reinstated and/or cancelled definitively.
Permits to leave the country cannot be accumulated from one year to another.. The year shall be counted as of the date on which the scholarship begins. Those grantees receiving a scholarship for a period of less than 12 months shall be analyzed on case-by-case basis.
Preference shall be given to candidatures whose thesis or research can be done in its entirety in Mexico, to prevent setbacks for students who, because of their chosen subjects, might need to return, halfway through studies, to their native countries to gather information. When this occurs, the scholarship shall be temporarily suspended upon the students’ departure from Mexico and reinstated upon their return, in accordance with the timeline granted by the Directorate for Academic Exchange (DIA) of the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation.
a) Immigration
Once candidates have received official written notification of the scholarship award, they must then proceed with all formalities stipulated before the corresponding Mexican Embassy or Consulate. Grantees must be documented as scholarship students with Immigration Form 3 (FM3) not as tourists.
Scholarship grantees may not travel on diplomatic or official passports. The costs of registration and visa renewal shall be borne by the scholarship grantees.
b) Travel to Mexico
If international air travel forms part of the scholarship benefits, the airline ticket will be arranged by the Directorate for Academic Exchange. The Mexican Embassy in the respective country shall notify grantees of the flight and ticket details. In the event international air travel is not included in the scholarship benefits, grantees must travel to Mexico at their own expense.
Before the trip to Mexico, grantees must be sure to have international medical insurance to cover their expenses in the event of illness, accident, or hospitalization for the first three months of their stay in Mexico, given that the IMSS medical insurance does not come into effect until the third month of the scholarship.
c) Arrival in Mexico
Upon arrival in Mexico City, scholarship grantees must report in person to the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation located at: Plaza Juárez N°20, Piso 4 (Fourth Floor), Col. Centro, 06010, MĂ©xico, D.F. between 09:00 and 13:30 hours, Monday thru Friday, to complete the necessary formalities for their registration as SRE scholarship grantees. We recommend that you consult your scholarship grantee guide.
d) First Allowance Payment
The first allowance will be paid to scholarship grantees during the last days of the month in which the scholarship begins and in accordance with the annual calendar they will be given by their local Mexican Embassy before traveling to Mexico. Consequently, it is essential that grantees bring enough living expenses to last for at least the first 30 days. Scholarship grantees who fail to report to the DIA and be documented within the first ten days of the month in which the scholarship begins shall forfeit the first allowance payment.
e) Payment of Monthly Allowance
In the annual calendar schedule, the monthly-allowance payment day and the payroll-list signing dates are stipulated. Scholarship grantees accredited with institutions in the metropolitan area (Mexico City) must go to sign the corresponding payroll list at the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange. Scholarship grantees studying in the interior of the Republic must send – via e-mail – confirmation of receipt of their allowance payment. For said purpose and at the moment of being documented, they will be given a simple form prepared by the Directorate for Academic Exchange.
f) Intermediate Formalities
Scholarship grantees must familiarize themselves with the document entitled Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, as well with the processes they must observe as grantees during their stay in this country so as not to omit any formality.
g) Final Formalities
Upon completion of their studies or research, scholarship grantees must hand in to the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation a copy of the graduating-exam proof document, as well an electronic version of their thesis or final paper and a letter signed by the tutor confirming attainment of the objectives of the project. If applicable, they must also request the airline ticket for return to their home country and be informed of the departure date.
In the event of failing to comply with the foregoing requirements, the last monthly allowance payment and the airline ticket shall be cancelled, if applicable.
Obligations of Scholarship Grantees
These can be found in the document entitled Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, which grantees must sign at the moment of receiving the scholarship award and thereby promise to abide by its provisions and respect its contents

Setiap calon hanya dapat memilih salah satu Universitas dan Sekolah Tinggi yang diakui oleh Pemerintah Italia. Tidak boleh memilih Universitas asing, Sekolah Tinggi Asing,
dan Pusat-pusat Studi swasta yang tidak diakui oleh Pemerintah Italia.
a. Kursus bahasa jangka pendek
b. Program Sarjana :
- Karena sesuai dengan U.U. 249/99 penerimaan mahasiswa di program sarjana akan melalui proses saringan, disarankan agar pemohon mendaftarkan diri pada program lainnya sebagai pilihan alternatif, agar apabila tidak diterima pada satu program, kesempatan untuk mempertahankan beasiswanya tidak akan hilang.
c.Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik:
- Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik (akademi dan konservatori), Sekolah Tinggi Restorasi dan Sekolah Tinggi Sinematografi.
d. Pasca Sarjana:
- Program untuk mendapatkan gelar Master tingkat I dan II (dengan jangka waktu minimum satu tahun akademik).
- Para calon penerima beasiswa untuk gelar Master akan diberitahukan mengenai biaya studi dan kemungkinan bahwa program tersebut mengharuskan mahasiswanya untuk mengikuti perkuliahan di institusi akademik yang berada di luar Italia.
e. Program S3:
- Kriteria penerimaan pada program tersebut ditentukan oleh masing-masing Universitas. Disarankan menghubungi masing-masing institusi atau mencari informasi pada situs-situs internet terkait.
f. Penelitian:
- Harus mendaftarkan diri dan mengikuti program sarjana dan/atau program pasca sarjana.
- Dalam kategori kursus spesialisasi tidak termasuk jurusan kedokteran (UU 08.08.1991 n.257).
h. Kursus Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Italia untuk Dosen Bahasa Italia
- Kursus Bahasa dan Budaya Italia diperuntukan bagi dosen Indonesia yang mengajar bahasa Italia. Beasiswa untuk kursus mengenai pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Italia
dilaksanakan di UniversitĂ per Stranieri di Perugia, Siena dan Roma Tre atau pada institusi-institusi lain yang berhak mengeluarkan sertifikat pengajaran bahasa Italia sebagai bahasa asing.
Calon penerima beasiswa diharuskan untuk memiliki surat penerimaan dari dosen atau institusi yang dipilih.
Para calon penerima beasiswa program Sarjana dan Pasca Sarjana - dimana ruang lingkup
studinya mewajibkan untuk mengikuti satu bagian dari program yang dilaksanakan di tempat yang berbeda dari institusi akademik ilmu pengetahuan utama yang menerima para calon beasiswa-akan diminta agar merinci hal tersebut pada saat pendaftaran supaya
Direksi Jenderal dapat mempersiapkan dalam waktu yang sesuai pengiriman perintah pembayaran di setiap loket Bendahara Provinsi yang ada di setiap wilayah.
Periode beasiswa bervariasi antara 3, 6, 9 dan 12 bulan. Periode beasiswa adalah tahun akademik 2009-2010 (1/10/2009—30/10/2010). Pembayaran beasiswa akan berlaku untuk
periode Januari—September 2010. Sedangkan untuk program Master/S3 dapat diperpanjang
sampai 31 Maret 2011.
Syarat-syarat utama bagi calon penerima beasiswa adalah sebagai berikut:
1)Kemampuan berbahasa Italia
Kemampuan berbahasa Italia merupakan syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi oleh para calon
melalui wawancara di Institut Kebudayaan Italia atau menunjukkan Sertifikat Bahasa Italia. Syarat tersebut tidak berlaku untuk program kursus bahasa Italia.
2) Ijazah
Calon penerima beasiswa harus memiliki ijazah sesuai dengan yang diminta untuk pendaftaran pada institusi akademik yang dipilih. Beberapa ketentuan mengenai hal tersebut:
- Ijazah harus diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Italia dan disahkan oleh perwakilan Pemerintah Italia di negara tempat studi dilakukan.
- Ijazah harus disertai surat pernyataan oleh Kedutaan Besar Italia tentang nilai ijazah di negara tempat studi dilakukan.
- Untuk pendaftaran pada Program Sarjana di Universitas- universitas di Italia, calon penerima beasiswa harus memiliki Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum atau setara, yang di negaranya dianggap sah untuk memasuki tingkat Universitas.
- Untuk pendaftaran pada Program Spesialisasi, Pasca Sarjana dan Program Master tingkat I dan II di Universitas Italia dibutuhkan ijazah sarjana yang setara dengan ijazah Italia guna melakukan pendaftaran dan dokumen lainnya yang akan ditetapkan oleh institusi akademik yang dipilih oleh calon penerima beasiswa.
- Untuk menjadi mahasiswa pada Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik dibutuhkan sertifikat / ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) atau setara, untuk dapat diterima pada
akademi kesenian atau konservatorium.
- Untuk mengikuti kursus Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Italia dibutuhkan ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU).
3) Batas Usia
Batas usia untuk penerima beasiswa adalah 35 tahun. Batas usia tersebut tidak berlaku untuk dosen bahasa Italia, dengan syarat dosen tersebut melakukan kegiatan mengajar bahasa Italia. Pengecualian untuk Sekolah Tinggi Sinematografi yang menuntut batas usia yang tidak melebihi 27 tahun.
Calon penerima beasiswa minimal harus berumur 18 tahun.
4) Pengajuan permohonan
Aplikasi permohonan beasiswa harus dilakukan
secara online di :
> opportunitĂ > opportunitĂ per gli stranieri >
domanda di borsa di studio
Setelah melakukan aplikasi online, formulir harap dicetak, ditandatangani, dilengkapi dengan pas foto dan dikirimkan ke Istituto Italiano di Cultura beserta :
- Dua surat rekomendasi dari otoritas akademik
- Surat Penerimaan dari universitas yang dituju (kecuali untuk program bahasa)
Permohonan beasiswa yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan di atas dianggap gagal
10 JUNI 2009

Scholarship Workshop at LBI FIB UI Salemba
Posted on | Jumat, 15 Mei 2009 | 1 Comment
Held in 3 sessions, the workshop will guide you all through the way to plan, write, and present your scholarship proposal, as well as to train you to go through the interview successfully. LBI Scholarship Workshop is a 9-hour workshop to maximize your chances of winning a scholarship:
- How do I start to write a winning scholarship proposal?
- What personal information is crucial to include?
- How Should I organize my essay to get me noticed?
- What kinds of question should I anticipate for the interview?
- How can I give distinctive impression to the interviewer?
- What are the do’s and don’ts during the interview?
he workshop will be conducted in English by FIB UI lecturers who have ever won scholarships to pursue post-graduate study abroad.
Investment Rp. 400.000,00
for 3 session at LBI FIBUI Salemba at 20th,
22nd, and 27th of May 2009, 18.00-21.00.
LBI FIB UI Depok:Ă‚ Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Building V, 1st
floor. University
of Indonesia, Depok. Ph:
(021) 7864075, 78849082
LBI FIBUI Salemba: Jl. Salemba
Raya No: 4 Jakarta.
31930335, 3922436, 31902112
www.lbifib.ui. edu
All the best,
Lembaga Bahasa
Internasional FIBUI
University of Indonesia’s Salemba Campus
University of Indonesia’s Depok Campus
Ph. Salemba : (021) 31930335, 31902112, 3922436
Ph. Depok : (021) 7864075, 78849082
Cell. 0818160114

Beasiswa Sampoerna School of Education
Posted on | Senin, 11 Mei 2009 | No Comments
Our country needs YOU to be part of an international standard quality education to develop future leaders. Be part of a NEW GENERATION of professional teachers who will be the leaders and role models for our students.
• International perspective and cross-cultural understanding
• Latest teaching methods enhanced with leading-edge technology
• Develops character building, leadership skills and moral education
Job Security
• Full Training and Career Development
• Job placement opportunity in Sampoerna Foundation schools
Job Satisfaction
• Leading and guiding potential young leaders of tomorrow
• Improving the standards of education in Indonesia
Service to Society
• Contribute towards tolerance and diversity in this country
• Enable understanding and appreciation of others
• Improve society and the community
Inspiration to Others
• Provide role models for our youths
• Aspire to achieve greater goals
The SSE is an institution of higher learning aiming at creating a new generation of teachers equipped with an international standard of teaching competency and leadership skills to develop the youths of today.
• Mathematics Education
• English Education
World Class School of Education
* International best practices & teaching methodologies
* Dual language medium of instruction
* Highly reputable & international faculty
* Partnerships with international institutions
* Excellent students services
Leading Edge Campus Facility
* Fully equipped classrooms of modern and comfortable designs
* State of the art Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
* Language Laboratories
* Extensive resources library with a full range of research and reference materials
* Comfortable lounge with wired internet connectivity
* Spacious cafeteria facilities
* Equal opportunity based on merit
* Potential for talented candidates for future development
• Professional Career Counseling
• Comprehensive extra-curricular and social activities towards teacher professionalism
• Integrated internship program in leading institutions
• Graduate placement through Sampoerna Foundation network
• Sustainable professional development and career opportunities after graduation
• Admission Procedure
• Application Form
• Reference Form
For Further Inquiries Please Contact:
SSE Admission Office
Sampoerna Strategic Square, Tower A, 18th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav.45, Jakarta 12930
Phone: 021-5772275 Fax: 021-5772276
Email: info.TI@sampoernafoundation.orgThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Website :

Artists in Residence Program in Japan
Artists in Residence Program 2010
(maksimum 3 bulan di antara April 2010~31 Maret 2011)
KYOTO Art Center (KAC) menyelenggarakan program residensi bagi seniman dan peneliti seni yang tertarik pada budaya Jepang. Para peserta akan tinggal di Kyoto.
KAC akan menanggung seluruh biaya akomodasi selama masa programnya di Kyoto (max. 3 bulan tidak termasuk makanan dan keperluan hidup lainnya. KAC akan menyediakan ruang kerja dan fasilitasnya setelah disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak.
KAC akan memberikan grant sebesar 200,000 yen biaya produksi untuk perorangan maupun grup yang dinilai bagus. Aplikasi harus sudah diterima selambatnya 30 Juni 2009
Informasi :
Kyoto Art Center Artists-in-Residence Program
546-2 Yamabushiyama- cho, Nakagyo-Ku, Kyoto 604-8156 JAPAN
Tel. 081-75-213-1000 Fax 81-75-213-1004

Beasiswa TPL Dep.Perindustrian Deadline 20 Mei 2009
Posted on | Minggu, 10 Mei 2009 | 2 Comments
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut Departemen Perindustrian akan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa-siswi berprestasi tingkat Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas (SMA/MA/SMK) yang tidak mampu pada Pemerintah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota diprioritaskan untuk daerah tertinggal, daerah terpencil, daerah perbatasan, Pasca bencana, Pasca konflik, dan daerah pemekaran, untuk disekolahkan pada Unit Pendidikan di Lingkungan Departemen Perindustrian dengan Program Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM setara dengan Program D-3, dengan spesialisasi sebagai berikut :
- Teknologi Pembuatan Kain
- Teknologi Pengendalian Mutu Industri
- Teknologi Bahan Kulit, Karet & Plastik Teknologi Pengolahan
- Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
- Pengelolaan Lingkungan Industri
- Kewirausahaan (enterpreunership)
- Pengolahan Industri Pangan
- Teknologi Pangan
- Teknologi Pengolahan Atsiri dan Produk Hilir CPO
Info lebih lengkap silahkan buka situs depperin

CMCRC Scholarships
Exciting research with opportunities for international travel
We are seeking graduates with qualifications in one, or more of:
* Finance
* Econometrics
* Information Technology / Data mining
* Computational Linguistics
* Accounting
The Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC) has been a very successful research centre that has won prizes for its research and has already spun-off several businesses. The research work of the existing CMCRC is described below. Funding has recently been obtained for a much larger CRC that will operate internationally. The CMCRC’s research is supported by government, industry partners, security exchanges, and regulators in Australia, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Scandinavia, and North America. Students are based both in Australia and overseas and have some opportunity to travel.
The CMCRC provides an exciting, high calibre, and well resourced research environment for work in capital markets. The research objective is to create better capital markets locally, regionally, and globally. CMCRC research is about providing a better understanding of financial markets (their operation and their price behaviour) and research which facilitates the provision of advances in technology to capital markets. In the CMCRC there is a particular focus on the enhancement of market integrity and security. CMCRC research is also about realising commercial benefits from innovation, and the CMCRC provides direct participation in commercial results for PhD Students.
Programmes currently operate under the following research themes:
* market design and market behaviour
* surveillance and compliance
* data mining
* language technology
* the analysis of accounting and audit data relevant to security markets.
Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Applications are invited for full-time scholarships to support PhD studies. We seek highly motivated and enthusiastic scholars from the disciplines above, who wish to work in the area of financial markets.
Successful candidates will have a 1st class honours degree in one of the disciplines above, or a Masters degree with a major research component, an exceptional academic record, strong written and verbal communications skills, and an ability to work in a team environment. The successful applicants will work closely with one or more industry partners, and consequently will need to be flexible with regard to their research topic. Students will be enrolled at The University of New South Wales, The University of Technology Sydney, The University of Wollongong, The University of Sydney, Macquarie University, or an overseas university associated with the CMCRC, such as the University of Reading. Students generally apply to the CMCRC before they apply to the university, but applications may proceed simultaneously. We encouage applicants to establish contact with potential supervisors at our partner universities in conjunction with their application.
Award Tenure
Subject to satisfactory performance, scholarships are tenable for up to three years commencing in 2009 and 2010. Scholarships of up to $50,000 pa will be offered. The scholarship is tax free. Australian residents in our program obtain RTS places, which means that they do not pay tuition fees or HECS.
Application Closing Dates
Applications are considered for selection several times per year. Please submit your completed application before one of the following closing dates. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed prior to placement. The selection and placement process normally takes about 8 weeks.
Application Closing Date
15 June, 2009
15 November, 2009
Additional information for international students.
International students are eligible to apply for scholarships. It is particularly important for international students to demonstrate the quality of their qualification, their capacity for research and their ability in written and spoken English. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed. Note: the CMCRC does not pay university tuition fees for international students. International students can usually apply to their university or faculty for a fee scholarship, or fee waiver. CMCRC students are usually successful in such applications, but this is a matter for the student and the university, not the CMCRC.
PhD Scholarship Application Form (PDF)
Completed application forms should be sent to:Capital Markets CRC Limited
Scholarship Selection Committee
GPO Box 970, Sydney, NSW 2001 Enquiries can be directed to:Dr Will Renner,
Senior Education Manager, CMCRC
Fax: +61 (0) 2 8088 4201
Email: scholarships@

Kami ucapkan selamat bagi siswa-siswi yang berhasil mengikuti tahap seleksi interview.
I Konfirmasi Kesediaan Interview
· Siswa yang berhasil mengikuti proses seleksi tahap ke – II ini, diharapkan untuk segera menghubungi Sdri. Muna Pratiwi No Telp. 021 7918 1188 Ext. 132 dan 124, atau ke e-mail muna.pratiwi @ untuk menyatakan kesediaan diinterview dan hadir dalam proses interview, pada tempat dan waktu yang telah ditentukan.
· Konfirmasi kesediaan untuk interview dapat dilakukan mulai Senin 11 Mei 2009 dan dapat dilakukan setiap hari kerja, pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB.
· Batas waktu konfirmasi kesediaan interview, paling lambat Rabu 20 Mei 2008, pukul 16.00 WIB.
II Teknis Interview
· Interview akan dilakukan pada waktu dan tempat yang telah ditentukan.
· Siswa diharapkan hadir, 15 menit sebelum kegiatan Interview dimulai.
· Siswa diharapkan membawa tanda pengenal (KTP/SIM/Passport) asli dan membawa hasil karya bukti prestasi/keahlian yang telah dituliskan pada formulir aplikasi. Serta membawa alat bantu untuk membuktikan keahlian atau bakat yang dimiliki, jika diperlukan.
· Setiap siswa yang datang untuk interview akan mendapatkan biaya transport.
III Bentuk Test
· Paramadina English Proficiency Test (PEPT) dan Interview Paramadina Fellowship 2009.
IV Catatan
· Proses seleksi Tahap I dilaksanakan oleh Tim Panel PF 2009 dengan mempertimbangkan prestasi akademis dan non – akademis.
· Hasil keputusan Tim Panel PF 2009 tidak dapat diganggu – gugat.
· Universitas Paramadina dan Tim Panel PF 2009 tidak melakukan pemungutan biaya sedikitpun dalam proses seleksi ini.
Tim Panel Paramadina Fellowship 2009

9 PhD Studentships in Business, Uni. of Bedfordshire, UK
PhD Bursary Studentship
£13,290 per annum
Closing date: 26 May 2009
Interviews will be held within the first 2 weeks in June 2009
Bedfordshire Business School is one of the largest in the region with some 100 staff and over 4000 students, of which about a third are from overseas and about a quarter are postgraduates. The School offers practical, relevant, vocational courses underpinned by research excellence. Our staff have a multitude of teaching, research and commercial experience. In the 2008 RAE results, Business and Management Studies have been recognised as `internationally excellent'. The school has a Business and Management Research Institute (BMRI) which manages all of research activity within the school. It is committed to producing high quality research that is applied and applicable, and relevant to the needs of the business community. The school has a strong record in attracting external funding and conducting collaborative research with both UK and international partners.
The Institute currently has more than 30 research students and is offering up to nine studentships in the following areas:
· Intelligent systems in business and management: applications and impact.
· Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management
· Finance and Banking, especially the risk and perception of risk by lending institutions
· Entrepreneurship
· Public relations in the new media
Please download job pack below:
PhD Bursary Studentship Job Pack
Application Pack
http://www.beds. jobs/vacancies/ academic/ BU3078 AI193/PhD_ Bursary

A PhD scholarship is available at the Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change (ENSPAC)
Posted on | Kamis, 07 Mei 2009 | No Comments
The purpose of the PhD project is to use distributed temperature sensing (DTS) of streams to improve the spatial parameterization and modelling of catchment hydrological processes. The DTS system uses a long (2 km) fiber-optic cable to provide stream temperature measurements with 1 m resolution. In particular, the system will be used to identify, parameterize and model lateral inflows to the stream in relation to the spatial characteristics of the upland contributing areas. The PhD student will be involved in measuring, analyzing and modelling the data using also ancillary information.
The scholarship is financed by the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production as part of a larger research project which includes the use of Earth observation and other spatial data for modelling hydrological and atmospheric processes (www.upscalehydrolo . The PhD student will be working in the research project group and is co-supervised by the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Environment) who is also a research project partner. The PhD student will be affiliated to the Graduate Programme in Environmental Stress Studies (GESS) at Roskilde University. GESS is an international graduate program that covers a broad range of research topics within the area of environmental stress ( gess).
Candidates with a background in physical geography or environmental engineering and with an interest in both field hydrology and hydrological modelling are encouraged to apply for the position. Experience in hydrological modelling, spatial data management, computer programming, field hydrology and/or data analysis is considered advantageous. Further information can be obtained by contacting Eva Boegh (eboegh-at-ruc. dk, tel +45 46743942) or Dan Rosbjerg (dr-at-env.dtu. dk, tel +45 45251449).
Employment as Ph.d. student is for up to 3 years. The employment includes up to 840 hours work at the department (teaching, research communication etc.) The applicant should be willing to work with national and international monitoring programs and assessment of environmental quality. Salary and other conditions are in accordance with agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.
Candidates receiving GESS scholarships are automatically registered in the school. They are expected to participate actively in relevant courses, seminars and other activities arranged by GESS.
Roskilde University encourages all interested applicants, regardless of age, sex religious or ethnic background to apply.
The application should include a project proposal description (max 5 pages), candidate certificate, and curriculum vitae. Letters of recommendation may also be submitted. The application should be submitted in 5 copies to
PhD Secretary, Jytte Bach
Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change
Roskilde University
Universitetsvej 1, PO Box 260
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
The deadline for application is Monday 25 May 2009, at 12:00 noon.
Material received after this time will not be taken into account.
Applications sent by e-mail will not be considered.

Apakah kamu orang yang kami cari?
Apakah kamu siap mengambil kesempatan ini?! Menciptakan perubahan positif bagi lingkungan kita?! Berdiri dan melakukan perbedaaan demi melindungi planet kita?!
Jadilah bagian dari Program “Greenpeace University”. Selain melakukan hal-hal di atas juga mempelajari berbagai keahlian dan menggali pengalaman untuk menjadi aktivis lingkungan masa depan.
Ikutilah program menarik yang pertama kali diadakan di Asia Tenggara ini! Dalam program ini kamu akan mengalami proses belajar langsung selama 3 bulan yang tak akan terlupakan, dengan program training yang sistematis dan pengarahan oleh para pelatih berpengalaman di bidangnya, dan pengalaman langsung di lapangan.
Para peserta akan menyelami dunia Greenpeace! Disini mereka akan mengalami berbagai sisi operasi Greenpeace dan juga pelatihan-pelatihan utama yang penting, seperti kampanye dasar, manajemen proyek, serta teknik riset. Berdasarkan pelatihan tematik ini, para peserta akan diberi kesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan langsung pengetahuan yang telah diperoleh melalui berbagai aktifitas dan tantangan yang relevan dan diawasi secara penuh.
Para siswa yang sukses menyelesaikan program ini akan diberikan sertifikat sebagai tanda pencapaian mereka.
Untuk bisa mengikuti program ini, kamu harus memenuhi kriteria berikut:
* Berusia antara 20-25 tahun
* Mampu dan mengerti bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tertulis
* Bisa mengoperasikan komputer
* Memiliki komitmen dan keinginan kuat untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan hidup
* Bersemangat, antusias dan bersedia untuk bekerja keras, belajar secara mandiri dan terus menerus menantang diri sendiri
* Percaya diri, proaktif dan berorientasi pada hasil
* Bisa bekerja sama dalam tim dengan perilaku positif
* Bersedia berkomitmen untuk mengikuti program ini secara penuh selama 3 bulan (40 jam per minggu) secara sukarela (catatan: akan disediakan uang saku hanya untuk menutupi biaya transportasi lokal selama mengikuti program di Jakarta)
Calon yang memenuhi syarat dipersilakan mengirimkan riwayat hidup dan melampirkan tulisan sepanjang 500 kata yang memaparkan “Mengapa kamu ingin menjadi suara baru bagi masa depan planet bumi, dan mengikuti program Greenpeace University?” (dalam Bahasa Inggris atau Bahasa Indonesia) ke:
Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 10 Mei 2009.
Jadilah aktivis lingkungan masa depan dan bergabung dengan Greenpeace University!
Greenpeace hadir karena bumi yang rapuh ini perlu suara.
© 2008 Greenpeace Southeast Asia - Indonesia Office
Jl. Cimandiri 24, Cikini, Jakarta, Indonesia 10330
Tel: +62 21 310 1873| Fax: +62 21 310 2174|

Victoria University Australia Scholarship Program 2009
Posted on | Kamis, 30 April 2009 | No Comments
For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study at masters and doctorate level.
For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.
Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Application Forms
For more details please visit
Contact us
If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.
ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)

Victoria University Australia Scholarship Program 2009
For Indonesian Students
The Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) offers scholarships to lecturers in Indonesian Polytekniks to study at masters and doctorate level.
For Malaysia Students
The MARA Scholarships provides financial aid for Bumiputera students to study courses in science, engineering, management and other courses at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level.
Saudi Arabia
The King Abdullah Scholarship Program sponsors highly qualified Saudi students, who meet the highest level of academic standards, to study TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Application Forms
For more details please visit
Contact us
If you have further questions about scholarships, make you check our section on frequently asked questions on scholarships.
ASKVU Find answers and ask questions
Phone +61 39919 5568
Location Footscray Park Campus, Building M, Level 2 (via Student Engagement Reception)

Scholarship 2009/2010 for Nutrition in Emergencies in UK
1. Amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
2. Eligibility: You must be from a developing country.
3. Criteria: Financial need and to be employed in the relevant sector in a country prone to disaster.
Deadline: 15 August 2009.
Please note we only accept hard copy of your application, we do not accept faxes or email attachments.
Please allow sufficient time for your application to reach us by mail.
University of Westminster
Scholarships Office
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 2349/2338
For further information please visit thi web

Scholarship for Master in International Media Studies
The bilingual Master`s Program offers a unique course offer given the current development of global media and the connection between media and cooperative development. Students from around the world will benefit from the inclusion of partners and the unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience.
The program combines topics like media and development, journalism, communication science and media economics, while developing practical skills and competencies that are important for the world of media.
Free and independent media is a significant factor for a functioning democracy, social justice and the protection of human rights. The Master`s Program is based on the belief that there is a connection between democracy and development, between the freedom of opinion and democracy as well as between free media and development. The prerequisite for the establishment of a functioning, free media system are journalists who realize their role as a critical observer and reporter. This can only be guaranteed when they are professionally trained and feel obligated by a set of journalistic ethics.
By training journalists academically, the Master`s Program is therefore a targeted step towards making the media spokespeople for openness within democracy.
The courses are based on the values of democracy, freedom and conflict prevention, civil society and good government – representative of the connection between the media and cooperative development.
Students will acquire the knowledge and skills that are essential for a journalistic career. They will be able to meet specific occupational requirements with expertise and communicative independence.
The Master`s Program trains students – personally and professionally – to be competent journalists and prepare them for a challenging role as expert or manager in the media sector.
Target Group
The program is targeted at students from around the world that want to work in a position of responsibility in journalism or the communications sector. It especially addresses journalists-in-training, media representatives from radio, TV, online and print and communication experts.
Those interested must have already completed an academic program (bachelor`s or equivalent) and have at least one year of professional media experience.
The program will be bilingual (English and German), whereby English will be the prevalent course language.
Especially targeted at:
- Media representatives from radio, TV, online and print
- Journalists- in-training, especially from electronic media
- Journalists and management from community radio stations
- Communication experts
- NGO employees
- Employees from ministries
- Employees from cooperative development groups and projects
- Representatives from regional working groups and national broadcasters
- Media association representatives
15 Scholarships will be awarded to applicants from Africa, Asia, Latin America or Eastern Europe. The scholarship will be about 750 Euro covering your cost of living and costs for accommodation. The tuition fee and the flight will be remunerated, too. A committee will decide which applicant will receive a scholarship. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, you are required to submit the following documents:
- completed application form (attachment)
- curriculum vitae in table form
- statement of purpose
- academic degree including transcripts
- proof of at least one year`s work experience in the field of media after your degree
- proof of English-language skills (TOEFL: score of 550 or higher, IELTS: Score of 6.0 or higher, BULATS: score of 70 or higher, LCCI: level of 3, etc.)
- proof of German-language skills (TestDaF level TDN 3 or DSH level 1)
- one passport-size photograph
- copy of the first two pages of passport
- original Certificate of APS (for applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia)
Please note that the copies of the certificates and the translations into German or English need to be certified.
Please send your application form to:
Deutsche Welle, DW-AKADEMIE,
International Media Studies,
Dr. Christoph
Schmidt, 53110 Bonn, Germany,

PRIC Indonesia Student Ambassador Cultural Exchange Scholarship
Posted on | Selasa, 21 April 2009 | No Comments
The selection process is now open for representative from Indonesia. The selection process is open for any Indonesian male SMP or SMA students age 15 to 17 as of the 1st of August 2009. One needs to be physically fit and have a passion for international relations to be considered.
In sum, PRIC's programs and activities are designed to train the body, mind and spirit towards creating young international pioneers, the leaders of tomorrow.
Details of the selection process for Indonesia can be downloaded at http://tinyurl. com/pric09.
The last date for submission is 9th of May 2009.

Internship at UNCSD
The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its Headquarters in New York.
This Internship Programme is for the United Nations Headquarters in New York only.
Eligible candidates interested in doing an internship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York can apply.
The objective of the Internship Programme is threefold:
1). To provide a framework by which graduate and post-graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to United Nations Offices where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments.
2). To expose them to the work of the United Nations.
3). To provide UN offices with the assistance of highly qualified students specialized in various professional fields.
The United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme is offered on a two-month basis three times a year:
- Mid January to mid March (Spring Session): The vacancy announcement is posted mid May, the deadline for applications is mid September.
- Early June to early August (Summer Session): The vacancy announcement is posted mid September, the deadline for applications is end of January.
- Mid September to mid November (Fall Session): The vacancy announcement is posted end of January, the deadline for applications is mid May.
To qualify for the United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met:
1. Applicants must be enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship; or
2. Applicants pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages must have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree.
Any work produced by interns during their internship within the framework of the duties assigned to them should be used for academic purposes exclusively. All economic and moral rights (copyright) pertaining to such work will remain the exclusive property of the United Nations.
Interested graduate students should write via EMAIL ONLY to the Ad Hoc Internship Coordinator, Human Resources Operations Section, Human Resources Management Service, United Nations Office enclosing:
Applications (in English) should include the following:
a) A covering letter stating the grounds for their application;
b) Recent curriculum vitae (CV);
c) Copies of their university degrees or a list of courses attended;
d) Abstracts of academic papers they have written.
After careful consideration of all documents submitted, only successful candidates will be notified of their selection.
Kindly send your electronic applications to the following email address: intern@uncsd. net

Posted on | Minggu, 01 Maret 2009 | No Comments
- Tuition fees for study abroad for one semester at selected Australian universities
- AU$2500 (maximum) to cover Student Visa, Overseas Student Health Cover and return airfare expenses (any more than this is the responsibility of the recipient)
- AU$6000 (maximum) to cover living and accommodation expenses whilst in Australia (approximately $300 per week depending on start and finish dates)
- Lifetime networking opportunities with Peace Scholarship recipients from countries all over the world.
Students who meet all the eligibility criteria outlined below and who are studying at accredited universities in Indonesia are invited to apply for the Peace Scholarship to commence study at one of Australia’s universities in July 2009 for six months.
How to Apply
Ensure you fulfil each of the selection criteria as detailed below:
- At the time of application you have completed at least three and no more than six semesters of your first full-time undergraduate degree of an accredited course at a university in Indonesia
- You have achieved a grade point average of 7.5/10 (or equivalent) in your degree to date
- You can fulfil the requirements for English language proficiency – minimum 6.0 IELTS overall and minimum in each category (depending on the requirements of the host university).
- You can preferably gain credit transfer for your study abroad program in Australia for your degree at your home institution
- You do not hold citizenship or permanent residency in Australia and have not previously studied overseas, either in Australia or elsewhere, unless on a scholarship
- You are able to demonstrate a commitment to ‘global peace and understanding’ through community, academic or professional achievements
- You are able to indicate how the experience will further your professional development and help contribute to global peace and understanding
- You are able to demonstrate a financial need and that without this scholarship you would not have the chance to study overseas
The following materials must be received by IDP Indonesia by March 15th 2009.
- Completed, printed and signed Application Form (note application form must be typed and in English, handwritten applications will not be accepted)
- Completed, printed and signed Agreement of Award Terms and Conditions
- Certified true copy of current passport or official government identification card
- Certified and English translated true copy of official academic transcript, including current year grades and explanation of grading system
- Original and current certificate of either:
*International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test results
*Computer Based TOEFL
*Paperbased TOEFL
*Internet Based TOEFL
note: Institutional TOEFL will not be accepted)
- Two References/Testimonials in English
*One reference/testimonial from home institution (Dean or higher). This reference/testimonial must follow the format outlined on the Home Institution Reference Form and address the criteria requested
*One reference/testimonial from someone you have worked with on a particular community service project that you talk about in your application (preferably your supervisor), or from someone who can honestly discuss your involvement in community based activities and projects and who has known you for more than 2 years. This reference/testimonial must follow the format outlined on the Community Leader Reference Form and address the criteria requested.
Note: References cannot be submitted from a person to whom you are related and references from any political party will not be accepted.
Your application will not be assessed if you do not fulfil all the selection criteria OR if you do not submit all the required materials
Please submit all the materials above to:
Rachmi Sjafei (Ms.)
Senior Project Officer / IELTS Administrator ID017
IDP Education Pty Ltd - South Jakarta Office
Jl Terusan Gedung Hijau 1 Kav. 9 01 E
Komp.RUKO Fitria Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan - 12310 INDONESIA
Phone:+62 21 750 3552/2660
Fax:+62 21 769 4846
No late applications will be accepted.
Selection Procedure
All applications must be received by IDP Indonesia by March 15th 2009..
All applications received will be sent to IDP Education Australia and the Peace Scholarship Program in Australia for final selection. Once applications are selected, they will be sent to the participating universities for placement.
Final award of the Peace Scholarship is subject to acceptance into the study abroad program at the selected institution as well as receipt of the appropriate visa to study in Australia.
Contact Information
For more information regarding the 2009 Peace Scholarship Program please contact the Peace Scholarship Program representative in Indonesia at
Alternatively you can email your questions and comments to
Don’t forget, the APPLICATION deadline is March 15th, 2009.

25 Scholarships from Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
Posted on | Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009 | No Comments
The Scholarships
1. Five scholarships are available for successful applicants to the
Msc in Islamic Finance.
2. Five scholarships are available for successful applicants to the
General Diploma in Islamic Studies
1. Five scholarships are available for successful applicants to the
MA in Public Policy in Islam.
2. Five scholarships are available for successful applicants to the
MA in Islamic Studies with a Specialization in Religion &
Contemporary Thought.
1. Five scholarships are available for successful applicants to the
MA in Islamic Studies with a Specialization in Contemporary Fiqh.
Applicants must meet the following minimum criteria to be
Submission of a completed application form
Evidence of a grade of "Very Good" or GPA above 3.4 in their first
(undergraduate) degree
A strong command of English with a minimum TOFEL score of 550
* Successful applicants are expected to pass an Arabic test within
their first year of studies. Failure to do so may result in the
revocation of the scholarship.
Scholarship applications are available on our website qa and are now being accepted for the academic year
The deadline for applications is one month from the advertisement
date. (11/3/09)
Completed applications and further inquiries should be sent to

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