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Beasiswa studi s1, s2 dan s3 ke India
Posted on | Senin, 29 Desember 2008 | No Comments
The Government of India is pleased to announce scholarships to Indonesian students/researchers for pursuing higher studies at the Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral levels in India. The scholarships are being offered through the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) administered by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi for the academic year 2009-2010.
Courses in the fields of arts, architecture, literature, commerce and science; degree courses in engineering, pharmacy and agriculture; and doctoral and post-doctoral courses in various disciplines can be pursued. A list of Universities and Institutions students can choose from the application form.
Government of India will provide living allowance, contingent grant, accommodation charges, tuition fee and other benefits, including medical and study tour to the students selected for scholarchips.
The students seeking admission to M. Phil, Ph.D and higher studies will require Research Visas. The research students must submit their applications in Annexure II in six sets along with a synopsis of their subject. Chandidates applying for pursuing courses in Performing Arts are, in addition, required to submit an audio/video recording of their performances along with their applications and documents. Applicants for all other courses must submit six copies of their applications with copies of supporting documents.
The courses will be in the English language. To further assess their English language skills, the Embassy will conduct an English language test on Friday, 6th February, 2009 for those who have been short listed from among all applicants after initial scrutiny of their documents.
The application forms (also available at Kantor Biro Kepegawaian or Kantor Wakil Rektor Bidang Komunikasi dan Kesekretariatan ITB Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung) may be filled up as per the guidelines enclosed and forwarded to the Embassy of India, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. S-1, Jakarta 12950 latest by Tuesday, January 27, 2009.
For further information please contact:
A.S. Takhi
Second Secretary (Education)
Embassy of India Indonesia
Email: \n Alamat e-mail ini dilindungi dari spambot, anda harus memampukan JavaScript untuk melihatnya
Phone: (62-21) 5204150, 52, 57
Fax: (62-21) 5204160
Complete also can be obtained at here
READ MORE - Beasiswa studi s1, s2 dan s3 ke India
Courses in the fields of arts, architecture, literature, commerce and science; degree courses in engineering, pharmacy and agriculture; and doctoral and post-doctoral courses in various disciplines can be pursued. A list of Universities and Institutions students can choose from the application form.
Government of India will provide living allowance, contingent grant, accommodation charges, tuition fee and other benefits, including medical and study tour to the students selected for scholarchips.
The students seeking admission to M. Phil, Ph.D and higher studies will require Research Visas. The research students must submit their applications in Annexure II in six sets along with a synopsis of their subject. Chandidates applying for pursuing courses in Performing Arts are, in addition, required to submit an audio/video recording of their performances along with their applications and documents. Applicants for all other courses must submit six copies of their applications with copies of supporting documents.
The courses will be in the English language. To further assess their English language skills, the Embassy will conduct an English language test on Friday, 6th February, 2009 for those who have been short listed from among all applicants after initial scrutiny of their documents.
The application forms (also available at Kantor Biro Kepegawaian or Kantor Wakil Rektor Bidang Komunikasi dan Kesekretariatan ITB Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung) may be filled up as per the guidelines enclosed and forwarded to the Embassy of India, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. S-1, Jakarta 12950 latest by Tuesday, January 27, 2009.
For further information please contact:
A.S. Takhi
Second Secretary (Education)
Embassy of India Indonesia
Email: \n Alamat e-mail ini dilindungi dari spambot, anda harus memampukan JavaScript untuk melihatnya
Phone: (62-21) 5204150, 52, 57
Fax: (62-21) 5204160
Complete also can be obtained at here

Beasiswa Monbusho recommended by university - Waseda University
Bagi yang tertarik untuk belajar di Jepang, khususnya di bidang Network Engineering, Multimedia Science (termasuk perfilm-an) dan Network Business di Universitas Waseda. Ini ada info beasiswa Monbusho skema recommended by university, jadi seleksinya oleh
universitas tujuan secara langsung. Deadlinenya masih cukup lama (sampai dengan 18-02-2009).
Informasi lengkap silahkan buka link ini
Catatan untuk yang tertarik S-3, agar menghubungi Profesor sebaiknya (bukan associate prof.) untuk menjadi kandidat supervisor. Bagi yang S-2, mungkin juga akan lebih baik jika melakukan hal yang sama, terutama jika anda ingin join master by research (Project research course).
Berikut nama-nama Prof. sesuai bidang sesuai bidang keahliannya.
Network Engineering:
klik di sini
Multimedia Science and Arts:
klik di sini
Network business and Policy :
klik di sini
READ MORE - Beasiswa Monbusho recommended by university - Waseda University
universitas tujuan secara langsung. Deadlinenya masih cukup lama (sampai dengan 18-02-2009).
Informasi lengkap silahkan buka link ini
Catatan untuk yang tertarik S-3, agar menghubungi Profesor sebaiknya (bukan associate prof.) untuk menjadi kandidat supervisor. Bagi yang S-2, mungkin juga akan lebih baik jika melakukan hal yang sama, terutama jika anda ingin join master by research (Project research course).
Berikut nama-nama Prof. sesuai bidang sesuai bidang keahliannya.
Network Engineering:
klik di sini
Multimedia Science and Arts:
klik di sini
Network business and Policy :
klik di sini

Keuntungan study di Swedia
- Support finansial yang melimpah untuk riset. Alokasi Dana riset Swedia tertinggi untuk negara maju. Anda akan mendapat kesempatan sangat luas untuk mengikuti konferensi dengan biaya universitas dan support untuk pendanaan riset dengan persayaratan tertentu.
- Untuk bidang Sains dan Teknologi, kerjasama antara universitas dan sektor swasta sangat erat. Biasanya setiap laboratorium unversitas terkemuka memiliki afiliasi dengan perusahaan Swasta. i.e di bidang Farmasi dan kedokteran, Gotheburg Universiteit dan Karolinska Institute memiliki kolaborasi dengan Astra Zeneca.
Di Chalmers UT, jurusan logistik dan transport dengan Schenker dan Volvo, jurusan Quality Science dengan SKF, di KTH jurusan Telecommunciation dengan Ericsson. Melalui kolaborasi tersebut peluang untuk riset dengan 'real case' sangat terbuka, termasuk bekerjasama dengan Industrial Doktorand (pegawai perusahaan yang di tugas
belajarkan di universitas) . Pimpinan perusahaan terkemuka juga seringkali diminta memberikan kuliah.
- Lingkungan pendidikan yang egaliter dan tidak feodal. Disini semua professor akan meminta anda memanggil dengan nama kecil, tanpa embel-embel apapun. Setiap kelas memiliki pengawas yang dipilih sendiri oleh siswa dalam kelas. Setiap pengawas berhak memberi masukan atau komplain pada pengajar. Penilaian juga diberikan secara
transparan, termasuk hak untuk keberatan jika anda merasa diperlakukan tidak adil.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Swedia sangat menjunjung tinggi prinsip egaliter. Sikap rasialis dan diskriminatif diancam dengan hukuman yang tegas, sehingga sikap rasis, baik gender, etnic maupun agama sangat sulit sekali dijumpai. Sikap kekeluargaan juga sangat dijunjung tinggi.
- Pendidikan memiliki nuansa yang multidisipliner. Anda bisa mengambil kelas di jurusan yang berbeda dengan bidang yang anda tempuh sepanjang diijinkan oleh supervisor.
- Swedia menerapkan Visa Schengen, artinya dengan memiliki visa Swedia anda bebas berkunjung ke semua negara Eropa yang menerima visa Schengen.
READ MORE - Keuntungan study di Swedia
- Untuk bidang Sains dan Teknologi, kerjasama antara universitas dan sektor swasta sangat erat. Biasanya setiap laboratorium unversitas terkemuka memiliki afiliasi dengan perusahaan Swasta. i.e di bidang Farmasi dan kedokteran, Gotheburg Universiteit dan Karolinska Institute memiliki kolaborasi dengan Astra Zeneca.
Di Chalmers UT, jurusan logistik dan transport dengan Schenker dan Volvo, jurusan Quality Science dengan SKF, di KTH jurusan Telecommunciation dengan Ericsson. Melalui kolaborasi tersebut peluang untuk riset dengan 'real case' sangat terbuka, termasuk bekerjasama dengan Industrial Doktorand (pegawai perusahaan yang di tugas
belajarkan di universitas) . Pimpinan perusahaan terkemuka juga seringkali diminta memberikan kuliah.
- Lingkungan pendidikan yang egaliter dan tidak feodal. Disini semua professor akan meminta anda memanggil dengan nama kecil, tanpa embel-embel apapun. Setiap kelas memiliki pengawas yang dipilih sendiri oleh siswa dalam kelas. Setiap pengawas berhak memberi masukan atau komplain pada pengajar. Penilaian juga diberikan secara
transparan, termasuk hak untuk keberatan jika anda merasa diperlakukan tidak adil.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Swedia sangat menjunjung tinggi prinsip egaliter. Sikap rasialis dan diskriminatif diancam dengan hukuman yang tegas, sehingga sikap rasis, baik gender, etnic maupun agama sangat sulit sekali dijumpai. Sikap kekeluargaan juga sangat dijunjung tinggi.
- Pendidikan memiliki nuansa yang multidisipliner. Anda bisa mengambil kelas di jurusan yang berbeda dengan bidang yang anda tempuh sepanjang diijinkan oleh supervisor.
- Swedia menerapkan Visa Schengen, artinya dengan memiliki visa Swedia anda bebas berkunjung ke semua negara Eropa yang menerima visa Schengen.

Master - Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus
info lengkapnya klik di sini atau di sini
Cara aplikasi bisa dilihat pada masing-masing master program. Hanya
tersedia beasiswa Erasmus Mundus untuk study di Swedia di level
master, sebab untuk beasiswa Swedish Institute, Indonesia tidak
termasuk dalam daftar negara yang berhak.
READ MORE - Master - Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus
Cara aplikasi bisa dilihat pada masing-masing master program. Hanya
tersedia beasiswa Erasmus Mundus untuk study di Swedia di level
master, sebab untuk beasiswa Swedish Institute, Indonesia tidak
termasuk dalam daftar negara yang berhak.

master degree
Bagi rekan-rekan yang tertarik untuk studi di Swedia, berikut ada informasi beasiswa yang barangkali bermanfaat :
1. Untuk PhD dan Post Doctoral - Beasiswa Swedish Institue: klik di sini
(deadline 1 Februari 2009)
Catatan :
Kunci diterima atau tidaknya terutama ditentukan oleh undangan yang dikirimkan oleh Profesor yang dituju. Biasanya Peguruan Tinggi ternama lebih mendapat prioritas. Namun demikian nilai strategis bidang yang dikaji dan kemampuan bahasa juga sangat diperhatikan. Kebanyakan rekan-rekan Indonesia mendapat beasiswa untuk bidang IPA dan Teknologi.
Tambahan juga untuk PhD, anda bisa apply vacancies yang ditawarkan oleh masing-masing universitas. Vacancies ini biasanya diumumkan lewat website univeritas/jurusan. Jika diterima anda akan mendapat gaji dengan sejumlah kewajiban, seperti mengajar atau subtitusinya.
1. Untuk PhD dan Post Doctoral - Beasiswa Swedish Institue: klik di sini
(deadline 1 Februari 2009)
Catatan :
Kunci diterima atau tidaknya terutama ditentukan oleh undangan yang dikirimkan oleh Profesor yang dituju. Biasanya Peguruan Tinggi ternama lebih mendapat prioritas. Namun demikian nilai strategis bidang yang dikaji dan kemampuan bahasa juga sangat diperhatikan. Kebanyakan rekan-rekan Indonesia mendapat beasiswa untuk bidang IPA dan Teknologi.
Tambahan juga untuk PhD, anda bisa apply vacancies yang ditawarkan oleh masing-masing universitas. Vacancies ini biasanya diumumkan lewat website univeritas/jurusan. Jika diterima anda akan mendapat gaji dengan sejumlah kewajiban, seperti mengajar atau subtitusinya.

PhD or Master position in Photoelectrochemistry at UKM, Malay
Posted on | Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008 | No Comments
Kebetulan ketua proyek saya lagi mencari mahasiswa PhD atau master dalam bidang Fotoelektrokimia / Teknik Kimia / Kimia. Proyek nya dalam bidang tenaga alternatif yaitu penghasilan hidrogen dari pemecahan molekul air (water splitting).
Proyek ini merupakan
kerjasama antara Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan Institut Sel Fuel (Fuel Cell Institute). Pengembangan yg dilakukan dalam bidang fotoelektroda, bahan (material), synthesis photocatalyst (chemistry), dan juga pembuatan cell untuk sistem tersebut.
Besarnya gaji RA (research assisstant) utk mahasiswa PhD sekitar RM 1617 dan untuk Master (S2) sekitar RM 1419. Kurs sekarang lebih kurang 1 RM = Rp 3000. Untuk uang kuliah per semester sekitar RM 3000 utk PhD dan RM 2000 untuk Master. Bagi mahasiswa yang berprestasi, uang kuliah dapat dibayarkan melalui grant proyek.
Jika ada yang berminat, boleh kirimkan CV ke email saya: f.hadana at gmail dot com
Fadhli Hadana Rahman.
READ MORE - PhD or Master position in Photoelectrochemistry at UKM, Malay
Proyek ini merupakan
kerjasama antara Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan Institut Sel Fuel (Fuel Cell Institute). Pengembangan yg dilakukan dalam bidang fotoelektroda, bahan (material), synthesis photocatalyst (chemistry), dan juga pembuatan cell untuk sistem tersebut.
Besarnya gaji RA (research assisstant) utk mahasiswa PhD sekitar RM 1617 dan untuk Master (S2) sekitar RM 1419. Kurs sekarang lebih kurang 1 RM = Rp 3000. Untuk uang kuliah per semester sekitar RM 3000 utk PhD dan RM 2000 untuk Master. Bagi mahasiswa yang berprestasi, uang kuliah dapat dibayarkan melalui grant proyek.
Jika ada yang berminat, boleh kirimkan CV ke email saya: f.hadana at gmail dot com
Fadhli Hadana Rahman.

Kuliah di Belgia dan Belanda
Posted on | Selasa, 23 Desember 2008 | 1 Comment
Beberapa universitas di Belgia (U ghent dan U hasselt) telah menerapkan peraturan baru utk biaya kuliah Program Master.
Bagi student yang berasal dari negara2 berkembang spt indonesia, hanya diwajibkan untuk membayar uang kuliah sebesar 80 euro pertahun untuk program Master.
Di universitas Hasselt, terdapat 3 major international master program:
1. Master of Management
2. Master of Statistics
-Applied Statistics
3. Master in Transportation Sciences
Namun hanya Master of Statistics saja dimana berlaku pengurangan tuition fee untuk student dari negara2 berkembang (80 euro/th). Untuk universitas Gent, pilihan program lebih banyak dan penjelasan tentang tuition fee dapat dilihat di sini
Untuk daftar master program bisa dilihat di sini
Proses aplikasi utk mendapatkan keringanan biaya tsb mudah saja. Pertama2 kita
aplikasi dahulu untuk diterima di program study yg diinginkan dan kemudian setelah diterima ajukan permohonan ke pihak universitas untuk pengurangan biayanya. Untuk di uHasselt, jika kita dari negara2 berkembang akan otomatis diberi keringanan.
Info lain ttg pendidikan di Belgia:
Biaya pendidikan di belgia paling murah dibandingkan negara2 di sekitarnya spt Belanda dimana untuk program master berkisar 5000 hingga diatas 10.000 euro pertahun. Di belgia, selain biaya murah ( dari mulai 560 euro/thn hingga sekitar 5000euro/ thn, namun rata2 biaya perkuliahan sekitar 1500euro/th) , tuition fee utk hampir semua program studi tidak dibedakan bagi student dari luar maupun dari negara2 EU (European Union) .
Terlebih lagi biaya hidup bisa dibilang lebih murah dari negara tetangga Belanda.
Berikut rincian living cost di Belgia:
* Student room 250 -400 euro utk di brussels, dan diluar brussels : 150-250 euro/bln.
Utk akomodasi diatas hanya utk 1 org student. Bagi yg ingin membawa keluarga tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan student room dan diharuskan menyewa appartement/ studio. Untuk sewa apartement (bukan student room)berkisar 350-550 utk 1 sleeping room, blm termasuk biaya lain2. Utk biaya listrik, gas, internet, air, asuransi apartemen minimum 200 euro.
* Makan (masak sendiri) : 250-350 euro.
* Transportasi: Biasanya para student menggunakan sepeda sebagai moda transportasi ,
namun in case harus pergi dengan bis juga bisa dibilang murah di belgia, abodement utk bis sekitar 25/bln, di beberapa kota spt leuven tuition fee sudah termasuk biaya transportasi dalam kota bagi student,khusus kota hasselt semua public transportation gratis.
* Buku2: 250-400 euro/thn, biasanya buku2 (text book) sudah tersedia di perpustakaan, tinggal course note saja yang harus beli (tips: bisa cari “fosil2” angkatan2 sebelumnya).
* Asuransi kesehatan sekitar 40 euro/ th utk student (sangat murah dibandingkan Belanda yg berkisar 50-100 euro/bln).
Keterangan lebih lanjut living cost di Hasselt ada di sini:
Untuk beasiswa ke belgia sebenarnya banyak peluang meski tidak sebanyak di belanda dimana stuned memberi beasiswa kpd 200 org student indonesia.
Berikut beberapa program beasiswa yang diberikan untuk studi di Belgia:
1. Vliruos Scholarship: Beasiswa yang diberikan oleh konsorsium dari 6 universitas di Flemish Region (Region berbahasa belanda). Beasiswa diberikan untuk Training
program (ITP) dan Master program (ICP). Karena memang difokuskan untuk student yang berasal dari negara2 afrika, setiap tahun hanya sekitar 5-10 student dari indonesia memperoleh beasiswa ini. Info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di sini:
2. Erasmus mundus sholarship: Jumlah student dari Indonesia yang mendapatkan beasiswa ini lebih banyak dari vlir dan tiap tahun jumlahnya meningkat. Info lebih lanjut di sini atau di sini
3. CUD scholarship program. Program beasiswa yang diberikan oleh konsorsium universitas2 di daerah walloni (region berbahasa perancis). Belum terlalu banyak student dari Indonesia yang mendapatkan beasiswa ini. klik Info
4. Beasiswa dari universitas. Ada beberapa universitas yang menyediakan beasiswa bagi student baik dari eropa maupun luar eropa. namun jumlah penerimanya sedikit. Untuk mengetahui beasiswa ini, hubungin professor dimana anda ingin melanjutkan studi
dan mintalah saran dan info tentang kemungkinan untuk memperoleh beasiswa baik dari universitas maupun dari luar universitas.
Berikut ada tambahan informasi ttg beasiswa dari Agung di U Gent:
Univ Ghent juga menyediakan beasiswa untk master tahun kedua. Syarat nya kurang lebih : nilai mata kuliah pada tahun pertama, dan korelasi bidang pekerjaan kita dengan kuliah yg diambil. Beasiswa ini biasanya diikuti oleh mhs2 yg pada tahun pertama berkuliah di Ghent dengan biaya sendiri dan istri/suami mereka telah terlebih
dahulu mendapat beasiswa dari VLIR utk berkuliah di Ghent. Besar beasiswa kurang lebih 800 euro. Jatah pertahun adalah 10 orang, dan tahun kemarin kira2 yg mendaftar sebanyak 100 orang.
Untuk lebih jelasnya tetang sistem pendidikan di belgia dapat dilihat di sini
Berikut daftar universitas2 di Belgia:
· Catholic University of Louvain
· Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
· University of Hasselt
· Université Libre de Bruxelles
· University of Antwerp
· University of Ghent
· University of Liège
· University of Namur
· Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Untuk mencari part time job disini tidak terlalu mudah, tapi banyak kerja sampingan bagi student, spt bekerja di pabrik, restorant, perkebunan (liat di sini)dll. Namun banyak kendala dikarenakan faktor bahasa, mengingat Belgia memiliki 3 bahasa nasional (Netherlands, French, and German). Dan sedikit berbeda dengan di Australia dan UK, untuk istri/suami dari student yang ikut menemani kesini, tidak diperbolehkan untuk bekerja (secara legal..).
Selamat berjuang..!!
READ MORE - Kuliah di Belgia dan Belanda
Bagi student yang berasal dari negara2 berkembang spt indonesia, hanya diwajibkan untuk membayar uang kuliah sebesar 80 euro pertahun untuk program Master.
Di universitas Hasselt, terdapat 3 major international master program:
1. Master of Management
2. Master of Statistics
-Applied Statistics
3. Master in Transportation Sciences
Namun hanya Master of Statistics saja dimana berlaku pengurangan tuition fee untuk student dari negara2 berkembang (80 euro/th). Untuk universitas Gent, pilihan program lebih banyak dan penjelasan tentang tuition fee dapat dilihat di sini
Untuk daftar master program bisa dilihat di sini
Proses aplikasi utk mendapatkan keringanan biaya tsb mudah saja. Pertama2 kita
aplikasi dahulu untuk diterima di program study yg diinginkan dan kemudian setelah diterima ajukan permohonan ke pihak universitas untuk pengurangan biayanya. Untuk di uHasselt, jika kita dari negara2 berkembang akan otomatis diberi keringanan.
Info lain ttg pendidikan di Belgia:
Biaya pendidikan di belgia paling murah dibandingkan negara2 di sekitarnya spt Belanda dimana untuk program master berkisar 5000 hingga diatas 10.000 euro pertahun. Di belgia, selain biaya murah ( dari mulai 560 euro/thn hingga sekitar 5000euro/ thn, namun rata2 biaya perkuliahan sekitar 1500euro/th) , tuition fee utk hampir semua program studi tidak dibedakan bagi student dari luar maupun dari negara2 EU (European Union) .
Terlebih lagi biaya hidup bisa dibilang lebih murah dari negara tetangga Belanda.
Berikut rincian living cost di Belgia:
* Student room 250 -400 euro utk di brussels, dan diluar brussels : 150-250 euro/bln.
Utk akomodasi diatas hanya utk 1 org student. Bagi yg ingin membawa keluarga tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan student room dan diharuskan menyewa appartement/ studio. Untuk sewa apartement (bukan student room)berkisar 350-550 utk 1 sleeping room, blm termasuk biaya lain2. Utk biaya listrik, gas, internet, air, asuransi apartemen minimum 200 euro.
* Makan (masak sendiri) : 250-350 euro.
* Transportasi: Biasanya para student menggunakan sepeda sebagai moda transportasi ,
namun in case harus pergi dengan bis juga bisa dibilang murah di belgia, abodement utk bis sekitar 25/bln, di beberapa kota spt leuven tuition fee sudah termasuk biaya transportasi dalam kota bagi student,khusus kota hasselt semua public transportation gratis.
* Buku2: 250-400 euro/thn, biasanya buku2 (text book) sudah tersedia di perpustakaan, tinggal course note saja yang harus beli (tips: bisa cari “fosil2” angkatan2 sebelumnya).
* Asuransi kesehatan sekitar 40 euro/ th utk student (sangat murah dibandingkan Belanda yg berkisar 50-100 euro/bln).
Keterangan lebih lanjut living cost di Hasselt ada di sini:
Untuk beasiswa ke belgia sebenarnya banyak peluang meski tidak sebanyak di belanda dimana stuned memberi beasiswa kpd 200 org student indonesia.
Berikut beberapa program beasiswa yang diberikan untuk studi di Belgia:
1. Vliruos Scholarship: Beasiswa yang diberikan oleh konsorsium dari 6 universitas di Flemish Region (Region berbahasa belanda). Beasiswa diberikan untuk Training
program (ITP) dan Master program (ICP). Karena memang difokuskan untuk student yang berasal dari negara2 afrika, setiap tahun hanya sekitar 5-10 student dari indonesia memperoleh beasiswa ini. Info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di sini:
2. Erasmus mundus sholarship: Jumlah student dari Indonesia yang mendapatkan beasiswa ini lebih banyak dari vlir dan tiap tahun jumlahnya meningkat. Info lebih lanjut di sini atau di sini
3. CUD scholarship program. Program beasiswa yang diberikan oleh konsorsium universitas2 di daerah walloni (region berbahasa perancis). Belum terlalu banyak student dari Indonesia yang mendapatkan beasiswa ini. klik Info
4. Beasiswa dari universitas. Ada beberapa universitas yang menyediakan beasiswa bagi student baik dari eropa maupun luar eropa. namun jumlah penerimanya sedikit. Untuk mengetahui beasiswa ini, hubungin professor dimana anda ingin melanjutkan studi
dan mintalah saran dan info tentang kemungkinan untuk memperoleh beasiswa baik dari universitas maupun dari luar universitas.
Berikut ada tambahan informasi ttg beasiswa dari Agung di U Gent:
Univ Ghent juga menyediakan beasiswa untk master tahun kedua. Syarat nya kurang lebih : nilai mata kuliah pada tahun pertama, dan korelasi bidang pekerjaan kita dengan kuliah yg diambil. Beasiswa ini biasanya diikuti oleh mhs2 yg pada tahun pertama berkuliah di Ghent dengan biaya sendiri dan istri/suami mereka telah terlebih
dahulu mendapat beasiswa dari VLIR utk berkuliah di Ghent. Besar beasiswa kurang lebih 800 euro. Jatah pertahun adalah 10 orang, dan tahun kemarin kira2 yg mendaftar sebanyak 100 orang.
Untuk lebih jelasnya tetang sistem pendidikan di belgia dapat dilihat di sini
Berikut daftar universitas2 di Belgia:
· Catholic University of Louvain
· Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
· University of Hasselt
· Université Libre de Bruxelles
· University of Antwerp
· University of Ghent
· University of Liège
· University of Namur
· Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Untuk mencari part time job disini tidak terlalu mudah, tapi banyak kerja sampingan bagi student, spt bekerja di pabrik, restorant, perkebunan (liat di sini)dll. Namun banyak kendala dikarenakan faktor bahasa, mengingat Belgia memiliki 3 bahasa nasional (Netherlands, French, and German). Dan sedikit berbeda dengan di Australia dan UK, untuk istri/suami dari student yang ikut menemani kesini, tidak diperbolehkan untuk bekerja (secara legal..).
Selamat berjuang..!!

Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS)
Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS)
Session 2009/10, University of Leeds, UK
The University of Leeds is pleased to offer at least twelve(12) Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS), which are available for high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study from Session 2009/10 for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds UK.
Deadline : 31 January 2009
Eligibility Criteria - Applicants must:
be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
have an offer of an academic place for PhD research study at the University of Leeds;
be commencing PhD research study for the first time in Session 2009/10;
not already hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification;
not hold another Scholarship;
Successful candidates are likely to hold qualifications and experience that are equivalent to a UK First Class Honours Degree.
At least 12 fully-funded scholarships are available. The Scholarships may be held for up to three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress. The Scholarships will provide full international fees together with a maintenance grant of £13,290 for Session 2009/10.
Application Process
Application forms, regulations and guidance notes for completion of applications are available from the web address: http://www.leeds. postgraduate_ scholarships/ irs-info. doc
Application forms are also available from the Postgraduate Scholarships Office or by email request ( scholarships@ uk ).
Completed application forms should be returned to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office by 31 January 2009.
Further Information
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 113 3434007
Email: scholarships@ uk
http://scholarships uk
Best Regards,
READ MORE - Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS)
Session 2009/10, University of Leeds, UK
The University of Leeds is pleased to offer at least twelve(12) Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS), which are available for high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study from Session 2009/10 for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds UK.
Deadline : 31 January 2009
Eligibility Criteria - Applicants must:
be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
have an offer of an academic place for PhD research study at the University of Leeds;
be commencing PhD research study for the first time in Session 2009/10;
not already hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification;
not hold another Scholarship;
Successful candidates are likely to hold qualifications and experience that are equivalent to a UK First Class Honours Degree.
At least 12 fully-funded scholarships are available. The Scholarships may be held for up to three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress. The Scholarships will provide full international fees together with a maintenance grant of £13,290 for Session 2009/10.
Application Process
Application forms, regulations and guidance notes for completion of applications are available from the web address: http://www.leeds. postgraduate_ scholarships/ irs-info. doc
Application forms are also available from the Postgraduate Scholarships Office or by email request ( scholarships@ uk ).
Completed application forms should be returned to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office by 31 January 2009.
Further Information
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 113 3434007
Email: scholarships@ uk
http://scholarships uk
Best Regards,

PhD Position in Database Integration
PhD Position in Database Integration
The Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting applications for a PhD in Information Systems with an emphasis on database integration. The project is supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Project Description:
Database integration is a process with multiple steps, leading from the identification of the databases to the testing of the integrated system. The central step of this process is the identification of database elements that are similar to each other. This step is called schema matching. Human users perceive schema-matching methods as successful when they match database elements according to the same similarity criteria that the users would apply.
Many automatic software-supported
schema-matching methods have been proposed, using a range of different
notions of similarity. However, existing research has paid little
attention to empirical work: There is little knowledge of how human data
integrators judge the similarity of database elements. A recent study
has shown that a "one-size-fits- all" approach does not apply and that
human notions of similarity are strongly affected by the database
integration context. The proposed research is a study to systematically
examine how human database integrators carry out schema matching. This
knowledge will then be applied to implement improved schema matching
Application Criteria:
The applicant will have a Bachelor (Hon) or Master's degree and strong
interest and background in information systems, computer science, or
cognitive science with knowledge of databases or knowledge
representation. Interest (and preferably experience) in both technical
and empirical research is required.
Applications must meet the regular admission criteria and will undergo
the regular admissions process for the PhD program.
( /PhD/phd_ overview. php)
The Faculty of Business Administration will provide support to all
admitted students for a period of four years. The level of support will
be competitive with that offered by other Canadian universities, and may
consist of a combination of grant, research assistantship, and teaching
Information and Application:
The deadline for applications is March 1. Late applications may be considered as time and resources permit. Please contact Dr. Joerg Evermann at jevermann@mun. ca for further information about the project. Information about the PhD program and the application procedure can be found here
READ MORE - PhD Position in Database Integration
The Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting applications for a PhD in Information Systems with an emphasis on database integration. The project is supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Project Description:
Database integration is a process with multiple steps, leading from the identification of the databases to the testing of the integrated system. The central step of this process is the identification of database elements that are similar to each other. This step is called schema matching. Human users perceive schema-matching methods as successful when they match database elements according to the same similarity criteria that the users would apply.
Many automatic software-supported
schema-matching methods have been proposed, using a range of different
notions of similarity. However, existing research has paid little
attention to empirical work: There is little knowledge of how human data
integrators judge the similarity of database elements. A recent study
has shown that a "one-size-fits- all" approach does not apply and that
human notions of similarity are strongly affected by the database
integration context. The proposed research is a study to systematically
examine how human database integrators carry out schema matching. This
knowledge will then be applied to implement improved schema matching
Application Criteria:
The applicant will have a Bachelor (Hon) or Master's degree and strong
interest and background in information systems, computer science, or
cognitive science with knowledge of databases or knowledge
representation. Interest (and preferably experience) in both technical
and empirical research is required.
Applications must meet the regular admission criteria and will undergo
the regular admissions process for the PhD program.
( /PhD/phd_ overview. php)
The Faculty of Business Administration will provide support to all
admitted students for a period of four years. The level of support will
be competitive with that offered by other Canadian universities, and may
consist of a combination of grant, research assistantship, and teaching
Information and Application:
The deadline for applications is March 1. Late applications may be considered as time and resources permit. Please contact Dr. Joerg Evermann at jevermann@mun. ca for further information about the project. Information about the PhD program and the application procedure can be found here

Doctoral Candidate in Computer Science with a focus on Corporate Semantic Web.
We are looking for a doctoral candidate in Computer Science with a
focus on Corporate Semantic Web.
The Corporate Semantic Web Group (AG CSW) at the Free University Berlin (http://www.fu-, one of the Elite Universities in Germany, is looking for an excellent PhD candidate to work as a researcher in the BMBF funded project Corporate Semantic Web (http://www.corporat e-semantic- Corporate Semantic Web (CSW) aims to establish economically beneficial adoption of Semantic Web technologies in corporate environments.
The objective of CSW is to integrate all the required pieces of knowledge and technologies, including modern Web-technologies and enterprise service technologies, corporate information systems, semantic business process management, Corporate Semantic Web, ontology engineering, semantic search and collaborative applications.
The successful candidate will join an internationally renowned research group working on a cutting edge research problem in an attractive and stimulating environment within one of Germans top universities and computer science departments; she/he will be expected to contribute to all aspects of the group's activities, including publishing at and attending international conferences and workshops.
The candidate should have:
* a Master's degree in Mathematics, Computer Science or Information Systems
* a strong background/interest in Semantic Web (rules, ontologies) and its applications
* a background/interest in other Knowledge Representation paradigms such as logic programming
* a background/interest in Semantic Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Complex Event Processing
* a willingness to travel to project meetings and to work on project deliverables
* a willingness to work in an international team
* good proficiency in English
The post is available immediately and is a fixed term appointment for three years until January 2011. As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive salary (BAT IIa). The research in this project must be concluded with the attainment of a PhD degree in Computer Sciences.
We encourage interested candidates to send their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, a list of publications, and digital versions of three of their most relevant work, as well as electronic copies of the certificates of all academic qualifications held, to
Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke
paschke@inf. fu-berlin. de
quoting the reference *Pos CSW*.
The review of applications will start immediately until the position is filled.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 20th January 2009.
Kind regards,
Adrian Paschke
READ MORE - Doctoral Candidate in Computer Science with a focus on Corporate Semantic Web.
focus on Corporate Semantic Web.
The Corporate Semantic Web Group (AG CSW) at the Free University Berlin (http://www.fu-, one of the Elite Universities in Germany, is looking for an excellent PhD candidate to work as a researcher in the BMBF funded project Corporate Semantic Web (http://www.corporat e-semantic- Corporate Semantic Web (CSW) aims to establish economically beneficial adoption of Semantic Web technologies in corporate environments.
The objective of CSW is to integrate all the required pieces of knowledge and technologies, including modern Web-technologies and enterprise service technologies, corporate information systems, semantic business process management, Corporate Semantic Web, ontology engineering, semantic search and collaborative applications.
The successful candidate will join an internationally renowned research group working on a cutting edge research problem in an attractive and stimulating environment within one of Germans top universities and computer science departments; she/he will be expected to contribute to all aspects of the group's activities, including publishing at and attending international conferences and workshops.
The candidate should have:
* a Master's degree in Mathematics, Computer Science or Information Systems
* a strong background/interest in Semantic Web (rules, ontologies) and its applications
* a background/interest in other Knowledge Representation paradigms such as logic programming
* a background/interest in Semantic Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Complex Event Processing
* a willingness to travel to project meetings and to work on project deliverables
* a willingness to work in an international team
* good proficiency in English
The post is available immediately and is a fixed term appointment for three years until January 2011. As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive salary (BAT IIa). The research in this project must be concluded with the attainment of a PhD degree in Computer Sciences.
We encourage interested candidates to send their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, a list of publications, and digital versions of three of their most relevant work, as well as electronic copies of the certificates of all academic qualifications held, to
Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke
paschke@inf. fu-berlin. de
quoting the reference *Pos CSW*.
The review of applications will start immediately until the position is filled.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 20th January 2009.
Kind regards,
Adrian Paschke

The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia
Call for Papers
Second Announcement for the First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia 2009
Dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis ke-60 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, akan diselenggarakan:
"The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia"
Tema konferensi: "(Re)Considering Contemporary Indonesia: Striving for Democracy, Sustainability, and Prosperity, A Multidisciplinary Perspective"
Kami mengundang segenap mahasiswa pascasarjana (S2-S3) dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu untuk mengirimkan abstrak dan makalah berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian mutakhir tentang isu-isu kontemporer Indonesia. Tema-tema abstrak dan makalah dapat mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia terkait dengan tema konferensi, antara lain dalam aspek: sejarah, filsafat, hukum, sosial, kebudayaan, bahasa, kesusasteraan, agama, lingkungan hidup, politik, demokrasi/hak- hak azasi manusia, pendidikan, ekonomi, manajemen, pertanian, kesehatan, hubungan internasional, media, gender, dan lain-lain.
Panel-panel akan dibentuk berdasarkan tema-tema abstrak dan makalah yang diterima panitia. Bila terdapat usulan panel dengan isu tertentu yang dapat menjadi tema pokok sejumlah abstrak mahasiswa dengan koordinator panel yang diusulkan oleh akademisi (dosen/peneliti) di lingkungan Universitas/ institusi Bapak/Ibu, akan kami pertimbangkan. Silakan dikirimkan ke alamat sekretariat usulan panel beserta tema, koordinator panel (dari staf dosen/peneliti), sejumlah abstrak mahasiswa yang dapat digalang dalam satu tema yang sama, dan para diskusan dari kalangan akademisi untuk setiap sesi yang diusulkan.
Sejumlah makalah terbaik yang lolos seleksi dari setiap panel akan diterbitkan dalam manuskrip suntingan.
Konferensi akan diselenggarakan dalam dwi-bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris). Bagi mereka yang memiliki kompetensi dalam bahasa Inggris diharapkan menyerahkan abstrak dan makalah dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, penulisan abstrak dan makalah dalam bahasa Indonesia tetap terbuka.
Presentasi dapat disajikan dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia.
Perubahan jadwal:
Mohon perhatian atas perubahan jadwal konferensi dan penyerahan abstrak/makalah:
- Jadwal baru konferensi: 1—4 December 2009 (bukan tanggal 15—18 December
- Perpanjangan jadwal akhir penyerahan abstrak: Akhir Februari 2009
Pengirim abstrak adalah mereka yang masih terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa pada saat penyerahan
abstrak, Abstrak (maksimum 350 kata
- Jadwal akhir penyerahan makalah (maksimum 6000 kata): 30 Oktober 2009
- Jadwal lokakarya penulisan karya ilmiah bagi mereka yang dinyatakanlolos seleksi abstraknya: Mei—Juni 2009
Abstrak mohon dikirimkan ke Organizing Committee:
Andy Wahyu Widayat : igsc.indo1@gmail. com
Siti N. Hidayah, Endy Saputro & Esti Anantasari:
Formulir abstrak dapat di-download dari: http://www.api. pasca.ugm.
1. Konferensi: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2. Lokakarya Penulisan Karya Ilmiah: Universitas Gadjah
Mada-Yogyakarta, Universitas Indonesia-Depok, Universitas Sumatera
Utara-Medan, Universitas Hasanuddin-Makassar .
Pelaksana dan Kolaborator:
Konferensi diselenggarakan oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities (KNAW-AIPI) dalam kolaborasi dengan universitas- universitas:
· University of Sydney, Australia
· Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
· Department of Anthropology, Religion and Culture, Boston University, USA.
· Center of Southeast Asian Studies at the Jackson School, University of Washington, USA
· Sociology and Anthropology of Contemporary Indonesia, Leiden University, The Netherlands
· Utrecht University, The Netherlands
· Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan
· Council on Southeast Asian Studies, Yale University, Japan
· Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
· Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
· Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Pemakalah Kunci:
Prof. Robert W. Hefner,
Department of Anthropology, and Religion and Culture, Boston University, USA.
Prof. Melani Budianta, Ph.D.,
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.
Prof. James J. Fox (tentatif),
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Steering Committee:
Prof.Dr. Irwan Abdullah, Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr.Ir. Edhi Martono, M.Sc., Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr. Abdul Halim, MBA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Dr. Supra Wimbarti, Fakultas Psikologi, UGM.
Dr. M.A. Yunita T. Winarto, Academy Professorship Indonesia bidang Ilmu Sosial-Humaniora, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. Siti Syamsiatun, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Sekolah
> Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. Zaenal Abidin Bagir, Center for Religious and Cultural Studies,
> Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. G.R. Lono L. Simatupang, Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,
> UGM.
> Dr. Wening Udasmoro, Departemen Sastra Perancis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,
> Dr. Nicolaas Warouw, Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM.
> Dr. I Ketut Putra Irawan, Departemen Ilmu P{olitik, FISIPOL, UGM.
> Dr. Heru Nugroho, Departemen Ilmu Sosiologi, FISIPOL, UGM.
> Prof.Dr.Ir. Sunarru Samsi Hariadi, M.S., Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi
> Pembangunan, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A., Fakultas Geografi, UGM.
> Dr. Bakdi Setiawan, Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, UGM.
> Dr. Eko Sugiharto, DEA, Direktur Studi Lingkungan, FMIPA, UGM.
> Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi Sekretariat Konferensi
> pada alamat:
> Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada
> Academy Professorship Indonesia bidang Ilmu Sosial-Humaniora,
> Lt.2, Sisi Timur, Bagian Umum.
> Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
> Telepon: +62 274 7110145 (tidak menerima sms)
> Fax : +62 274 564239 (ext 209)
> Website: http://www.api. pasca.ugm.
READ MORE - The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia
Second Announcement for the First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia 2009
Dalam rangka memperingati Dies Natalis ke-60 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, akan diselenggarakan:
"The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia"
Tema konferensi: "(Re)Considering Contemporary Indonesia: Striving for Democracy, Sustainability, and Prosperity, A Multidisciplinary Perspective"
Kami mengundang segenap mahasiswa pascasarjana (S2-S3) dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu untuk mengirimkan abstrak dan makalah berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian mutakhir tentang isu-isu kontemporer Indonesia. Tema-tema abstrak dan makalah dapat mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia terkait dengan tema konferensi, antara lain dalam aspek: sejarah, filsafat, hukum, sosial, kebudayaan, bahasa, kesusasteraan, agama, lingkungan hidup, politik, demokrasi/hak- hak azasi manusia, pendidikan, ekonomi, manajemen, pertanian, kesehatan, hubungan internasional, media, gender, dan lain-lain.
Panel-panel akan dibentuk berdasarkan tema-tema abstrak dan makalah yang diterima panitia. Bila terdapat usulan panel dengan isu tertentu yang dapat menjadi tema pokok sejumlah abstrak mahasiswa dengan koordinator panel yang diusulkan oleh akademisi (dosen/peneliti) di lingkungan Universitas/ institusi Bapak/Ibu, akan kami pertimbangkan. Silakan dikirimkan ke alamat sekretariat usulan panel beserta tema, koordinator panel (dari staf dosen/peneliti), sejumlah abstrak mahasiswa yang dapat digalang dalam satu tema yang sama, dan para diskusan dari kalangan akademisi untuk setiap sesi yang diusulkan.
Sejumlah makalah terbaik yang lolos seleksi dari setiap panel akan diterbitkan dalam manuskrip suntingan.
Konferensi akan diselenggarakan dalam dwi-bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris). Bagi mereka yang memiliki kompetensi dalam bahasa Inggris diharapkan menyerahkan abstrak dan makalah dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, penulisan abstrak dan makalah dalam bahasa Indonesia tetap terbuka.
Presentasi dapat disajikan dalam bahasa Inggris atau Indonesia.
Perubahan jadwal:
Mohon perhatian atas perubahan jadwal konferensi dan penyerahan abstrak/makalah:
- Jadwal baru konferensi: 1—4 December 2009 (bukan tanggal 15—18 December
- Perpanjangan jadwal akhir penyerahan abstrak: Akhir Februari 2009
Pengirim abstrak adalah mereka yang masih terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa pada saat penyerahan
abstrak, Abstrak (maksimum 350 kata
- Jadwal akhir penyerahan makalah (maksimum 6000 kata): 30 Oktober 2009
- Jadwal lokakarya penulisan karya ilmiah bagi mereka yang dinyatakanlolos seleksi abstraknya: Mei—Juni 2009
Abstrak mohon dikirimkan ke Organizing Committee:
Andy Wahyu Widayat : igsc.indo1@gmail. com
Siti N. Hidayah, Endy Saputro & Esti Anantasari:
Formulir abstrak dapat di-download dari: http://www.api. pasca.ugm.
1. Konferensi: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2. Lokakarya Penulisan Karya Ilmiah: Universitas Gadjah
Mada-Yogyakarta, Universitas Indonesia-Depok, Universitas Sumatera
Utara-Medan, Universitas Hasanuddin-Makassar .
Pelaksana dan Kolaborator:
Konferensi diselenggarakan oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities (KNAW-AIPI) dalam kolaborasi dengan universitas- universitas:
· University of Sydney, Australia
· Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
· Department of Anthropology, Religion and Culture, Boston University, USA.
· Center of Southeast Asian Studies at the Jackson School, University of Washington, USA
· Sociology and Anthropology of Contemporary Indonesia, Leiden University, The Netherlands
· Utrecht University, The Netherlands
· Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan
· Council on Southeast Asian Studies, Yale University, Japan
· Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
· Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
· Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Pemakalah Kunci:
Prof. Robert W. Hefner,
Department of Anthropology, and Religion and Culture, Boston University, USA.
Prof. Melani Budianta, Ph.D.,
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.
Prof. James J. Fox (tentatif),
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Steering Committee:
Prof.Dr. Irwan Abdullah, Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr.Ir. Edhi Martono, M.Sc., Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr. Abdul Halim, MBA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Dr. Supra Wimbarti, Fakultas Psikologi, UGM.
Dr. M.A. Yunita T. Winarto, Academy Professorship Indonesia bidang Ilmu Sosial-Humaniora, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
Prof.Dr. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. Siti Syamsiatun, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, Sekolah
> Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. Zaenal Abidin Bagir, Center for Religious and Cultural Studies,
> Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. G.R. Lono L. Simatupang, Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,
> UGM.
> Dr. Wening Udasmoro, Departemen Sastra Perancis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya,
> Dr. Nicolaas Warouw, Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM.
> Dr. I Ketut Putra Irawan, Departemen Ilmu P{olitik, FISIPOL, UGM.
> Dr. Heru Nugroho, Departemen Ilmu Sosiologi, FISIPOL, UGM.
> Prof.Dr.Ir. Sunarru Samsi Hariadi, M.S., Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi
> Pembangunan, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM.
> Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A., Fakultas Geografi, UGM.
> Dr. Bakdi Setiawan, Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, UGM.
> Dr. Eko Sugiharto, DEA, Direktur Studi Lingkungan, FMIPA, UGM.
> Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi Sekretariat Konferensi
> pada alamat:
> Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada
> Academy Professorship Indonesia bidang Ilmu Sosial-Humaniora,
> Lt.2, Sisi Timur, Bagian Umum.
> Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
> Telepon: +62 274 7110145 (tidak menerima sms)
> Fax : +62 274 564239 (ext 209)
> Website: http://www.api. pasca.ugm.

Shell Centenary Scholarships and Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships
Posted on | Senin, 22 Desember 2008 | No Comments
A scholarship application should accompany, or follow, a University Graduate Entry Application.
A scholarship application will not be considered unless and until the applicant has received an offer from Imperial College London to undertake an eligible programme of postgraduate study by 31st March 2009 (an application for academic admission must have been made by 31st January 2009).
Applicants must personally complete this form by entering the information requested in the appropriate blocks.
Applicants should normally be:
* aged 35 or under
* nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
* intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
* of outstanding academic ability, e.g. have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British university
* fluent in spoken and written English
* neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
It is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by becoming leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.
Each scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.
Please note that an applicant must have met all the conditions for academic entry, including the university’s English language requirements before they can compete for a scholarship.
A fully-completed Scholarship Application Form must reach the University by 1st March at
the latest.
Applications should be returned electronically to or sent to:
Scholarships Section, Registry
Imperial College London
Level 3 Sherfield Building
South Kensington Campus
READ MORE - Shell Centenary Scholarships and Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships
A scholarship application will not be considered unless and until the applicant has received an offer from Imperial College London to undertake an eligible programme of postgraduate study by 31st March 2009 (an application for academic admission must have been made by 31st January 2009).
Applicants must personally complete this form by entering the information requested in the appropriate blocks.
Applicants should normally be:
* aged 35 or under
* nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
* intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
* of outstanding academic ability, e.g. have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British university
* fluent in spoken and written English
* neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
It is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by becoming leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.
Each scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.
Please note that an applicant must have met all the conditions for academic entry, including the university’s English language requirements before they can compete for a scholarship.
A fully-completed Scholarship Application Form must reach the University by 1st March at
the latest.
Applications should be returned electronically to or sent to:
Scholarships Section, Registry
Imperial College London
Level 3 Sherfield Building
South Kensington Campus

The Fujitsu Scholarship
The Fujitsu Scholarship supports your development as a global leader by funding your participation in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program.
Hone your leadership vision with this specialized program, delivered by JAIMS, in the wonderful setting of Honolulu, Hawaii. The diverse student body and rigorous curriculum will stretch you to be your best, and prepare you to lead your organization to success in the 21st Century.
The deadline for submitting your completed application for the 25th Fujitsu Scholarship is January 31, 2009.
The Fujitsu Scholarship provides full financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program (EWKLP) to participants from the Asia-Pacific region. Fujitsu Limited established the Fujitsu Scholarship Program in 1985 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding.
The EWKLP has a three-month curriculum, which synthesizes the best practices of both the East and West. You will sharpen your global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations.
EWKLP is run by JAIMS, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Fujitsu established JAIMS as a nonprofit postgraduate institute in 1972. Many Fujitsu Scholarship recipients are now working for corporate and social-service organizations across the globe. As a EWKLP graduate, you too will become a member of a vibrant global alumni network.
* Intercultural Business Leadership
* Global Marketing
* Cross-Cultural negotiation and Problem-solving
* Business Plan Development and Entrepreneurship
* Business Communication
* One-week field study in Japan
Program Information:
Application Deadline: January 31st, 2009
Please send your application letter and CV to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince 10thFloor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.3-4
Jakarta 10220
Attn: Mr. Raditya Padmawangsa
Ms. Ella Lamzia
Scholarship information:
for international students:
Australia and New Zealand, China, U.S.A./Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand , Vietnam
please click here
READ MORE - The Fujitsu Scholarship
Hone your leadership vision with this specialized program, delivered by JAIMS, in the wonderful setting of Honolulu, Hawaii. The diverse student body and rigorous curriculum will stretch you to be your best, and prepare you to lead your organization to success in the 21st Century.
The deadline for submitting your completed application for the 25th Fujitsu Scholarship is January 31, 2009.
The Fujitsu Scholarship provides full financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program (EWKLP) to participants from the Asia-Pacific region. Fujitsu Limited established the Fujitsu Scholarship Program in 1985 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding.
The EWKLP has a three-month curriculum, which synthesizes the best practices of both the East and West. You will sharpen your global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations.
EWKLP is run by JAIMS, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Fujitsu established JAIMS as a nonprofit postgraduate institute in 1972. Many Fujitsu Scholarship recipients are now working for corporate and social-service organizations across the globe. As a EWKLP graduate, you too will become a member of a vibrant global alumni network.
* Intercultural Business Leadership
* Global Marketing
* Cross-Cultural negotiation and Problem-solving
* Business Plan Development and Entrepreneurship
* Business Communication
* One-week field study in Japan
Program Information:
Application Deadline: January 31st, 2009
Please send your application letter and CV to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince 10thFloor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.3-4
Jakarta 10220
Attn: Mr. Raditya Padmawangsa
Ms. Ella Lamzia
Scholarship information:
for international students:
Australia and New Zealand, China, U.S.A./Hawaii, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand , Vietnam
please click here

How to Win a Scholarship Application
To win a scholarship application you need a true strategy. The students that win the most scholarships may not have more positive qualities than you, but they use the following strategy to get noticed by the scholarship committees:
Get Prepared:
Get letters of recommendation from teachers or guidance counselor or leaders in your community. Choose these wisely (make copies).
Get a copy of your high school or college transcript (make copies).
Get involved in your community or in school activities or in your church. If your time is limited due to personal circumstances, working to help with family expenses is also an advantage.
Start writing an essay about your goals and what you have done to date to achieve them. Think about what makes you unique.
Get a picture of yourself. A school picture is perfect. Anything smaller than a wallet size head shot, will do.
Buy some clear plastic binders.
The goal here is to have numerous packages made up ahead of time, ready to submit to the various scholarship committees.
The package will include:
* a clear plastic binder and within the package
* the scholarship application ( you will have to insert this later when you have received each individual application)
* followed by an essay that gets you noticed
* followed by your transcript (some scholarships do not require this, but if it’s impressive, send it)
* followed by letters of recommendation and then
* place you picture in the front inside cover(on top of the application) in the lower left hand corner (this is not a requirement, but it helps to put a face to the person, for the scholarship committee deciding who receives the awards)
Get Organized:
Begin researching scholarships that match your criteria. Consider using a scholarship search service, like our service -
Once you have the scholarships for which you want to apply, keep track of the deadlines.
Create a chart to keep on top of all dates.
The chart should include:
* Scholarship name and phone number
* Date application must be received by scholarship committee
* Date you requested the application
* Date you received the application
* Date application with above package was mailed
* Date you called the Scholarship Agency to verify they received your application package
Get Noticed:
As important as being prepared and organized, it is equally important that you have an essay that gets you noticed.
Even if you feel you master the english language, your essay should be critique by someone who has experience in essay writing.
Ask an english professor to review your essay or consider using an essay editing service.
Get Prepared, Get Organized, Get Noticed, Be Persistent and Don’t Give Up!
READ MORE - How to Win a Scholarship Application
Get Prepared:
Get letters of recommendation from teachers or guidance counselor or leaders in your community. Choose these wisely (make copies).
Get a copy of your high school or college transcript (make copies).
Get involved in your community or in school activities or in your church. If your time is limited due to personal circumstances, working to help with family expenses is also an advantage.
Start writing an essay about your goals and what you have done to date to achieve them. Think about what makes you unique.
Get a picture of yourself. A school picture is perfect. Anything smaller than a wallet size head shot, will do.
Buy some clear plastic binders.
The goal here is to have numerous packages made up ahead of time, ready to submit to the various scholarship committees.
The package will include:
* a clear plastic binder and within the package
* the scholarship application ( you will have to insert this later when you have received each individual application)
* followed by an essay that gets you noticed
* followed by your transcript (some scholarships do not require this, but if it’s impressive, send it)
* followed by letters of recommendation and then
* place you picture in the front inside cover(on top of the application) in the lower left hand corner (this is not a requirement, but it helps to put a face to the person, for the scholarship committee deciding who receives the awards)
Get Organized:
Begin researching scholarships that match your criteria. Consider using a scholarship search service, like our service -
Once you have the scholarships for which you want to apply, keep track of the deadlines.
Create a chart to keep on top of all dates.
The chart should include:
* Scholarship name and phone number
* Date application must be received by scholarship committee
* Date you requested the application
* Date you received the application
* Date application with above package was mailed
* Date you called the Scholarship Agency to verify they received your application package
Get Noticed:
As important as being prepared and organized, it is equally important that you have an essay that gets you noticed.
Even if you feel you master the english language, your essay should be critique by someone who has experience in essay writing.
Ask an english professor to review your essay or consider using an essay editing service.
Get Prepared, Get Organized, Get Noticed, Be Persistent and Don’t Give Up!

Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes)
The Netherlands Education Support Office (Neso) Indonesia is a non-profit organization funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education. Neso Indonesia is the representative office of NUFFIC, the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher education. Neso Indonesia is the implementing organisation of the bilateral scholarship programme StuNed.
Neso Indonesia is currently recruiting for the position of Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes), to be located in Jakarta. The scholarships officer will be responsible for the realization of Tailor Made Training requests, including facilitation, proposal assessment, administration and monitoring and evaluation.
Opportunity: Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes)
- process applications for training programmes to be funded by StuNed (including proposal assessment)
- handle overall daily administrative and finance activities with regards to the management of the training programmes
- provide information and support to various stakeholders in Indonesia and the Netherlands
- maintain regular communication with stakeholders to coordinate and trouble-shoot as to programme implementation
- conduct regular monitoring and provide reports
- participate in all scholarships activities (including promotion activities, for which occasional traveling is required)
- report to the Head Scholarships Section
Competencies and required skills and experience:
- has a minimum of 2-3 years working experience in project cycle management
- demonstrate commitment to the development of Indonesia
- demonstrate understanding of result-oriented approach to programme implementation
- has excellent English communication skills (oral and written)
- demonstrate analytical, interpersonal and negotiation skills
- has experience in working with and/or for various governmental and non governmental organizations,
- has an S1 Degree in Education, Social sciences or other relevant skills is computer literate especially in MS office applications
- able to work in a team and independently
- able to handle multiple tasks in a fast paced working environmenthas
sufficient experience with overall project administration.
Send your application and motivation letter via e-mail to recruitment@ nesoindonesia. and please write Scholarship Officer as the subject, not later than 2 January 2009. Candidates willing to start soon are encouraged to apply. Only short listed candidates will be invited for an interview.
For more information on the StuNed programme, please visit: www.nesoindonesia.
READ MORE - Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes)
Neso Indonesia is currently recruiting for the position of Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes), to be located in Jakarta. The scholarships officer will be responsible for the realization of Tailor Made Training requests, including facilitation, proposal assessment, administration and monitoring and evaluation.
Opportunity: Scholarships Officer (Tailor Made Training Programmes)
- process applications for training programmes to be funded by StuNed (including proposal assessment)
- handle overall daily administrative and finance activities with regards to the management of the training programmes
- provide information and support to various stakeholders in Indonesia and the Netherlands
- maintain regular communication with stakeholders to coordinate and trouble-shoot as to programme implementation
- conduct regular monitoring and provide reports
- participate in all scholarships activities (including promotion activities, for which occasional traveling is required)
- report to the Head Scholarships Section
Competencies and required skills and experience:
- has a minimum of 2-3 years working experience in project cycle management
- demonstrate commitment to the development of Indonesia
- demonstrate understanding of result-oriented approach to programme implementation
- has excellent English communication skills (oral and written)
- demonstrate analytical, interpersonal and negotiation skills
- has experience in working with and/or for various governmental and non governmental organizations,
- has an S1 Degree in Education, Social sciences or other relevant skills is computer literate especially in MS office applications
- able to work in a team and independently
- able to handle multiple tasks in a fast paced working environmenthas
sufficient experience with overall project administration.
Send your application and motivation letter via e-mail to recruitment@ nesoindonesia. and please write Scholarship Officer as the subject, not later than 2 January 2009. Candidates willing to start soon are encouraged to apply. Only short listed candidates will be invited for an interview.
For more information on the StuNed programme, please visit: www.nesoindonesia.

ph.d. scholarship (4 years) -- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The impact of voluntary principals and agents on npo governance and performance: a theoretical study
This study's aim is to develop micro-economic models of organisational behaviour explicitly taking the presence of volunteers into consideration. Therefore, the researcher will be selected on the basis of the assessment of her/his thorough knowledge of (and preferably experience in) theoretical micro-economics.
The models to be developed fit into the aforementioned principal-agent framework (see Bénabou and Tirole (2003) as an example of the approach to be taken), and will depart from the confrontation of organisational and individual utility functions. Important arguments in the individual utility functions will be the effort of the volunteer, her attachment to the organisational goals and her attachment to the clients’ goals (for the introduction of this distinction, see our previous work in Caers et al. (2006b)), her inclination to shirk, and the possibility of alternative activities. The impact on organisational performance will be analytically assessed. Given the expected amount of analytical difficulties to be met due to the complexity of the utility functions involved (see also Caers et al., 2005, 2006a), the modelling effort is planned to gradually evolve from simpler cases to more realistic ones, as is traditional for this kind of work. In the next paragraphs we describe a preliminary structure of this work.
The first year, after having reviewed the literature, the ‘simpler’ models will be constructed. We will model organisations with only operational volunteers (the other categories of persons involved being professionals) , then with only managerial volunteers, and then with only voluntary board members. These first models will concentrate on the agency costs without bonding and monitoring, which will be introduced
later on. Volunteers will be modelled as utility maximisers, therefore not necessarily exclusively pursuing organisational goals. Agency costs then are the differences between the performance levels obtained, and the ‘first best’ levels. Clearly, performance based reward schemes, which play an important role in the governance literature on profit organisations, are not relevant here.
In the second year, we will first introduce bonding and monitoring in the models developed in the first year, monitoring reflecting essential aspects of organisational governance. Furthermore, we will also consider volunteers still to be present at only one level in the organisation, but now together with paid staff members. Also, models with only volunteers at two of the three levels described above will be conceived.
In year three the most comprehensive models will be derived: volunteers at all levels, together with professionals at all levels, leading to a set of empirically testable hypotheses, to be verified in the fourth year, at least within one large organisation grouping both paid staff members and volunteers at all levels.
For further information: Marc Jegers, VUB, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium 00 32 2 629 21 13 marc.jegers @ website: MICE
READ MORE - ph.d. scholarship (4 years) -- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This study's aim is to develop micro-economic models of organisational behaviour explicitly taking the presence of volunteers into consideration. Therefore, the researcher will be selected on the basis of the assessment of her/his thorough knowledge of (and preferably experience in) theoretical micro-economics.
The models to be developed fit into the aforementioned principal-agent framework (see Bénabou and Tirole (2003) as an example of the approach to be taken), and will depart from the confrontation of organisational and individual utility functions. Important arguments in the individual utility functions will be the effort of the volunteer, her attachment to the organisational goals and her attachment to the clients’ goals (for the introduction of this distinction, see our previous work in Caers et al. (2006b)), her inclination to shirk, and the possibility of alternative activities. The impact on organisational performance will be analytically assessed. Given the expected amount of analytical difficulties to be met due to the complexity of the utility functions involved (see also Caers et al., 2005, 2006a), the modelling effort is planned to gradually evolve from simpler cases to more realistic ones, as is traditional for this kind of work. In the next paragraphs we describe a preliminary structure of this work.
The first year, after having reviewed the literature, the ‘simpler’ models will be constructed. We will model organisations with only operational volunteers (the other categories of persons involved being professionals) , then with only managerial volunteers, and then with only voluntary board members. These first models will concentrate on the agency costs without bonding and monitoring, which will be introduced
later on. Volunteers will be modelled as utility maximisers, therefore not necessarily exclusively pursuing organisational goals. Agency costs then are the differences between the performance levels obtained, and the ‘first best’ levels. Clearly, performance based reward schemes, which play an important role in the governance literature on profit organisations, are not relevant here.
In the second year, we will first introduce bonding and monitoring in the models developed in the first year, monitoring reflecting essential aspects of organisational governance. Furthermore, we will also consider volunteers still to be present at only one level in the organisation, but now together with paid staff members. Also, models with only volunteers at two of the three levels described above will be conceived.
In year three the most comprehensive models will be derived: volunteers at all levels, together with professionals at all levels, leading to a set of empirically testable hypotheses, to be verified in the fourth year, at least within one large organisation grouping both paid staff members and volunteers at all levels.
For further information: Marc Jegers, VUB, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium 00 32 2 629 21 13 marc.jegers @ website: MICE

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