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Masters Studentships
Posted on | Minggu, 29 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences
Applications are invited for one-year Faculty Masters Studentships (comprising full home or overseas tuition fees): the deadline for applications is 15 August 2008.
Applications are invited in the following subjects: English, French, Geography, History, Italian, Law, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.
A list of eligible courses and research degrees on which these awards may be held is available from the Faculty Officer (Ms Bronagh Dallat), Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Tel: 0141 548 2750, Fax: 0141 552 0775, e-mail: d.mcarthur@strath.,
Further information is also available on the University Postgraduate Scholarships webpage by following the link to: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences Studentships
READ MORE - Masters Studentships
Applications are invited for one-year Faculty Masters Studentships (comprising full home or overseas tuition fees): the deadline for applications is 15 August 2008.
Applications are invited in the following subjects: English, French, Geography, History, Italian, Law, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.
A list of eligible courses and research degrees on which these awards may be held is available from the Faculty Officer (Ms Bronagh Dallat), Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Tel: 0141 548 2750, Fax: 0141 552 0775, e-mail: d.mcarthur@strath.,
Further information is also available on the University Postgraduate Scholarships webpage by following the link to: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences Studentships

Australian Development Scholarship
Posted on | Jumat, 27 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Applications are now open for the 2009 Australian Development Scholarship (ADS). The ADS program is targeted to individuals who are committed to addressing development issues in sustainable growth and economic management; democracy, justice and good governance; investing in people, including in health and education; and safety and peace. For further information, please check or
Upcoming events
* The talented Australian singer and 2006 Australian Idol runner-up, Jessica Mauboy, will be travelling to Indonesia in June and August 2008. Jessica will be performing at a range of events and meeting with some alumni in music industry (26 June).
* University of Sydney Alumni Reunion Reception - 4 July, 7-9pm, Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta . For further information please contact Tracey Beck (Director, Alumni Relations) or Sarah Portelli (Events Coordinator) at
* Alumni activities in the following cities:
o Medan (July) – tba.
o Bandung (July) – tba. For further information please contact
Jobs Board
Check out this week’s job vacancies from the Australian Embassy, PT Siemens Indonesia, AXA, and many more! Who knows one of them is the one who have been looking for.
If you or your company is looking to employ Australian alumni, post your job vacancies on the OzMate job board! It’s free! Please contact for further information.
Past events:
* Australian Universities International Alumni Convention (AUIAC) 2008 in Singapore
* Alumni activities in the following cities: Makassar, Kendari, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Mataram, and Medan .
READ MORE - Australian Development Scholarship
Upcoming events
* The talented Australian singer and 2006 Australian Idol runner-up, Jessica Mauboy, will be travelling to Indonesia in June and August 2008. Jessica will be performing at a range of events and meeting with some alumni in music industry (26 June).
* University of Sydney Alumni Reunion Reception - 4 July, 7-9pm, Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta . For further information please contact Tracey Beck (Director, Alumni Relations) or Sarah Portelli (Events Coordinator) at
* Alumni activities in the following cities:
o Medan (July) – tba.
o Bandung (July) – tba. For further information please contact
Jobs Board
Check out this week’s job vacancies from the Australian Embassy, PT Siemens Indonesia, AXA, and many more! Who knows one of them is the one who have been looking for.
If you or your company is looking to employ Australian alumni, post your job vacancies on the OzMate job board! It’s free! Please contact for further information.
Past events:
* Australian Universities International Alumni Convention (AUIAC) 2008 in Singapore
* Alumni activities in the following cities: Makassar, Kendari, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Mataram, and Medan .

Beasiswa Penuh Untuk SMP & SMA di Singapura
Posted on | Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Kementrian Pendidikan SIngapura dengan ini menawarkan beasiswa ASEAN bagi para pelajar berprestasi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan pada tingkat SMP dan SMA di Singapura, yang akan berakhir dengan ujian General Certification of Education (Advanced) Level (atau setara) Examination.
Mereka yang berhasil menempuh ujian GCE “A” Level Examination dengan sukses dapat melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat sarjana di National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) ataupun Singapore Mangement University (SMU) melalui program beasiswa yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.
- Bebas biaya pendidikan serta biaya ujian
- Biaya hidup per-tahun sebesar S$2,200 (kira-kira Rp. 15,025,000
- Akomodasi (Pangan & Papan)
- Tiket pulang pergi satu kali dari dank e Singapura
- Lain-lain, termasuk biaya kesehatan, biaya penyesuaian diri, dll
Beasiswa ini tidak memiliki ikatan apapun.
Pelajar yang memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut ini dapat mendaftar untuk beasiswa pada SMP kelas III di Singapura.
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Lahir antara tahun 1992 dan 1994
- Telah menempuh Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) 2008 SMP 3
- Memiliki prestasi cemerlang di sekolah
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian pemilihan yang menyangkut Kemampuan Umum, Bahsa Inggris dan Matematika di Jakarta, Medan dan Surabaya pada bulan Agustus. Kandidat yang lulus ujian pemilihan selanjutnya akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti wawancara pada bulan September. Kandidat yang berhasil akan tiba di Singapura pada bulan November untuk mengikuti kursus singkat penyesuaian diri dalam bahasa Inggris sebelum memasuki sekolah Singapura pada bulan Januari 2009.
Formulir pendaftaran bisa didapatkan di:
- /scholarships/ asean/indonesia
- Kedutaan Besar Republik Singapura. Graha Surya Internusa. Level 19, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-0 Kuningan, Jakarta12950, Indonesia
- Consulate of the Republic of Singapore. 4th Floor, Surya Dumai Group Building, Jl. Sudirman No. 395, Pekanbaru 28116, Riau, Indonesia
Formulir yang telah lengkap serta surat-surat pendukung (telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris) harus telah diterima oleh KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN – SINGAPURA selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 Juli 2008 yang ditujukan ke:
School Placement and Scholarship Branch
Scholarship Section
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Hanya Pendaftar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil
READ MORE - Beasiswa Penuh Untuk SMP & SMA di Singapura
Mereka yang berhasil menempuh ujian GCE “A” Level Examination dengan sukses dapat melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat sarjana di National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) ataupun Singapore Mangement University (SMU) melalui program beasiswa yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.
- Bebas biaya pendidikan serta biaya ujian
- Biaya hidup per-tahun sebesar S$2,200 (kira-kira Rp. 15,025,000
- Akomodasi (Pangan & Papan)
- Tiket pulang pergi satu kali dari dank e Singapura
- Lain-lain, termasuk biaya kesehatan, biaya penyesuaian diri, dll
Beasiswa ini tidak memiliki ikatan apapun.
Pelajar yang memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut ini dapat mendaftar untuk beasiswa pada SMP kelas III di Singapura.
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Lahir antara tahun 1992 dan 1994
- Telah menempuh Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) 2008 SMP 3
- Memiliki prestasi cemerlang di sekolah
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian pemilihan yang menyangkut Kemampuan Umum, Bahsa Inggris dan Matematika di Jakarta, Medan dan Surabaya pada bulan Agustus. Kandidat yang lulus ujian pemilihan selanjutnya akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti wawancara pada bulan September. Kandidat yang berhasil akan tiba di Singapura pada bulan November untuk mengikuti kursus singkat penyesuaian diri dalam bahasa Inggris sebelum memasuki sekolah Singapura pada bulan Januari 2009.
Formulir pendaftaran bisa didapatkan di:
- /scholarships/ asean/indonesia
- Kedutaan Besar Republik Singapura. Graha Surya Internusa. Level 19, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-0 Kuningan, Jakarta12950, Indonesia
- Consulate of the Republic of Singapore. 4th Floor, Surya Dumai Group Building, Jl. Sudirman No. 395, Pekanbaru 28116, Riau, Indonesia
Formulir yang telah lengkap serta surat-surat pendukung (telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris) harus telah diterima oleh KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN – SINGAPURA selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 Juli 2008 yang ditujukan ke:
School Placement and Scholarship Branch
Scholarship Section
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Hanya Pendaftar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil

Institut Kesenian Makassar- mencari dosen Fakultas Media Rekam
Posted on | Rabu, 18 Juni 2008 | 8 Comments
Institut Kesenian Makassar,
Membutuhkan tenaga pengajar untuk progam studi Film dan TV dan program studi
fotografi, bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan;
Fotocopy ijasah S1 dan yang lebih tinggi (S2, S3)
Fotocopy SK Penyetaraan Ijazah lulusan luar negeri dari Ditjen Dikti
Fotocopy SK jabatan Akademik dari pemerintah (bagi yang sudah memiliki)
Fotocopy SK pension (bagi pensiunan)
Daftar riwayat hidup (mohon dibut sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan
ke alamat: Jalan R. W. Monginsidi No. 4 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Telp. 085656371601
untuk info silahkan menelpon atau email ke kampusikm@gmail. com
Pembangunan nasional yang dilaksanakan bangsa Indonesia adalah amanat bangsa
Indonesia melalui para pendiri Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Tatanan kehidupan
dan masa depan Indonesia yang cerdas, makmur dan berkeadilan ditentukan oleh
kemampuan bangsa dalam menghadapi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi,
ketinggian komitmen akan kaidah moral dan budi pekerti, serta kemampuan membangun
perkembangan sosial sebagai pengamalan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila atas dasar kecintaan
terhadap tanah air.
Tepat 100 tahun yang lalu bangsa Indonesia mengikrarkan Kebangkitan Nasional, yang
menjadi momen penting dalam sejarah persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia. Kini di
tengah era globalisasi yang melanda dunia, kebudayaan nasional bangsa Indonesia sedikit
demi sedikit terkikis oleh budaya global. Menyadari hal tersebut, Yayasan Kibar Indonesia
kemudian menggagas pendirian Institut Kesenian Makasar dengan tujuan menggali dan
mengembangkan seni budaya nasional melalui jalur pendidikan.
Institut Kesenian Makassar sebagai suatu lembaga pendidikan tinggi bertugas untuk
menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga di bidang kependidikan dan nonkependidikan dengan
menyiapkan mahasiswa agar menjadi anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan
akademik dan/atau profesional yang memiliki kemampuan untuk
mempertanggungjawab kan karyanya secara etik, estetik, dan akademik, (kecerdasan
spritual, emosional, dan intelektual) serta menyikapi seni, menjaga keserasian dan
keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap seni sebagai bagian
kehidupan dan budaya masyarakat.
Nama dan Tempat
1. Fakultas Seni Media Rekam
a. Program Studi TELEVISI & FILM
b. Program Studi FOTOGRAFI
2. Fakultas Desain dan Seni Rupa
a. Program Studi DISAIN INTERIOR
3. Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan
b. Program Studi SENI MUSIK
c. Program Studi TATA RIAS
1. Institut Kesenian Makassar (IKM), merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi swasta yang
menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik, profesi atau vokasi ilmu-teknologi- seni budaya,
baik dalam bidang kependidikan maupun non-kependidikan.
2. Institut Kesenian Makassar adalah Perguruan Tinggi yang di selenggarakan oleh
Yayasan Kibar Indonesia yang berkedudukan di Kota Makassar Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
3. Institut Kesenian Makassar berkedudukan di Kota Makassar.
Mampu menciptakan, memelihara, dan mengembangkan seni, serta memperkaya nilai-
nilai kemanusiaan dan lingkungan hidup dengan dimensi kultural dan spiritual, serta peka
dan tanggap terhadap fenomena perubahan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat.
1. Mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan potensi pluralitas dan multikulturalitas
budaya lokal Nusantara agar menjadi daya saing dalam percaturan global dan diapresiasi
secara wajar.
2. Menciptakan tatanan kehidupan multikultural yang dapat membangun kualitas,
harkat dan martabat, serta jatidiri manusia, masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia.
3. Menyikapi dan peka terhadap berbagai tantangan perubahan dan perkembangan
zaman, serta memiliki kepedulian terhadap permasalahan dalam masyarakat dan
lingkungan hidup.
4. Menyikapi secara kritis, reflektif, dan fleksibel terhadap beragam pergeseran
paradigmatik keilmuan dan keprofesian dalam bidang seni.
5. Melakukan pengembangan metodologis tentang penciptaan, pengkajian, penyajian,
pengelolaan, pembelajaran, serta pemahaman dan penghargaan karya seni.
a. Tujuan Umum : Mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional dan memiliki
kecerdasan intelektual yang berbasis seni budaya, serta kecerdasan, emosi dan spritual
yang tinggi.
b. Tujuan Khusus : menghasilkan sarjana/tenaga ahli bidang seni yang peka dan
tanggap terhadap masalah sosial budaya, dengan pemilikan kompetensi:
1. Mampu mencipta dan mengekspresikan beragam gagasan ke dalam berbagai bentuk
karya seni.
2. Mampu mengkaji dan menganalisis beragam fenomena seni dan budaya.
3. Mampu menyajikan karya seni secara kreatif, inovatif, dan profesional.
4. Mampu melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar bidang seni dan budaya secara efektif.
5. Mampu mengelola beragam kegiatan seni dan budaya.
Berbekal kompetensi tersebut, setiap lulusan memiliki kemampuan untuk
mempertanggungjawab kan karyanya secara etik, estetik, dan akademik, (kecerdasan
spritual, emosional, dan intelektual) serta menyikapi seni, menjaga keserasian dan
keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap seni sebagai bagian
kehidupan dan budaya masyarakat.
Institut Kesenian Makassar mengemban fungsi untuk mengembangkan potensi
sumberdaya manusia di bidang seni budaya, baik kependidikan maupun non-
kependidikan yang mandiri dan memiliki integritas sesuai dengan tuntutan pembangunan
yang berkesinambungan dengan prinsip non-diskriminatif.
Pola / Landasan
• Pembangunan dialog antar subkultur budaya Indonesia yang beragam, dan
hubungannya dengan perspektif kultur lain.
• Orientasi akademik yang luwes yang berkonsekuensi terhadap sistem dan piranti
pendidikan tinggi seni melalui pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, maupun
pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pelestarian dan pengembangan ilmu-ilmu seni
READ MORE - Institut Kesenian Makassar- mencari dosen Fakultas Media Rekam
Membutuhkan tenaga pengajar untuk progam studi Film dan TV dan program studi
fotografi, bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan;
Fotocopy ijasah S1 dan yang lebih tinggi (S2, S3)
Fotocopy SK Penyetaraan Ijazah lulusan luar negeri dari Ditjen Dikti
Fotocopy SK jabatan Akademik dari pemerintah (bagi yang sudah memiliki)
Fotocopy SK pension (bagi pensiunan)
Daftar riwayat hidup (mohon dibut sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan
ke alamat: Jalan R. W. Monginsidi No. 4 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Telp. 085656371601
untuk info silahkan menelpon atau email ke kampusikm@gmail. com
Pembangunan nasional yang dilaksanakan bangsa Indonesia adalah amanat bangsa
Indonesia melalui para pendiri Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Tatanan kehidupan
dan masa depan Indonesia yang cerdas, makmur dan berkeadilan ditentukan oleh
kemampuan bangsa dalam menghadapi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi,
ketinggian komitmen akan kaidah moral dan budi pekerti, serta kemampuan membangun
perkembangan sosial sebagai pengamalan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila atas dasar kecintaan
terhadap tanah air.
Tepat 100 tahun yang lalu bangsa Indonesia mengikrarkan Kebangkitan Nasional, yang
menjadi momen penting dalam sejarah persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia. Kini di
tengah era globalisasi yang melanda dunia, kebudayaan nasional bangsa Indonesia sedikit
demi sedikit terkikis oleh budaya global. Menyadari hal tersebut, Yayasan Kibar Indonesia
kemudian menggagas pendirian Institut Kesenian Makasar dengan tujuan menggali dan
mengembangkan seni budaya nasional melalui jalur pendidikan.
Institut Kesenian Makassar sebagai suatu lembaga pendidikan tinggi bertugas untuk
menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga di bidang kependidikan dan nonkependidikan dengan
menyiapkan mahasiswa agar menjadi anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan
akademik dan/atau profesional yang memiliki kemampuan untuk
mempertanggungjawab kan karyanya secara etik, estetik, dan akademik, (kecerdasan
spritual, emosional, dan intelektual) serta menyikapi seni, menjaga keserasian dan
keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap seni sebagai bagian
kehidupan dan budaya masyarakat.
Nama dan Tempat
1. Fakultas Seni Media Rekam
a. Program Studi TELEVISI & FILM
b. Program Studi FOTOGRAFI
2. Fakultas Desain dan Seni Rupa
a. Program Studi DISAIN INTERIOR
3. Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan
b. Program Studi SENI MUSIK
c. Program Studi TATA RIAS
1. Institut Kesenian Makassar (IKM), merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi swasta yang
menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik, profesi atau vokasi ilmu-teknologi- seni budaya,
baik dalam bidang kependidikan maupun non-kependidikan.
2. Institut Kesenian Makassar adalah Perguruan Tinggi yang di selenggarakan oleh
Yayasan Kibar Indonesia yang berkedudukan di Kota Makassar Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
3. Institut Kesenian Makassar berkedudukan di Kota Makassar.
Mampu menciptakan, memelihara, dan mengembangkan seni, serta memperkaya nilai-
nilai kemanusiaan dan lingkungan hidup dengan dimensi kultural dan spiritual, serta peka
dan tanggap terhadap fenomena perubahan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat.
1. Mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan potensi pluralitas dan multikulturalitas
budaya lokal Nusantara agar menjadi daya saing dalam percaturan global dan diapresiasi
secara wajar.
2. Menciptakan tatanan kehidupan multikultural yang dapat membangun kualitas,
harkat dan martabat, serta jatidiri manusia, masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia.
3. Menyikapi dan peka terhadap berbagai tantangan perubahan dan perkembangan
zaman, serta memiliki kepedulian terhadap permasalahan dalam masyarakat dan
lingkungan hidup.
4. Menyikapi secara kritis, reflektif, dan fleksibel terhadap beragam pergeseran
paradigmatik keilmuan dan keprofesian dalam bidang seni.
5. Melakukan pengembangan metodologis tentang penciptaan, pengkajian, penyajian,
pengelolaan, pembelajaran, serta pemahaman dan penghargaan karya seni.
a. Tujuan Umum : Mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional dan memiliki
kecerdasan intelektual yang berbasis seni budaya, serta kecerdasan, emosi dan spritual
yang tinggi.
b. Tujuan Khusus : menghasilkan sarjana/tenaga ahli bidang seni yang peka dan
tanggap terhadap masalah sosial budaya, dengan pemilikan kompetensi:
1. Mampu mencipta dan mengekspresikan beragam gagasan ke dalam berbagai bentuk
karya seni.
2. Mampu mengkaji dan menganalisis beragam fenomena seni dan budaya.
3. Mampu menyajikan karya seni secara kreatif, inovatif, dan profesional.
4. Mampu melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar bidang seni dan budaya secara efektif.
5. Mampu mengelola beragam kegiatan seni dan budaya.
Berbekal kompetensi tersebut, setiap lulusan memiliki kemampuan untuk
mempertanggungjawab kan karyanya secara etik, estetik, dan akademik, (kecerdasan
spritual, emosional, dan intelektual) serta menyikapi seni, menjaga keserasian dan
keseimbangan antara kebutuhan dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap seni sebagai bagian
kehidupan dan budaya masyarakat.
Institut Kesenian Makassar mengemban fungsi untuk mengembangkan potensi
sumberdaya manusia di bidang seni budaya, baik kependidikan maupun non-
kependidikan yang mandiri dan memiliki integritas sesuai dengan tuntutan pembangunan
yang berkesinambungan dengan prinsip non-diskriminatif.
Pola / Landasan
• Pembangunan dialog antar subkultur budaya Indonesia yang beragam, dan
hubungannya dengan perspektif kultur lain.
• Orientasi akademik yang luwes yang berkonsekuensi terhadap sistem dan piranti
pendidikan tinggi seni melalui pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, maupun
pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pelestarian dan pengembangan ilmu-ilmu seni

Curtin University of Technology Australia
Posted on | Selasa, 17 Juni 2008 | No Comments
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) is
available to any international student wishing to undertake a Higher
Degree by Research at Curtin in 2009.
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship provides:
½ course tuition fee for two years for a Masters by Research and three years for a Doctoral degree; and
� Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the recipient and their dependants for the duration of the award.
No other allowances are available under this award.
Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) living allowance will
be awarded to the top two ranked applicants in each awarding year.
Tenable at: Curtin University of Technology.
award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New
Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research
capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence
a higher degree by research in 2009.
Please refer to the
Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for infomation on
entry requirements at
http://research. au/graduate/ hdrguidelines
currently enrolled in the degree for which an EIPRS is being sought,
who commenced their degree after 1 September 2006, are eligible to
Further Information:
Application forms will be available between 1st June 2008 and 31st August 2008 from this site or by contacting:
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4905
Fax: (08) 9266 3793
E-mail: scholarships[ at ] au
Opening Date: 1 June, 2008
Closing Date: 31 August, 2008
READ MORE - Curtin University of Technology Australia
available to any international student wishing to undertake a Higher
Degree by Research at Curtin in 2009.
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship provides:
½ course tuition fee for two years for a Masters by Research and three years for a Doctoral degree; and
� Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the recipient and their dependants for the duration of the award.
No other allowances are available under this award.
Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) living allowance will
be awarded to the top two ranked applicants in each awarding year.
Tenable at: Curtin University of Technology.
award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New
Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research
capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence
a higher degree by research in 2009.
Please refer to the
Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for infomation on
entry requirements at
http://research. au/graduate/ hdrguidelines
currently enrolled in the degree for which an EIPRS is being sought,
who commenced their degree after 1 September 2006, are eligible to
Further Information:
Application forms will be available between 1st June 2008 and 31st August 2008 from this site or by contacting:
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4905
Fax: (08) 9266 3793
E-mail: scholarships[ at ] au
Opening Date: 1 June, 2008
Closing Date: 31 August, 2008

Master Scholarships in Information System and Development
Two scholarships are being made available to developing country applicants
wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester
one-year Masters degrees:
* MSc in ICTs for Development
* MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development
One full (£21,000) scholarship is available on a competitive basis for
applicants to any development- related Masters degrees. One partial
fee-waiver (£5,500) scholarship is available exclusively for applicants
to these two information systems and development- related Masters
Applicants must have applied, received and accepted a formal offer by 30 June 2008 to be considered.
Further details of these programmes can be found at: http://www.sed. manchester. postgraduate/ taught/courses/
Do please pass on details to any relevant final-year undergraduates.
Richard Heeks
E-mail : richard.heeks@ manchester.
Development Informatics Group, IDPM, SED,
University of Manchester, UK
READ MORE - Master Scholarships in Information System and Development
wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester
one-year Masters degrees:
* MSc in ICTs for Development
* MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development
One full (£21,000) scholarship is available on a competitive basis for
applicants to any development- related Masters degrees. One partial
fee-waiver (£5,500) scholarship is available exclusively for applicants
to these two information systems and development- related Masters
Applicants must have applied, received and accepted a formal offer by 30 June 2008 to be considered.
Further details of these programmes can be found at: http://www.sed. manchester. postgraduate/ taught/courses/
Do please pass on details to any relevant final-year undergraduates.
Richard Heeks
E-mail : richard.heeks@ manchester.
Development Informatics Group, IDPM, SED,
University of Manchester, UK

Beasiswa Penuh Trisakti
Yayasan Beasiswa Trisakti memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa/i SMA dan SMK yang baru saja lulus ujian akhir nasional untuk mendapatkan beasiswa penuh kuliah di Trisakti School of Management.
Persyaratan beasiswa tersebut adalah :
1. Nilai rata - rata 8 (delapan) di kelas XII
2. Surat keterangan berprestasi dari Kepala Sekolah asal.
3. Lulus ujian saringan masuk tertulis, interview, dan tes psikologi
yang diselenggarakan oleh TSM.
4. Melampirkan fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP.
5. Melampirkan surat keterangan kelakuan baik dari Kepolisian
6. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
7. Umur tisak melebihi 19 (sembilanbelas) tahun pada saat mengajukan
8. Belum menikah pada saat mengajukan beasiswa.
Besar beasiswa yang diberikan maksimum selama empat tahun adalah
sebesar biaya pendidikan yang diperlukan selama mahasiswa/i menempuh
perkuliahan di TSM.
Bagi siswa/i SMA dan SMK yang memenuhi kriteria di atas dapat
mengirimkan persyaratan yang diminta dengan mencantumkan kode
BEASISWA YBT 2008 di sebelah kiri atas amplop ke alamat :
Tim Beasiswa Trisakti School of Management
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 20, Grogol
Jakarta Barat 11440
U.p. : Bpk. Drs. Teguh Siswanto, M.Si
READ MORE - Beasiswa Penuh Trisakti
Persyaratan beasiswa tersebut adalah :
1. Nilai rata - rata 8 (delapan) di kelas XII
2. Surat keterangan berprestasi dari Kepala Sekolah asal.
3. Lulus ujian saringan masuk tertulis, interview, dan tes psikologi
yang diselenggarakan oleh TSM.
4. Melampirkan fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP.
5. Melampirkan surat keterangan kelakuan baik dari Kepolisian
6. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
7. Umur tisak melebihi 19 (sembilanbelas) tahun pada saat mengajukan
8. Belum menikah pada saat mengajukan beasiswa.
Besar beasiswa yang diberikan maksimum selama empat tahun adalah
sebesar biaya pendidikan yang diperlukan selama mahasiswa/i menempuh
perkuliahan di TSM.
Bagi siswa/i SMA dan SMK yang memenuhi kriteria di atas dapat
mengirimkan persyaratan yang diminta dengan mencantumkan kode
BEASISWA YBT 2008 di sebelah kiri atas amplop ke alamat :
Tim Beasiswa Trisakti School of Management
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 20, Grogol
Jakarta Barat 11440
U.p. : Bpk. Drs. Teguh Siswanto, M.Si

Asian Science Camp 2008
Posted on | Senin, 16 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Asian Science Camp 2008
August 3-9, 2008, Inna Grand Bali Beach
Bali, Sanur-Bali, Indonesia
· A rare first-hand opportunity for 500 Asian
students / teachers to share thought with and learn from Nobel Laureates (in
Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Medicine) and other world-class scientists.
· International annual event to promote friendship
and cooperation among best Asian young students.
· Developing network among teachers/lecturers from
different Asian countries.
· Featuring:
Nobel Laureates & World-Class Scientists
· Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee Ph. D. (1986 Nobel
Laureate in Chemistry, Chinese Taipei)
· Prof. Richard Robert Ernst Ph. D. (1991
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Switzerland)
· Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff Ph. D. (1996
Nobel Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao
F.R.S. (2000 Hughes Medal by Royal Society, CSIR Centre of Excellence in
Chemistry, India)
· Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba Ph. D. (2002 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, Japan)
· Prof. David Gross Ph. D. (2004 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Myriam P. Sarachik Ph. D. (2005
L¢Oreal/UNESCO Woman in Science Laureate,
Physics Department, City College of CUNY, USA)
· Phyllis Osheroff Ph. D. (Stanford
University, USA)
Indonesian Scientists
· Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph.D. (Lehigh
University, USA)
· Lim Yow Pin MD, Ph.D. (Brown Medical
School, USA)
· Dr.rer.nat. Johny Setiawan (Max Planck
Institute for Astronomy, Germany)
· Rizal Fajar Hariadi B.S., Ph.D. cand.
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
speakers/ researchers
· Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Teguh Triono (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Adi Santoso (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. rer.nat. Heri Haerudin (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
Participant requirements:
· High School/University
student majoring in Physics/Chemistry/ Biology/
Medicine, aged 16-22 years
· Has great passion in
· Good command of oral and
written English
· Will be able to fully
attend the 2008 ASC, with leave permission from school/university
· Submit two recommendation letters by principal and
science teacher regarding scientific
· Pass the selection criteria
For further Information,
registration and order of video documentation, please contact:
Sylvie +62 21 - 551
2584; +62 21 - 716 80499; 081 611 08204;
email: sylvie@suryainstitu
visit www.suryainstitute. org/asc2008
READ MORE - Asian Science Camp 2008
August 3-9, 2008, Inna Grand Bali Beach
Bali, Sanur-Bali, Indonesia
· A rare first-hand opportunity for 500 Asian
students / teachers to share thought with and learn from Nobel Laureates (in
Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Medicine) and other world-class scientists.
· International annual event to promote friendship
and cooperation among best Asian young students.
· Developing network among teachers/lecturers from
different Asian countries.
· Featuring:
Nobel Laureates & World-Class Scientists
· Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee Ph. D. (1986 Nobel
Laureate in Chemistry, Chinese Taipei)
· Prof. Richard Robert Ernst Ph. D. (1991
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Switzerland)
· Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff Ph. D. (1996
Nobel Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao
F.R.S. (2000 Hughes Medal by Royal Society, CSIR Centre of Excellence in
Chemistry, India)
· Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba Ph. D. (2002 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, Japan)
· Prof. David Gross Ph. D. (2004 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Myriam P. Sarachik Ph. D. (2005
L¢Oreal/UNESCO Woman in Science Laureate,
Physics Department, City College of CUNY, USA)
· Phyllis Osheroff Ph. D. (Stanford
University, USA)
Indonesian Scientists
· Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph.D. (Lehigh
University, USA)
· Lim Yow Pin MD, Ph.D. (Brown Medical
School, USA)
· Dr.rer.nat. Johny Setiawan (Max Planck
Institute for Astronomy, Germany)
· Rizal Fajar Hariadi B.S., Ph.D. cand.
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
speakers/ researchers
· Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Teguh Triono (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Adi Santoso (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. rer.nat. Heri Haerudin (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
Participant requirements:
· High School/University
student majoring in Physics/Chemistry/ Biology/
Medicine, aged 16-22 years
· Has great passion in
· Good command of oral and
written English
· Will be able to fully
attend the 2008 ASC, with leave permission from school/university
· Submit two recommendation letters by principal and
science teacher regarding scientific
· Pass the selection criteria
For further Information,
registration and order of video documentation, please contact:
Sylvie +62 21 - 551
2584; +62 21 - 716 80499; 081 611 08204;
email: sylvie@suryainstitu
visit www.suryainstitute. org/asc2008

Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship
Posted on | Jumat, 13 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship for Masters Program in Telecom
Management for August 2008-09 at Aegis School of Business, Mumbai,
India. "Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship" for Masters Program
in Telecom Management: A generous range of scholarships are available
to students of all nationalities to support full-time study of Masters
Program in Telecom Management (MPTMP), commonly known as MBA in
Telecom, at Aegis School of Business.
View the details here
All successful candidates are automatically considered for scholarship
support and are notified as part of the admissions process.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply early to ensure they are
considered for all scholarship opportunities. Please note that
scholarships vary in value and have different criteria on which they
are awarded. There are a number of scholarships up to $8,750, covering
part or full tuition fee, are available for highly motivated
self-funded outstanding female candidates from any part of the world.
Aegis, a live consulting based business school, was started with the
support of Bharti Telecom (Airtel), India's top Telecom Company, for
developing the next generation of leaders. Aegis School of Business is
the most international business school in India, in term of student
and faculty diversity. School has over 70 % International candidates,
which is the highest among any Indian Business Schools. The
international diversity at Aegis prepares participants for a global
work place.
Aegis offers one-year full time programs: MBA/ PGP, MBA IT, MS in
Computer Engineering/ MPIS, Masters in Telecommunication Management
program, Post Graduate Program in Communication.
Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided
by your experience, technical competency, academic excellence and how
these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance
learning and group work at Aegis.
This Scholarship is available for candidates admitted in full-time
programs at Aegis and has a confirm offer letter. Candidate should
have Bachelors Degree/ Diploma in science or Technology. You can refer
the details of Eligibility criteria for admissions at
www.aegisedu. org/Admission% 20Requirements. htm
Scholarship Amount:
Scholarships up to $8,750 covering the full or partial tuition fee are
available for highly motivated, self-funded individuals.
Selection Process:
* Applications evaluation and short listing
* Interview of Short-listed candidates ( option for telephonic
* Please note that scholarships vary in value and have different
criteria on which they are awarded.
To be eligible for Scholarship you need final admission offer letter from Aegis.
Important Dates:
Application on ongoing basis 2nd round application deadline 25 June
2008 3rd round application deadline 10 July 2008
Info selengkapnya
http://intscholarsh india-aegis- alexander- graham-bell- scholarship- masters-program
READ MORE - Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship
Management for August 2008-09 at Aegis School of Business, Mumbai,
India. "Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship" for Masters Program
in Telecom Management: A generous range of scholarships are available
to students of all nationalities to support full-time study of Masters
Program in Telecom Management (MPTMP), commonly known as MBA in
Telecom, at Aegis School of Business.
View the details here
All successful candidates are automatically considered for scholarship
support and are notified as part of the admissions process.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply early to ensure they are
considered for all scholarship opportunities. Please note that
scholarships vary in value and have different criteria on which they
are awarded. There are a number of scholarships up to $8,750, covering
part or full tuition fee, are available for highly motivated
self-funded outstanding female candidates from any part of the world.
Aegis, a live consulting based business school, was started with the
support of Bharti Telecom (Airtel), India's top Telecom Company, for
developing the next generation of leaders. Aegis School of Business is
the most international business school in India, in term of student
and faculty diversity. School has over 70 % International candidates,
which is the highest among any Indian Business Schools. The
international diversity at Aegis prepares participants for a global
work place.
Aegis offers one-year full time programs: MBA/ PGP, MBA IT, MS in
Computer Engineering/ MPIS, Masters in Telecommunication Management
program, Post Graduate Program in Communication.
Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided
by your experience, technical competency, academic excellence and how
these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance
learning and group work at Aegis.
This Scholarship is available for candidates admitted in full-time
programs at Aegis and has a confirm offer letter. Candidate should
have Bachelors Degree/ Diploma in science or Technology. You can refer
the details of Eligibility criteria for admissions at
www.aegisedu. org/Admission% 20Requirements. htm
Scholarship Amount:
Scholarships up to $8,750 covering the full or partial tuition fee are
available for highly motivated, self-funded individuals.
Selection Process:
* Applications evaluation and short listing
* Interview of Short-listed candidates ( option for telephonic
* Please note that scholarships vary in value and have different
criteria on which they are awarded.
To be eligible for Scholarship you need final admission offer letter from Aegis.
Important Dates:
Application on ongoing basis 2nd round application deadline 25 June
2008 3rd round application deadline 10 July 2008
Info selengkapnya
http://intscholarsh india-aegis- alexander- graham-bell- scholarship- masters-program

Youth Exchange Program @ Aussie
The Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) invites applications from young people, aged between 21 and 25 (at the time of application) , willing to represent Australia for two months in Indonesia during December 2008 and January 2009 as members of the AIYEP 2008-09.
The program aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other's country.
Participants will be chosen from applicants undertaking tertiary studies or employed in any one or more of the areas listed below:
Agriculture, Arts, Music, Asian Studies, Economics, Business, Education, Engineering, Science, Environmental Management, Journalism, Media, Law, Medicine, Politics, Sports and Tourism.
A good level of Indonesian language is desirable.
Full details and an application form are contained in the “Advice to Applicants� on the AII’s website at http://www.dfat.
Please read this advice before submitting your application.
If you do not have Internet access, documentation can be obtained from:
Australia-Indonesia Institute
PO Box 5369
Tel. (02) 6261 3821, Fax: (02) 6261 1743
E-mail: ausindonesia. institute@ au
Completed applications and accompanying documentation must be received by Friday 27 June 2008.Late applications will not be considered.
READ MORE - Youth Exchange Program @ Aussie
The program aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other's country.
Participants will be chosen from applicants undertaking tertiary studies or employed in any one or more of the areas listed below:
Agriculture, Arts, Music, Asian Studies, Economics, Business, Education, Engineering, Science, Environmental Management, Journalism, Media, Law, Medicine, Politics, Sports and Tourism.
A good level of Indonesian language is desirable.
Full details and an application form are contained in the “Advice to Applicants� on the AII’s website at http://www.dfat.
Please read this advice before submitting your application.
If you do not have Internet access, documentation can be obtained from:
Australia-Indonesia Institute
PO Box 5369
Tel. (02) 6261 3821, Fax: (02) 6261 1743
E-mail: ausindonesia. institute@ au
Completed applications and accompanying documentation must be received by Friday 27 June 2008.Late applications will not be considered.

Master in Network Eng, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Posted on | Rabu, 11 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Two-year International Master in Communication and Networking
Engineering (IMCNE), starting November 2008.
10 positions are reserved to Indian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant'Anna through a dedicated scholarship.
10 positions are reserved to Tunisian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant'Anna through a dedicated scholarship
10 destined to students of any other nationality with a Bachelor
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies.
Application must be submitted on-line no later than
June 30th 2008
More details are available at http://imcne.
READ MORE - Master in Network Eng, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Engineering (IMCNE), starting November 2008.
10 positions are reserved to Indian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant'Anna through a dedicated scholarship.
10 positions are reserved to Tunisian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant'Anna through a dedicated scholarship
10 destined to students of any other nationality with a Bachelor
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies.
Application must be submitted on-line no later than
June 30th 2008
More details are available at http://imcne.

Water Leader Scholarships, Master of Integrated Water Man
Posted on | Minggu, 08 Juni 2008 | No Comments
About the Scholarships The Water Leader Scholarships Program will offer full and partial tuition scholarships for Australian citizens, permanent residents and international applicants for the Semester 1 2009 intake of the Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) Program.
Value of Scholarship International scholarships will cover full tuition costs of the three semester MIWM Program as well as Overseas Student Health Cover for the duration of the Program.
Scholarships for Australian citizens and residents include both full-tuition and partial-tuition scholarships for the three semester Program.
IWC Water Leader Scholarships do not include travel, accommodation allowance, living stipend, field work or course material costs. It will be the responsibility of successful applicants to cover these costs.
Download the 2009 Scholarship Flyer (PDF)
^ Back to top
Eligibility Those interested in applying for an IWC Water Leaders Scholarship must meet the minimum eligibility requirements outlined below.
MIWM Program Entry Requirements (See also Applying to the Masters Program):
A four year undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally- recognised institution. Applicants must have completed a university level qualification which is at least equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree. If you are unsure whether your previous university qualification( s) is equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree, you should seek advice from the Australian Education Centre in your home country or region, or contact UQ International Education Directorate.
Demonstrated English language proficiency (see international/ language- requirements) ;
A minimum of two years practical experience in a related field is preferred but not required.
Citizenship and Visa Status
Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and international applicants are eligible and encouraged to apply. Successful international applicants must meet visa requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
^ Back to top
Selection Criteria and Process Applicants will be assessed by The University of Queensland to ensure they meet minimum requirements for entry into MIWM Program. Students will also be assessed for the Water Leaders Scholarships by a selection panel at the International WaterCentre. The selection panel will adhere to IWC's policy of non-discrimination for this process. Decisions of the selection panel are final and confidential. IWC will not enter into correspondence regarding outcomes of the selection process.
Applicants are required to respond to the following selection criteria:
Commitment to the International WaterCentre�fs mission and to whole-of-water cycle, integrated and interdisciplinary approaches to water management.
Leadership qualities: As demonstrated by professional, educational, community and other achievements. Leadership qualities include collaboration and team work, flexibility, initiative, communication skills, integrity and vision.
Academic record: Successful applicants will demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and likelihood of success in further study.
Professional record: As demonstrated by employment experience, awards and achievements, membership of professional bodies and professional references.
Potential impact and outcomes: The likelihood of positive impacts on the individual and the water sector from participating in the MIWM Program.
READ MORE - Water Leader Scholarships, Master of Integrated Water Man
Value of Scholarship International scholarships will cover full tuition costs of the three semester MIWM Program as well as Overseas Student Health Cover for the duration of the Program.
Scholarships for Australian citizens and residents include both full-tuition and partial-tuition scholarships for the three semester Program.
IWC Water Leader Scholarships do not include travel, accommodation allowance, living stipend, field work or course material costs. It will be the responsibility of successful applicants to cover these costs.
Download the 2009 Scholarship Flyer (PDF)
^ Back to top
Eligibility Those interested in applying for an IWC Water Leaders Scholarship must meet the minimum eligibility requirements outlined below.
MIWM Program Entry Requirements (See also Applying to the Masters Program):
A four year undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally- recognised institution. Applicants must have completed a university level qualification which is at least equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree. If you are unsure whether your previous university qualification( s) is equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree, you should seek advice from the Australian Education Centre in your home country or region, or contact UQ International Education Directorate.
Demonstrated English language proficiency (see international/ language- requirements) ;
A minimum of two years practical experience in a related field is preferred but not required.
Citizenship and Visa Status
Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and international applicants are eligible and encouraged to apply. Successful international applicants must meet visa requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
^ Back to top
Selection Criteria and Process Applicants will be assessed by The University of Queensland to ensure they meet minimum requirements for entry into MIWM Program. Students will also be assessed for the Water Leaders Scholarships by a selection panel at the International WaterCentre. The selection panel will adhere to IWC's policy of non-discrimination for this process. Decisions of the selection panel are final and confidential. IWC will not enter into correspondence regarding outcomes of the selection process.
Applicants are required to respond to the following selection criteria:
Commitment to the International WaterCentre�fs mission and to whole-of-water cycle, integrated and interdisciplinary approaches to water management.
Leadership qualities: As demonstrated by professional, educational, community and other achievements. Leadership qualities include collaboration and team work, flexibility, initiative, communication skills, integrity and vision.
Academic record: Successful applicants will demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and likelihood of success in further study.
Professional record: As demonstrated by employment experience, awards and achievements, membership of professional bodies and professional references.
Potential impact and outcomes: The likelihood of positive impacts on the individual and the water sector from participating in the MIWM Program.

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia
The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education `Advanced' (GCE `A') Level (or equivalent) certificate.
The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.
Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN
Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the
Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the
scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.
Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the
Nationals of Indonesia
Between 14+ to 16+ years old (as of January 2009)
Sat for 2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and
have done consistently well in school
Important Dates
Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.
Activity Date
Application Period 7 June to 15 July 2008
Selection Test Mid August
Selection Interview Late September
Award of Scholarship Mid October
Arrival of Scholar in Singapore Late October
Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be
notified a week before the selection test/interview dates. We regret
that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Where to obtain application forms during the application period
There are 2 ways which you can apply for the ASEAN Scholarships.
Please choose only one method to submit your application form.
You can either submit (please click either one of the methods below
for details):
Your softcopy application form through email or
Your hardcopy application form by post
Test and Interview City
Note: Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as Test Centres if there are
sufficient candidates. Medan, Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as
Interview Centres if there are sufficient candidates.
Terms and Conditions
Allowance of S$2,200 (Secondary) / S$2,400 (Pre-University) per annum
with hostel accommodation
Settling-in allowance of S$400 (once only)
Economy class air passage to Singapore and back to home country upon
completion of course
Waiver of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
Waiver of GCE `O' and `A' Level examination fees (once only, if
Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover
Bridging courses (if applicable, in Singapore before start of course)
There is no bond attached to the scholarship
Instructions for Submission of Application Form
Softcopy Application Form by Email
Download a copy of the application form (96kb .xls) here in MS Excel
format. (Note: Please click "Enable Macros" upon opening the
Complete the form on your computer at your own time and save your
completed form in the following Excel format Name(Country) .xls
Email to MOE_ASEAN_Scholarsh sg
You should indicate your email subject / title as Name (Country)
You do not need to submit softcopies of your supporting documents
such as result slips, birth certificate / passport / identity card or
testimonials via email. You will be required to submit these
documents via post if you are shortlisted for the Selection Test.
Please do not send us a print-out of the form.
Hardcopy Application Form by Post
Download a copy of the application form (89kb .pdf).
You may also obtain a hardcopy of the application form at the
following addresses:
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Graha Surya Internusa
Level 19
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
Consultate of the Republic of Singapore
4th Floor
Surya Dumai Group Building
Jalan Sudirman No. 395
Pekanbaru 28116
Riau, Indonesia
Applications should be supported by certified copies of the following
2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) results
Birth Certificate/ Identity Card / Passport
Testimonials or records of co-curricular activities
Send your completed form and copies of supporting documents to the
Singapore Ministry of Education at the following address:
ASEAN Scholarships Application (Indonesia)
School Placement and Scholarships Branch
Scholarships Section
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
READ MORE - ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia
The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.
Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN
Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the
Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the
scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.
Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the
Nationals of Indonesia
Between 14+ to 16+ years old (as of January 2009)
Sat for 2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and
have done consistently well in school
Important Dates
Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.
Activity Date
Application Period 7 June to 15 July 2008
Selection Test Mid August
Selection Interview Late September
Award of Scholarship Mid October
Arrival of Scholar in Singapore Late October
Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be
notified a week before the selection test/interview dates. We regret
that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Where to obtain application forms during the application period
There are 2 ways which you can apply for the ASEAN Scholarships.
Please choose only one method to submit your application form.
You can either submit (please click either one of the methods below
for details):
Your softcopy application form through email or
Your hardcopy application form by post
Test and Interview City
Note: Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as Test Centres if there are
sufficient candidates. Medan, Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as
Interview Centres if there are sufficient candidates.
Terms and Conditions
Allowance of S$2,200 (Secondary) / S$2,400 (Pre-University) per annum
with hostel accommodation
Settling-in allowance of S$400 (once only)
Economy class air passage to Singapore and back to home country upon
completion of course
Waiver of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
Waiver of GCE `O' and `A' Level examination fees (once only, if
Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover
Bridging courses (if applicable, in Singapore before start of course)
There is no bond attached to the scholarship
Instructions for Submission of Application Form
Softcopy Application Form by Email
Download a copy of the application form (96kb .xls) here in MS Excel
format. (Note: Please click "Enable Macros" upon opening the
Complete the form on your computer at your own time and save your
completed form in the following Excel format Name(Country) .xls
Email to MOE_ASEAN_Scholarsh sg
You should indicate your email subject / title as Name (Country)
You do not need to submit softcopies of your supporting documents
such as result slips, birth certificate / passport / identity card or
testimonials via email. You will be required to submit these
documents via post if you are shortlisted for the Selection Test.
Please do not send us a print-out of the form.
Hardcopy Application Form by Post
Download a copy of the application form (89kb .pdf).
You may also obtain a hardcopy of the application form at the
following addresses:
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Graha Surya Internusa
Level 19
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
Consultate of the Republic of Singapore
4th Floor
Surya Dumai Group Building
Jalan Sudirman No. 395
Pekanbaru 28116
Riau, Indonesia
Applications should be supported by certified copies of the following
2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) results
Birth Certificate/ Identity Card / Passport
Testimonials or records of co-curricular activities
Send your completed form and copies of supporting documents to the
Singapore Ministry of Education at the following address:
ASEAN Scholarships Application (Indonesia)
School Placement and Scholarships Branch
Scholarships Section
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships for High School
Posted on | Kamis, 05 Juni 2008 | No Comments
Deadline: 30 May 2008 - 25 Juny 2008
The Embassy of Japan is offering Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho)
Scholarships to Indonesian high school graduates who wish to study at
University (S-1); Colleges of Technology (D-3) or Professional
Training Colleges (D-2) in Japan for the academic year 2009 (April
2009). An applicant can only apply for one program, either S-1, D-3
or D-2.
Applicants must have the following qualifications (among others);(1)
Applicants must have been born between April 2, 1987 and April 1, 1992
(2) The average result of the final examination and school report for
the last semester/term of the third scholastic year must be at a
- 8.4 for the S-1 program,
- 8.0 for the D-3 program,
- 8.0 for the D-2 program.
* In the case that an official score of the final examination can not
be issued by the closing date (June 25, 2008), a temporary score
which is certified by the head teacher will be accepted.
(3) Applicants must have graduated from a senior high school.
Application forms are available free of charge for those who meet the
above qualifications at the Embassy of Japan (Education Section:8:30-
12:00, 14:00-15:30) , the Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya,
Medan and Makassar starting from May 30, 2008.
Those who are living outside of JABODETABEK, Surabaya, Medan and
Makassar can apply by sending a letter, which includes name, date of
birth, address, phone number, desired program (S-1, D-3 or D-2) and 3
desired fields of study, to the Embassy of Japan (Jl.M.H.Thamrin 24,
Jakarta Pusat 10350) or the Consulate Generals of Japan by post along
with their copies of school report, certificate (ijazah) and the
score of the final examination.
The completed application must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan
or the Consulate Generals of Japan with their copies of school
report, ijazah and the score of the final examination by June 25,
Further information can be obtained from the Embassy of Japan
(Education Section: 021-3192-4308 Ext. 175, 176)
Majors and Related Key Terms for Fields of Study
Field of Study Majors and Related Key Terms
Mechanical Engineering:
- Machine Elements and Material Processing
- Materials Science and Mechanics
- Fluid and Thermal Engineering
- Mechanical System Design and Control
- CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing)
- Mechatronics
- Robotics
- etc.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering:
- Analog Circuits
- Electric Power System
- Power Electronics
- Digital Circuits
- Integrated Circuits
- Electric/ Electronic Materials
- Electric/ Electronic Device
- Electric/ Electronic Control
- etc.
Information, Communication and Network Engineering:
- Signal/ Image Processing
- Cable Communication
- Wireless Communication
- Communication Engineering
- Satellite Communication
- Microwaves
- Computer Software
- Computer Graphics
- Operating System
- Peripherals and Interface Technology
- Computer Network
- Communication Control
- etc.
Materials Engineering:
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Inorganic Materials Engineering
- Organic Materials Engineering
- Polymer Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Biological Chemistry
- Biological Engineering
- Environmental Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
- etc.
Architecture and Civil Engineering:
- Architectural Design and Planning
- Structural Engineering in Architecture
- Building Materials and Execution Works
- History of Architecture
- Structural Engineering
- Materials in Civil Engineering
- Surveying
- Hydraulics
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Urban Engineering
- etc.
Maritime Engineering:
- Navigation
- Position Fixing
- Ship Maneuvering and Seamanship
- Oceanography and Meteorology
- Maritime Laws
- Naval Architecture
- Marine Diesel Engine
- Marine Auxiliary Machinery
- Marine Material
- etc.
Other Fields:
- International Communication
- Management Information Engineering
- etc.
More info: emb-japan. slta.html
READ MORE - Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships for High School
The Embassy of Japan is offering Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho)
Scholarships to Indonesian high school graduates who wish to study at
University (S-1); Colleges of Technology (D-3) or Professional
Training Colleges (D-2) in Japan for the academic year 2009 (April
2009). An applicant can only apply for one program, either S-1, D-3
or D-2.
Applicants must have the following qualifications (among others);(1)
Applicants must have been born between April 2, 1987 and April 1, 1992
(2) The average result of the final examination and school report for
the last semester/term of the third scholastic year must be at a
- 8.4 for the S-1 program,
- 8.0 for the D-3 program,
- 8.0 for the D-2 program.
* In the case that an official score of the final examination can not
be issued by the closing date (June 25, 2008), a temporary score
which is certified by the head teacher will be accepted.
(3) Applicants must have graduated from a senior high school.
Application forms are available free of charge for those who meet the
above qualifications at the Embassy of Japan (Education Section:8:30-
12:00, 14:00-15:30) , the Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya,
Medan and Makassar starting from May 30, 2008.
Those who are living outside of JABODETABEK, Surabaya, Medan and
Makassar can apply by sending a letter, which includes name, date of
birth, address, phone number, desired program (S-1, D-3 or D-2) and 3
desired fields of study, to the Embassy of Japan (Jl.M.H.Thamrin 24,
Jakarta Pusat 10350) or the Consulate Generals of Japan by post along
with their copies of school report, certificate (ijazah) and the
score of the final examination.
The completed application must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan
or the Consulate Generals of Japan with their copies of school
report, ijazah and the score of the final examination by June 25,
Further information can be obtained from the Embassy of Japan
(Education Section: 021-3192-4308 Ext. 175, 176)
Majors and Related Key Terms for Fields of Study
Field of Study Majors and Related Key Terms
Mechanical Engineering:
- Machine Elements and Material Processing
- Materials Science and Mechanics
- Fluid and Thermal Engineering
- Mechanical System Design and Control
- CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing)
- Mechatronics
- Robotics
- etc.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering:
- Analog Circuits
- Electric Power System
- Power Electronics
- Digital Circuits
- Integrated Circuits
- Electric/ Electronic Materials
- Electric/ Electronic Device
- Electric/ Electronic Control
- etc.
Information, Communication and Network Engineering:
- Signal/ Image Processing
- Cable Communication
- Wireless Communication
- Communication Engineering
- Satellite Communication
- Microwaves
- Computer Software
- Computer Graphics
- Operating System
- Peripherals and Interface Technology
- Computer Network
- Communication Control
- etc.
Materials Engineering:
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Inorganic Materials Engineering
- Organic Materials Engineering
- Polymer Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Biological Chemistry
- Biological Engineering
- Environmental Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
- etc.
Architecture and Civil Engineering:
- Architectural Design and Planning
- Structural Engineering in Architecture
- Building Materials and Execution Works
- History of Architecture
- Structural Engineering
- Materials in Civil Engineering
- Surveying
- Hydraulics
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Urban Engineering
- etc.
Maritime Engineering:
- Navigation
- Position Fixing
- Ship Maneuvering and Seamanship
- Oceanography and Meteorology
- Maritime Laws
- Naval Architecture
- Marine Diesel Engine
- Marine Auxiliary Machinery
- Marine Material
- etc.
Other Fields:
- International Communication
- Management Information Engineering
- etc.
More info: emb-japan. slta.html

TWAS Fellowships for Postgraduate Research
Each year, the TWAS Fellowship Programmes, which operate under agreements
with governments and national organizations in developing countries –
particularly Brazil, China, India and Pakistan – offer a number of
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries to carry out
postgraduate research in developing countries other than their own.
Currently, there are eight fellowship programmes for postgraduate research,
implemented in collaboration with the following parter organizations:
1. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),
The TWAS-CNPq Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Brazil) who wish to undertake a PhD in the natural sciences in Brazil.
Duration: 4 years. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
The TWAS-CAS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than China)
who wish to undertake the final year of their PhD research in China.
Duration: 1 year. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
3. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
The TWAS-CSIR Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in newly emerging areas in science and technology for
which facilities are available in CSIR laboratories and institutes.
Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 1 June Extended: 15 July
4. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and
Technology, India
The TWAS-DBT Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in biotechnology at key biotechnology research
institutions in India. Duration: up to 5 years. Deadline for applications:
31 August.
5. S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India
The TWAS-SN Bose Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research leading towards a PhD in physical sciences.
Duration: 4 years (plus possibility of one year extension). Deadline for
applications: 31 August.
6. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), India
The TWAS-IACS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in certain fields of natural
sciences, including biological chemistry, condensed matter physics,
inorganic chemistry, materials science, non conventional energy, organic
chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer science, spectroscopy and theoretical
physics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.
7. National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), Pakistan
The TWAS-CEMB Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in molecular biology and
molecular genetics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30
June Extended: 15 July 2008.
8. International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS),
The TWAS-ICCBS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in organic chemistry,
biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular medicine, pharmacology or physical
chemistry. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.
READ MORE - TWAS Fellowships for Postgraduate Research
with governments and national organizations in developing countries –
particularly Brazil, China, India and Pakistan – offer a number of
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries to carry out
postgraduate research in developing countries other than their own.
Currently, there are eight fellowship programmes for postgraduate research,
implemented in collaboration with the following parter organizations:
1. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),
The TWAS-CNPq Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Brazil) who wish to undertake a PhD in the natural sciences in Brazil.
Duration: 4 years. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
The TWAS-CAS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than China)
who wish to undertake the final year of their PhD research in China.
Duration: 1 year. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
3. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
The TWAS-CSIR Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in newly emerging areas in science and technology for
which facilities are available in CSIR laboratories and institutes.
Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 1 June Extended: 15 July
4. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and
Technology, India
The TWAS-DBT Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in biotechnology at key biotechnology research
institutions in India. Duration: up to 5 years. Deadline for applications:
31 August.
5. S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India
The TWAS-SN Bose Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research leading towards a PhD in physical sciences.
Duration: 4 years (plus possibility of one year extension). Deadline for
applications: 31 August.
6. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), India
The TWAS-IACS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in certain fields of natural
sciences, including biological chemistry, condensed matter physics,
inorganic chemistry, materials science, non conventional energy, organic
chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer science, spectroscopy and theoretical
physics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.
7. National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), Pakistan
The TWAS-CEMB Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in molecular biology and
molecular genetics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30
June Extended: 15 July 2008.
8. International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS),
The TWAS-ICCBS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in organic chemistry,
biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular medicine, pharmacology or physical
chemistry. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.

The University of Sydney Foundation Program Scholarship 2008
Posted on | Senin, 02 Juni 2008 | No Comments
USFP Academic scholarship 2008
The University of Sydney Foundation Program Board is offering 17
partial scholarships for international students enrolling in the
Standard and Standard Intensive intakes at Taylors College in 2008.
Each scholarship covers 50% of the tuition fees (AUD$9,950).
Scholarships are limited so apply now!
How to apply
Complete our online application form or send a copy by post or fax.
Applying online is easy, fast and safe and goes directly to the
Student Enrolment Advisor who deals with your country of residence.
Please indicate in the `Comments' field that you are applying for a
If you prefer to apply by post or fax, please download an application
form (PDF 58KB) and send it to us at:
Student Enrolment Advisor
Taylors College
399 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Fax: +61 3 96703567
Once your application is received, the Student Enrolment Advisor will
ask you to send the following:
A one page covering letter answering the following questions:
A one page covering letter answering the following questions:
Why you would like to study at Taylors College in Australia and
Why you are a suitable candidate for the scholarship
Relevant academic and English Language transcripts (average GPA 7,
IELTS 5.5 or equivalent, no band less than 5)
Any other supporting documents outlining extracurricular involvement
Need more information?
Apply now for the USFP Board Scholarship
(http://www.taylorsc au/apply. aspx)
More about the University of Sydney Foundation Program
(http://www.taylorsc au/courses/ usfp.aspx)
Ask a Student Enrolment Advisor about this scholarship
(http://www.taylorsc au/enquiry. aspx)
http://allscholarsh ip.blogspot. com/2008/ 05/university- of-sydney-
foundation-program. html
READ MORE - The University of Sydney Foundation Program Scholarship 2008
The University of Sydney Foundation Program Board is offering 17
partial scholarships for international students enrolling in the
Standard and Standard Intensive intakes at Taylors College in 2008.
Each scholarship covers 50% of the tuition fees (AUD$9,950).
Scholarships are limited so apply now!
How to apply
Complete our online application form or send a copy by post or fax.
Applying online is easy, fast and safe and goes directly to the
Student Enrolment Advisor who deals with your country of residence.
Please indicate in the `Comments' field that you are applying for a
If you prefer to apply by post or fax, please download an application
form (PDF 58KB) and send it to us at:
Student Enrolment Advisor
Taylors College
399 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
Fax: +61 3 96703567
Once your application is received, the Student Enrolment Advisor will
ask you to send the following:
A one page covering letter answering the following questions:
A one page covering letter answering the following questions:
Why you would like to study at Taylors College in Australia and
Why you are a suitable candidate for the scholarship
Relevant academic and English Language transcripts (average GPA 7,
IELTS 5.5 or equivalent, no band less than 5)
Any other supporting documents outlining extracurricular involvement
Need more information?
Apply now for the USFP Board Scholarship
(http://www.taylorsc au/apply. aspx)
More about the University of Sydney Foundation Program
(http://www.taylorsc au/courses/ usfp.aspx)
Ask a Student Enrolment Advisor about this scholarship
(http://www.taylorsc au/enquiry. aspx)
http://allscholarsh ip.blogspot. com/2008/ 05/university- of-sydney-
foundation-program. html

[sharing] Menimba Ilmu di Korea Selatan
Dear all,
Berhubung sempat ada "uneg2" dari moderator soal minimnya bahasan
tentang beasiswa di Korea Selatan, saya mau berbagi pengalaman saya
sekolah dan bekerja di sana. Selama 2 tahun kuliah master of science,
dan 2 tahun bekerja sebagai visiting researcher. Bisa disimpulkan,
bahwa selama 4 tahun saya tinggal di Korsel, walaupun banyak duka
tetapi sukanya lebih banyak lagi. Saya puas selama menimba pengalaman
di Korsel.
1). Korsel adalah negara yg rakyatnya punya karakteristik ingin maju
dan tidak ingin kalah dari yang lain. Mereka saling bersaing berlomba2
bekerja lebih keras daripada yang lain. Dalam bahasa Korea ada sebuah
kata yang kalau diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris menjadi "envy". Tetapi
kata "iri" ini bermakna positif, bukan negatif. Yaitu, orang yg envy
ini akan berusaha sebisanya untuk seperti yang lain. Istilahnya,
"kalau dia bisa, kenapa saya tidak?". Jadi, iklim kompetisi ini yang
mendidik saya menjadi orang yg berusaha selalu ingin maju.
Sifat yang inilah yang membuat Korsel menjadi negara maju. Karena
mereka tidak mau kalah dengan negara lain. Dalam bidang science dan
technology, mereka cukup maju di dunia. Dana riset besar-besaran
dikucurkan di mana-mana. Mereka yang mengerjakan riset ini, diharuskan
menunjukkan bukti sudah terpublikasinya karya ilmiah mereka di
penerbitan internasional sehingga cukup dikenal oleh negara-negara
2). Rakyat Korea punya sifat lain yaitu "hurry hurry" atau "cepat
cepat" atau terburu-buru. Walaupun di banyak hal membuat suatu
pekerjaan jadi dikerjakan tergesa-gesa, sifat ini membuat segalanya
bisa cepat diselesaikan. Public service di Korsel cukup bagus,
segalanya bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat. Pengalaman di kantor
imigrasi, membuat KTP, urusan bank, mengurus tax return, memesan
barang untuk keperluan riset, sampai urusan membuat nomer hp bisa
cepat diselesaikan. Saya pribadi jadi punya pendapat "di Korea apa sih
yg gak bisa selesai dalam semalam?" Dan berpengaruh pada cara kerja
saya yg bisa cepat selesai kalau ada komando mendadak atau emergency.
3). Sifat lain rakyat Korea adalah "polos" atau "tidak pakai
prasangka" ketika mereka mempelajari tentang orang asing. Memang pada
dasarnya mereka punya identitas bangsa yang kuat sehingga merasa aneh
jika bertemu orang asing, karena adanya perbedaan warna kulit, bentuk
badan (misalnya orang Korsel banyak yg langsing sehingga heran melihat
orang yg super gemuk), rambut, mata, dll. Semua perbedaan yang
terdapat pada diri orang asing, sangat terlihat di mata mereka. Tetapi
hal ini diikuti dengan sikap tanpa prasangka mereka.
Contohnya kalau beberapa orang barat terpengaruh media yg menggembar
gemborkan Islam dan teroris, sehingga jilbab ikut disangkut pautkan,
hal ini tidak terjadi pada orang Korsel. Mereka melihat orang Islam
sebagai "just another culture" maupun jilbab sebagai "ahh itu kan cuma
baju kebudayaan mereka saja." Jadi, jika orang Korsel bertemu orang2
dari negeri lain, pada awalnya memang mereka akan terheran2 dan
menanyakan berbagai macam pertanyaan yg sungguh "polos", karena mereka
tidak biasa hidup bersama orang yg sangat berbeda (lain halnya dengan
di Indonesia misalnya, di mana dalam negeri kita sendiri sudah
berbeda-beda sekali suku2 dan budaya2nya).
4). Korsel adalah negeri yg aman. Selain karena tingkat ekonomi yg
baik (termasuk salah satu dari 30 negara anggota OECD - lihat, rakyat Korsel seperti punya "kacamata kuda". Keburukannya
mungkin kalau ada orang di sekitarnya kenapa-kenapa, dia tidak tahu
atau tidak bisa membantu. Tapi kebaikannya, mereka seakan-akan punya
kepribadian "tidak suka mengusik milik orang lain." Pengalaman saya
pribadi, belum pernah saya kecurian, kecopetan, kerampokan, atau
melihat/mendengar cerita orang lain mengalami hal-hal itu (bisa jadi
saya kuper kurang baca koran), mau segimana nyantainya saya letakkan
barang2 saya. Pengalaman saya adalah jam 12 malam di stasiun subway
sendiri mengejar kereta nyaris terakhir, tidak ada gangguan apa2. Dini
hari (jam 2 - 4) pulang dari lab menuju asrama yg terletak di luar
pagar kampus, tidak apa2. Lewat tengah malam pulang dari luar kota di
terminal bus lalu sambung naik taksi, juga tidak apa2. Oke lah bisa
jadi saya beruntung, tapi bisa ditanyakan kepada orang2 Korsel sendiri
dan teman2 yg pernah tinggal di sana.
5). Beasiswa untuk bidang science dan technology cukup banyak. Hal ini
terkait dengan point nomor 1 di mana dana riset dikucurkan
besar-besaran di mana2. Karena besarnya dana riset, maka kebanyakan
mereka membutuhkan mahasiswa S2 dan S3. S2nya pun rata2 mengandung
komponen riset yang besar. Beasiswanya diberikan dengan sistem
menggaji mahasiswa, karena semua mahasiswa wajib bekerja di lab
full-time. Kenapa full-time? Karena yg kita kerjakan pasti melebihi
jam kerja "normal" (9 pagi sampai 6 sore), yg disebabkan oleh pergi
kuliah plus mengerjakan tugas2 kuliah tapi masih juga kerja di lab
membantu riset professor.
Jadi, bagi teman2 yg di bidang teknik atau sains, banyak lowongan
beasiswa di Korsel. Misalnya IT, Biologi, Fisika, Kimia, Teknik
Elektro, Mesin, dll. Korsel lagi jadi negara dgn perkembangan industri
high-tech yg pesat. Jadi, buat yg mau mendalami ilmu2 yg "baru"
seperti bioteknologi, nanoteknologi, dan IT/robotics, banyak proyek
dan dana beasiswanya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan saya sendiri? Apa yg saya dapatkan dari
pengalaman hidup di Korsel?
1) Saya jadi orang yg giat bekerja, dan kebiasaan buruk saya
procrastination (menunda2 pekerjaan) jadi berkurang, krn di Korsel
saya harus sigap terhadap kerjaan2 yg ada karena begitu cepatnya semua
2) Saya jadi orang yg melihat banyak hal lebih simple dan polos,
karena begitu simplenya sistem publik di Korsel. Semua sudah digital,
rakyat dipercaya untuk mengerjakan apa2 sendiri (karena mereka juga
sangat taat peraturan), sehingga segala proses berlangsung dengan
mudah (tentunya jadi cepat selesai). Peraturan2 umum di Korsel tidak
jelimet dan tidak aneh2 mengandung berbagai macam klausa dan pasal.
Yang saya hadapi sebagai foreigner yg tinggal di Korsel, cukup mudah
dipahami. Kalau ada yg tidak paham ya karena kendala bahasa, yg
biasanya beres dengan dibantu oleh native speaker.
3). Saya jadi punya pengalaman riset di bidang2 high-tech walaupun
kualitas risetnya tidak sehebat amerika atau eropa (krn orang Korsel
masih kurang pengalaman -- mereka baru mulai bangkit tahun 1960-an).
Karena di Korsel banyak di-encourage publish paper (mahasiswa master
wajib punya minimal 1 paper conference dan mahasiswa phd wajib punya
minimal 1 paper journal dgn level tertentu), maka saya punya banyak
pengalaman di sini juga. Pengalaman2 inilah yg membuat saya punya
nilai tambah utk dapat beasiswa di Eropa.
Kalau negatifnya?
1) Sama seperti budaya Asia pada umumnya, di Korsel ada senioritas (yg
lebih tua lebih dihormati), tapi memang dengan kadar yg lebih tinggi
daripada negeri kita. Baik-baiklah memilih profesor, yg lebih bisa
menerima pendapat anak muda dibanding hanya mau pendapatnya saja yg
2) Tidak semua kampus Korsel siap menerima mahasiswa asing. Tidak
semua kampus Korsel bisa memberikan kuliah fully in english. Kalau
kuliah di kampus seperti ini, maka jadinya kuliah terlalu sedikit dan
banyak belajar sendiri karena ketidaktersediaan kelas dlm bhs inggris.
Sebaiknya mendaftar ke kampus yg sudah terkenal atau banyak mahasiswa
asing, atau dari kampus yg website versi englishnya cukup
3) Pastikan beasiswa mencukupi biaya hidup dan minta kejelasan asal
beasiswa (misal dari pemerintah, atau dari kampus, dll) hitam di atas
putih. Tapi biasanya dengan kampus2 yg sudah biasa mengurus mahasiswa
asing tidak ada masalah dengan prosedur seperti ini.
Tulisan di atas banyak dilihat dari kasus dalam bidang saya
(sains/teknologi) , sehingga agak berbeda kasusnya utk bidang2 sosial.
Sekian dulu sedikit cerita saya, semoga gak kepanjangan. Buat
teman-teman yg di Korsel, silakan tambahkan info. Buat yg mau tanya
lebih lanjut, bisa japri lewat email. Bisa juga kontak bapak-bapak di link:
http://www.perpika. net/profil- anggota karena mereka tinggal lebih lama
di Korsel dibanding saya.
READ MORE - [sharing] Menimba Ilmu di Korea Selatan
Berhubung sempat ada "uneg2" dari moderator soal minimnya bahasan
tentang beasiswa di Korea Selatan, saya mau berbagi pengalaman saya
sekolah dan bekerja di sana. Selama 2 tahun kuliah master of science,
dan 2 tahun bekerja sebagai visiting researcher. Bisa disimpulkan,
bahwa selama 4 tahun saya tinggal di Korsel, walaupun banyak duka
tetapi sukanya lebih banyak lagi. Saya puas selama menimba pengalaman
di Korsel.
1). Korsel adalah negara yg rakyatnya punya karakteristik ingin maju
dan tidak ingin kalah dari yang lain. Mereka saling bersaing berlomba2
bekerja lebih keras daripada yang lain. Dalam bahasa Korea ada sebuah
kata yang kalau diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris menjadi "envy". Tetapi
kata "iri" ini bermakna positif, bukan negatif. Yaitu, orang yg envy
ini akan berusaha sebisanya untuk seperti yang lain. Istilahnya,
"kalau dia bisa, kenapa saya tidak?". Jadi, iklim kompetisi ini yang
mendidik saya menjadi orang yg berusaha selalu ingin maju.
Sifat yang inilah yang membuat Korsel menjadi negara maju. Karena
mereka tidak mau kalah dengan negara lain. Dalam bidang science dan
technology, mereka cukup maju di dunia. Dana riset besar-besaran
dikucurkan di mana-mana. Mereka yang mengerjakan riset ini, diharuskan
menunjukkan bukti sudah terpublikasinya karya ilmiah mereka di
penerbitan internasional sehingga cukup dikenal oleh negara-negara
2). Rakyat Korea punya sifat lain yaitu "hurry hurry" atau "cepat
cepat" atau terburu-buru. Walaupun di banyak hal membuat suatu
pekerjaan jadi dikerjakan tergesa-gesa, sifat ini membuat segalanya
bisa cepat diselesaikan. Public service di Korsel cukup bagus,
segalanya bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat. Pengalaman di kantor
imigrasi, membuat KTP, urusan bank, mengurus tax return, memesan
barang untuk keperluan riset, sampai urusan membuat nomer hp bisa
cepat diselesaikan. Saya pribadi jadi punya pendapat "di Korea apa sih
yg gak bisa selesai dalam semalam?" Dan berpengaruh pada cara kerja
saya yg bisa cepat selesai kalau ada komando mendadak atau emergency.
3). Sifat lain rakyat Korea adalah "polos" atau "tidak pakai
prasangka" ketika mereka mempelajari tentang orang asing. Memang pada
dasarnya mereka punya identitas bangsa yang kuat sehingga merasa aneh
jika bertemu orang asing, karena adanya perbedaan warna kulit, bentuk
badan (misalnya orang Korsel banyak yg langsing sehingga heran melihat
orang yg super gemuk), rambut, mata, dll. Semua perbedaan yang
terdapat pada diri orang asing, sangat terlihat di mata mereka. Tetapi
hal ini diikuti dengan sikap tanpa prasangka mereka.
Contohnya kalau beberapa orang barat terpengaruh media yg menggembar
gemborkan Islam dan teroris, sehingga jilbab ikut disangkut pautkan,
hal ini tidak terjadi pada orang Korsel. Mereka melihat orang Islam
sebagai "just another culture" maupun jilbab sebagai "ahh itu kan cuma
baju kebudayaan mereka saja." Jadi, jika orang Korsel bertemu orang2
dari negeri lain, pada awalnya memang mereka akan terheran2 dan
menanyakan berbagai macam pertanyaan yg sungguh "polos", karena mereka
tidak biasa hidup bersama orang yg sangat berbeda (lain halnya dengan
di Indonesia misalnya, di mana dalam negeri kita sendiri sudah
berbeda-beda sekali suku2 dan budaya2nya).
4). Korsel adalah negeri yg aman. Selain karena tingkat ekonomi yg
baik (termasuk salah satu dari 30 negara anggota OECD - lihat, rakyat Korsel seperti punya "kacamata kuda". Keburukannya
mungkin kalau ada orang di sekitarnya kenapa-kenapa, dia tidak tahu
atau tidak bisa membantu. Tapi kebaikannya, mereka seakan-akan punya
kepribadian "tidak suka mengusik milik orang lain." Pengalaman saya
pribadi, belum pernah saya kecurian, kecopetan, kerampokan, atau
melihat/mendengar cerita orang lain mengalami hal-hal itu (bisa jadi
saya kuper kurang baca koran), mau segimana nyantainya saya letakkan
barang2 saya. Pengalaman saya adalah jam 12 malam di stasiun subway
sendiri mengejar kereta nyaris terakhir, tidak ada gangguan apa2. Dini
hari (jam 2 - 4) pulang dari lab menuju asrama yg terletak di luar
pagar kampus, tidak apa2. Lewat tengah malam pulang dari luar kota di
terminal bus lalu sambung naik taksi, juga tidak apa2. Oke lah bisa
jadi saya beruntung, tapi bisa ditanyakan kepada orang2 Korsel sendiri
dan teman2 yg pernah tinggal di sana.
5). Beasiswa untuk bidang science dan technology cukup banyak. Hal ini
terkait dengan point nomor 1 di mana dana riset dikucurkan
besar-besaran di mana2. Karena besarnya dana riset, maka kebanyakan
mereka membutuhkan mahasiswa S2 dan S3. S2nya pun rata2 mengandung
komponen riset yang besar. Beasiswanya diberikan dengan sistem
menggaji mahasiswa, karena semua mahasiswa wajib bekerja di lab
full-time. Kenapa full-time? Karena yg kita kerjakan pasti melebihi
jam kerja "normal" (9 pagi sampai 6 sore), yg disebabkan oleh pergi
kuliah plus mengerjakan tugas2 kuliah tapi masih juga kerja di lab
membantu riset professor.
Jadi, bagi teman2 yg di bidang teknik atau sains, banyak lowongan
beasiswa di Korsel. Misalnya IT, Biologi, Fisika, Kimia, Teknik
Elektro, Mesin, dll. Korsel lagi jadi negara dgn perkembangan industri
high-tech yg pesat. Jadi, buat yg mau mendalami ilmu2 yg "baru"
seperti bioteknologi, nanoteknologi, dan IT/robotics, banyak proyek
dan dana beasiswanya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan saya sendiri? Apa yg saya dapatkan dari
pengalaman hidup di Korsel?
1) Saya jadi orang yg giat bekerja, dan kebiasaan buruk saya
procrastination (menunda2 pekerjaan) jadi berkurang, krn di Korsel
saya harus sigap terhadap kerjaan2 yg ada karena begitu cepatnya semua
2) Saya jadi orang yg melihat banyak hal lebih simple dan polos,
karena begitu simplenya sistem publik di Korsel. Semua sudah digital,
rakyat dipercaya untuk mengerjakan apa2 sendiri (karena mereka juga
sangat taat peraturan), sehingga segala proses berlangsung dengan
mudah (tentunya jadi cepat selesai). Peraturan2 umum di Korsel tidak
jelimet dan tidak aneh2 mengandung berbagai macam klausa dan pasal.
Yang saya hadapi sebagai foreigner yg tinggal di Korsel, cukup mudah
dipahami. Kalau ada yg tidak paham ya karena kendala bahasa, yg
biasanya beres dengan dibantu oleh native speaker.
3). Saya jadi punya pengalaman riset di bidang2 high-tech walaupun
kualitas risetnya tidak sehebat amerika atau eropa (krn orang Korsel
masih kurang pengalaman -- mereka baru mulai bangkit tahun 1960-an).
Karena di Korsel banyak di-encourage publish paper (mahasiswa master
wajib punya minimal 1 paper conference dan mahasiswa phd wajib punya
minimal 1 paper journal dgn level tertentu), maka saya punya banyak
pengalaman di sini juga. Pengalaman2 inilah yg membuat saya punya
nilai tambah utk dapat beasiswa di Eropa.
Kalau negatifnya?
1) Sama seperti budaya Asia pada umumnya, di Korsel ada senioritas (yg
lebih tua lebih dihormati), tapi memang dengan kadar yg lebih tinggi
daripada negeri kita. Baik-baiklah memilih profesor, yg lebih bisa
menerima pendapat anak muda dibanding hanya mau pendapatnya saja yg
2) Tidak semua kampus Korsel siap menerima mahasiswa asing. Tidak
semua kampus Korsel bisa memberikan kuliah fully in english. Kalau
kuliah di kampus seperti ini, maka jadinya kuliah terlalu sedikit dan
banyak belajar sendiri karena ketidaktersediaan kelas dlm bhs inggris.
Sebaiknya mendaftar ke kampus yg sudah terkenal atau banyak mahasiswa
asing, atau dari kampus yg website versi englishnya cukup
3) Pastikan beasiswa mencukupi biaya hidup dan minta kejelasan asal
beasiswa (misal dari pemerintah, atau dari kampus, dll) hitam di atas
putih. Tapi biasanya dengan kampus2 yg sudah biasa mengurus mahasiswa
asing tidak ada masalah dengan prosedur seperti ini.
Tulisan di atas banyak dilihat dari kasus dalam bidang saya
(sains/teknologi) , sehingga agak berbeda kasusnya utk bidang2 sosial.
Sekian dulu sedikit cerita saya, semoga gak kepanjangan. Buat
teman-teman yg di Korsel, silakan tambahkan info. Buat yg mau tanya
lebih lanjut, bisa japri lewat email. Bisa juga kontak bapak-bapak di link:
http://www.perpika. net/profil- anggota karena mereka tinggal lebih lama
di Korsel dibanding saya.

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- [sharing] Menimba Ilmu di Korea Selatan