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Pencarian Duta PRIC 2008 Dimulai!
Posted on | Rabu, 16 April 2008 | No Comments
Ajang pencarian duta Indonesia untuk menjadi wakil ke camp remaja Asia Pasifik kembali digelar. Untuk tahun ini, saya dan rekan-rekan panitia pemilihan menerapkan metode pemilihan yang akan dijelaskan secara lengkap pada halaman ini.Tiket pesawat Jakarta - Tokyo, akomodasi dan makan selama di Jepang ditanggung penuh oleh NPO Pacific Rim International Student Camp.
Kriteria Peserta
Duta PRIC yang kami cari adalah cowok yang pada tanggal 1 Agustus
2007 berumur 14 sampai 17 tahun. Duta harus terdaftar sebagai pelajar
di sebuah sekolah dan belum lulus dari kelas 3 SMA. Duta PRIC juga
harus siap secara mental dan fisik untuk kegiatan-kegiatan luar
ruang. Selain itu, duta PRIC juga harus memiliki kemampuan komunikasi
sangat baik dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu berpresentasi dan
menyampaikan argumen di depan publik. Kami lebih menghendaki duta
PRIC yang belum pernah berpergian ke Jepang sebelumnya. Apabila kamu
memenuhi persyaratan ini, jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan emas
ini untuk menjadi Duta PRIC 2008 dari Indonesia!
Mengenai PRIC
NPO Pacific Rim International Student Camp adalah lembaga non-profit
yang terdaftar di pemerintahan kota Tokyo, Jepang. Ia menjalankan
Pacific Rim International Camp, dikenal juga dengan PRIC, sebuah camp
edukasi untuk remaja setiap tahunnya di Jepang. Camp ini tanpa biaya
(tiket pesawat, akomodasi, transport dan makan ditanggung
penyelenggara) .
Tahun ini, PRIC akan di adakan di "Shinshu Takato National Youth
Center" (TYC). Berangkat dari Indonesia tanggal 1 Agustus 2008 dan
kembali di Indonesia 17 Agustus 2008.
Pendaftaran Peserta Dari Indonesia
Calon duta Indonesia harus menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dalam
bahasa Inggris. Total kata yang digunakan dalam menjawab seluruh
pertanyaan tidak lebih dari 2,500 kata.
Why do you want to participate in PRIC?
What do you believe are your personal strenght and weakness?
How do you envision your future?
Have you made a presentation to a group of people outside your class?
If yes, when, to whom, and on what occasion did you do so?
What is your hobby or extracurricular activity you are working on? If
you have a goal for it, describe it.
In what ways do you think you can contribute to better understanding
of Indonesia in an international setting?
What do you think are issues with global importance that should be
shared and discussed by people around the world? How do you want to
participate in the discussion?
Selain itu, sertakan juga
Surat rekomendasi dari kepala sekolah
Fotokopi halaman pertama passport
Curriculum Vitae, yang berisikan pas foto, data lengkap, daftar
prestasi akademis dan non-akademis.
Seluruh persyaratan ini harus dicetak dan dikirimkan menggunakan Tiki
JNE atau RPX FEDEX ke alamat sebagai berikut dan sudah harus diterima
sebelum tanggal 17 Mei 2008:
Panitia Pemilihan PRIC 2008
Cp. Dirgayuza Setiawan
Nusantara Polo Club
Jagorawi Golf & Country Club
Desa Ciriung, Cibinong, Jawa Barat 16820
Telepon kantor: 021-709-1-7656
http://pricindonesi a.multiply. com/
Peserta yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahukan pada hari Senin,
tanggal 19 May 2008. Tanggal, lokasi dan tata cara proses interview
akan dibertahukan kepada calon duta PRIC yang terpilih. Kami hanya
memilih 4 calon duta untuk di interview. Pertanyaan mengenai proses
pemilihan ini bisa dikirimkan ke alamat email dirgayuza at
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Salam Indonesia!
Dirgayuza Setiawan
& Panitia Pemilihan PRIC 2008
READ MORE - Pencarian Duta PRIC 2008 Dimulai!
Kriteria Peserta
Duta PRIC yang kami cari adalah cowok yang pada tanggal 1 Agustus
2007 berumur 14 sampai 17 tahun. Duta harus terdaftar sebagai pelajar
di sebuah sekolah dan belum lulus dari kelas 3 SMA. Duta PRIC juga
harus siap secara mental dan fisik untuk kegiatan-kegiatan luar
ruang. Selain itu, duta PRIC juga harus memiliki kemampuan komunikasi
sangat baik dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu berpresentasi dan
menyampaikan argumen di depan publik. Kami lebih menghendaki duta
PRIC yang belum pernah berpergian ke Jepang sebelumnya. Apabila kamu
memenuhi persyaratan ini, jangan sampai ketinggalan kesempatan emas
ini untuk menjadi Duta PRIC 2008 dari Indonesia!
Mengenai PRIC
NPO Pacific Rim International Student Camp adalah lembaga non-profit
yang terdaftar di pemerintahan kota Tokyo, Jepang. Ia menjalankan
Pacific Rim International Camp, dikenal juga dengan PRIC, sebuah camp
edukasi untuk remaja setiap tahunnya di Jepang. Camp ini tanpa biaya
(tiket pesawat, akomodasi, transport dan makan ditanggung
penyelenggara) .
Tahun ini, PRIC akan di adakan di "Shinshu Takato National Youth
Center" (TYC). Berangkat dari Indonesia tanggal 1 Agustus 2008 dan
kembali di Indonesia 17 Agustus 2008.
Pendaftaran Peserta Dari Indonesia
Calon duta Indonesia harus menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dalam
bahasa Inggris. Total kata yang digunakan dalam menjawab seluruh
pertanyaan tidak lebih dari 2,500 kata.
Why do you want to participate in PRIC?
What do you believe are your personal strenght and weakness?
How do you envision your future?
Have you made a presentation to a group of people outside your class?
If yes, when, to whom, and on what occasion did you do so?
What is your hobby or extracurricular activity you are working on? If
you have a goal for it, describe it.
In what ways do you think you can contribute to better understanding
of Indonesia in an international setting?
What do you think are issues with global importance that should be
shared and discussed by people around the world? How do you want to
participate in the discussion?
Selain itu, sertakan juga
Surat rekomendasi dari kepala sekolah
Fotokopi halaman pertama passport
Curriculum Vitae, yang berisikan pas foto, data lengkap, daftar
prestasi akademis dan non-akademis.
Seluruh persyaratan ini harus dicetak dan dikirimkan menggunakan Tiki
JNE atau RPX FEDEX ke alamat sebagai berikut dan sudah harus diterima
sebelum tanggal 17 Mei 2008:
Panitia Pemilihan PRIC 2008
Cp. Dirgayuza Setiawan
Nusantara Polo Club
Jagorawi Golf & Country Club
Desa Ciriung, Cibinong, Jawa Barat 16820
Telepon kantor: 021-709-1-7656
http://pricindonesi a.multiply. com/
Peserta yang lolos seleksi akan diberitahukan pada hari Senin,
tanggal 19 May 2008. Tanggal, lokasi dan tata cara proses interview
akan dibertahukan kepada calon duta PRIC yang terpilih. Kami hanya
memilih 4 calon duta untuk di interview. Pertanyaan mengenai proses
pemilihan ini bisa dikirimkan ke alamat email dirgayuza at
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Salam Indonesia!
Dirgayuza Setiawan
& Panitia Pemilihan PRIC 2008

2-3 Positions available for M.S degree or Ph.D candidates
Posted on | Selasa, 15 April 2008 | 1 Comment
There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates
in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace
engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The
prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester.
The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering
department are expected to apply to these positions.
They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 900 per month) and
If you are interested in these positions, please send me
( kr) academic transcript and resume. If you have any
questions regarding these, please contact me.
Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317
READ MORE - 2-3 Positions available for M.S degree or Ph.D candidates
in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace
engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea. The
prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester.
The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering
department are expected to apply to these positions.
They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 900 per month) and
If you are interested in these positions, please send me
( kr) academic transcript and resume. If you have any
questions regarding these, please contact me.
Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University,
South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317

International Scholarship Expo Pre Event Invitation
IT TELKOM (STT Telkom) presents International Scholarship Expo 2008
pre-event competitions that will be held on 23-25 April 2008. Expand
your knowledge by competing with others on these competitions and win
vouchers and cash up to Rp. 5.000.000
Essay Contest
Theme: Let the world read your idea
Open for high school and college students. In this competition,
participant should make an essay based on one of the following topics:
a. How can study abroad improve the quality of our nation?
b. What will you do if you are an ambassador of education?
c. How big is the capability of Indonesia on facing the AFTA?
Winner announcement: May 7 2008
Prize awarding: May 8, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
English Comics
Theme: Sketch your idea!
Open for public. In this competition you need to draw maximum two
pages of A3 comic using English, which should be based on one of the
following topics:
a. Education against poverty in Indonesia.
b. How do you reach your dream to study abroad?
You will not only be scored by your creativity in drawing pictures,
but also in your story as the realization of your topic.
Winner announcement: May 6, 2008
Prize awarding: May 7, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
Speech Contest
Theme: Let the world hear your idea!
Open for high school and college students. It's time for you to speak
up. Speech contest is an individual competition where participants
should perform a 5 minute speech based on one preferred topic:
a. What can we, as students, do to improve our national
education quality?
b. How can studying abroad provide chances to improve the
quality of our nation?
c. What can our government do so that everyone can go to school?
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: College Student: IDR 100.000, High School Student: IDR 75.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Quick and Smart
Theme: Play your English!
Dare enough to test your luck with knowledge and creativity? It's
time to show that you are not only great in English, but also strong
in brain and quick in taking action while having fun! Form a team
consists of three people, join this competition, and you will face
fun and challenging games with a worthy prize waiting for you.
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: IDR 125.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Further information: www.scholarshipexpo .com
Contact Person:
1. Speech: Bram 081220060769
2. Essay: Eri 085669642752
3. Comic: Rei 085271519257
4. Quick and Smart: Yugo 085221805579
READ MORE - International Scholarship Expo Pre Event Invitation
pre-event competitions that will be held on 23-25 April 2008. Expand
your knowledge by competing with others on these competitions and win
vouchers and cash up to Rp. 5.000.000
Essay Contest
Theme: Let the world read your idea
Open for high school and college students. In this competition,
participant should make an essay based on one of the following topics:
a. How can study abroad improve the quality of our nation?
b. What will you do if you are an ambassador of education?
c. How big is the capability of Indonesia on facing the AFTA?
Winner announcement: May 7 2008
Prize awarding: May 8, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
English Comics
Theme: Sketch your idea!
Open for public. In this competition you need to draw maximum two
pages of A3 comic using English, which should be based on one of the
following topics:
a. Education against poverty in Indonesia.
b. How do you reach your dream to study abroad?
You will not only be scored by your creativity in drawing pictures,
but also in your story as the realization of your topic.
Winner announcement: May 6, 2008
Prize awarding: May 7, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
Speech Contest
Theme: Let the world hear your idea!
Open for high school and college students. It's time for you to speak
up. Speech contest is an individual competition where participants
should perform a 5 minute speech based on one preferred topic:
a. What can we, as students, do to improve our national
education quality?
b. How can studying abroad provide chances to improve the
quality of our nation?
c. What can our government do so that everyone can go to school?
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: College Student: IDR 100.000, High School Student: IDR 75.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Quick and Smart
Theme: Play your English!
Dare enough to test your luck with knowledge and creativity? It's
time to show that you are not only great in English, but also strong
in brain and quick in taking action while having fun! Form a team
consists of three people, join this competition, and you will face
fun and challenging games with a worthy prize waiting for you.
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: IDR 125.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Further information: www.scholarshipexpo .com
Contact Person:
1. Speech: Bram 081220060769
2. Essay: Eri 085669642752
3. Comic: Rei 085271519257
4. Quick and Smart: Yugo 085221805579

Youth Journalists
The Mexico YouthForce is looking for energetic and dedicated Youth Journalists to cover the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City August 3-8. Through writing, blogging, podcasting, photography and video, this team of Youth Journalists will bring youth issues to the forefront of the conference agenda and offer a youth perspective on the important events, announcements and presentations through their reporting. The overall goal of the Youth Journalist team will be to provide excellent coverage of Mexico YouthForce activities, as well as the main conference, not only in the interests of increasing the exposure of youth issues at the conference and in the media, but to ensure that youth unable to physically attend the conference can remain updated on conference activities that are relevant to youth and HIV/AIDS.
The Mexico YouthForce is working to empower young delegates and promote youth participation around HIV/AIDS before, during and after the XVII Mexico City International AIDS Conference. For more information about us and activities please visit
www.youthaids2008. org
Roles and Responsibilities of Youth Journalists:
* Writing Blogs;
* Conducting interviews;
* Writing a youth column for the main conference newsletter;
* Writing articles for the youth newsletter;
* Podcasting;
* Photography
* Be available for online trainings prior to the conference and trainings at the youth pre-conference
* Already be attending the conference or have the funds to cover all costs incurred with attending the conference. Please note that the YouthForce cannot contribute financially to any costs associated with attending the conference;
* Significant interest and knowledge in HIV/AIDS;
* Proficiency in English or Spanish (proficiency in both languages is an asset);
* Previous journalism experience or photography experience;
* Good communication and language skills;
* Detail oriented and the ability to work in a team;
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
* Between the ages of 18-29;
Application Process:
To submit your applications please include a cover letter, your CV, and a writing sample. For those interested in being photographic journalists please submit three examples of your work. The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2008.
Please submit your applications and any of your questions to mediamyf@gmail. com
READ MORE - Youth Journalists
The Mexico YouthForce is working to empower young delegates and promote youth participation around HIV/AIDS before, during and after the XVII Mexico City International AIDS Conference. For more information about us and activities please visit
www.youthaids2008. org
Roles and Responsibilities of Youth Journalists:
* Writing Blogs;
* Conducting interviews;
* Writing a youth column for the main conference newsletter;
* Writing articles for the youth newsletter;
* Podcasting;
* Photography
* Be available for online trainings prior to the conference and trainings at the youth pre-conference
* Already be attending the conference or have the funds to cover all costs incurred with attending the conference. Please note that the YouthForce cannot contribute financially to any costs associated with attending the conference;
* Significant interest and knowledge in HIV/AIDS;
* Proficiency in English or Spanish (proficiency in both languages is an asset);
* Previous journalism experience or photography experience;
* Good communication and language skills;
* Detail oriented and the ability to work in a team;
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
* Between the ages of 18-29;
Application Process:
To submit your applications please include a cover letter, your CV, and a writing sample. For those interested in being photographic journalists please submit three examples of your work. The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2008.
Please submit your applications and any of your questions to mediamyf@gmail. com

Endeavour Awards 2009
Posted on | Minggu, 13 April 2008 | No Comments
Through the Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government provides
opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers
and professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and
professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
Endeavour Research Fellowships provide financial support for
postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from participating
countries to undertake short-term research (4-6 months), in any field
of study, in Australia. Aimed at building international linkages and
networks, these Awards provide opportunities for award holders to
further develop their knowledge and skills.
Endeavour Research Fellowships
Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships
Postgraduate study or research
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for
international students for up to 3 years to undertake a postgraduate
qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or
research in any field of study in Australia.
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
Vocational education and training
An Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award enables
you to study a vocational course at the Diploma, Advanced Diploma or
Associate Degree level in any field of study in Australia.
Vocational education and training provides occupational or work-
related knowledge and skills. The courses are directly related to
the trade, occupation or 'vocation' in which you participate and
exclude degree and higher level programs normally delivered by
Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards
Professional Development
Endeavour Executive Awards provide professional development
opportunities for high achievers in business, industry, education or
government from participating countries.
This award provides you with the flexibility to design a program that
advances both your professional and personal goals. In consultation
with your host organisation, the one to four month program may
include activities such as a shadowing program, work placement,
attendance at a conference, participation in a short course, or peer-
to-peer learning.
Student Exchanges
The Australian Government recognises the many enduring benefits of
international exchanges undertaken during the years of undergraduate
education. To encourage greater student mobility, the Australian
Government funds Australian higher education providers to subsidise
the costs to students participating in student exchanges which
include tuition fee waiver and credit transfer.
Only Australian higher education providers are eligible to apply for
funding for international student exchange programmes.
Students (Australian and international) wishing to apply for student
subsidies available under these international student exchange
programmes should contact the International Office of their
International Student Exchange Programs
How to apply:
http://www.endeavou au/documents/ how_to_apply_ for_an_endeavo
Endeavour Awards for international applicants
http://www.endeavou au/international _applicants/ default.htm
For details of awards available by country of residence, please go to
http://www.endeavou au/awards_ by_country/ for_internationa ls/
To read about the experiences of past award holders, visit
http://www.endeavou au/testimonials_ stories/
READ MORE - Endeavour Awards 2009
opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers
and professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and
professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
Endeavour Research Fellowships provide financial support for
postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from participating
countries to undertake short-term research (4-6 months), in any field
of study, in Australia. Aimed at building international linkages and
networks, these Awards provide opportunities for award holders to
further develop their knowledge and skills.
Endeavour Research Fellowships
Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships
Postgraduate study or research
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for
international students for up to 3 years to undertake a postgraduate
qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or
research in any field of study in Australia.
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
Vocational education and training
An Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award enables
you to study a vocational course at the Diploma, Advanced Diploma or
Associate Degree level in any field of study in Australia.
Vocational education and training provides occupational or work-
related knowledge and skills. The courses are directly related to
the trade, occupation or 'vocation' in which you participate and
exclude degree and higher level programs normally delivered by
Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards
Professional Development
Endeavour Executive Awards provide professional development
opportunities for high achievers in business, industry, education or
government from participating countries.
This award provides you with the flexibility to design a program that
advances both your professional and personal goals. In consultation
with your host organisation, the one to four month program may
include activities such as a shadowing program, work placement,
attendance at a conference, participation in a short course, or peer-
to-peer learning.
Student Exchanges
The Australian Government recognises the many enduring benefits of
international exchanges undertaken during the years of undergraduate
education. To encourage greater student mobility, the Australian
Government funds Australian higher education providers to subsidise
the costs to students participating in student exchanges which
include tuition fee waiver and credit transfer.
Only Australian higher education providers are eligible to apply for
funding for international student exchange programmes.
Students (Australian and international) wishing to apply for student
subsidies available under these international student exchange
programmes should contact the International Office of their
International Student Exchange Programs
How to apply:
http://www.endeavou au/documents/ how_to_apply_ for_an_endeavo
Endeavour Awards for international applicants
http://www.endeavou au/international _applicants/ default.htm
For details of awards available by country of residence, please go to
http://www.endeavou au/awards_ by_country/ for_internationa ls/
To read about the experiences of past award holders, visit
http://www.endeavou au/testimonials_ stories/

Posted on | Sabtu, 12 April 2008 | No Comments
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pemahaman dan keahlian dalam bidang riset / survei opini publik, khususnya dikalangan perguruan tinggi, perlu digalakkan kegiatan penelitian yang berhubungan dgn masalah - masalah opini publik. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memberikan rangsangan kepada para mahasiswa baik dilevel S-1, S-2, maupun S-3 untuk mengambil topik-topik mengenai opini publik dalam penulisan skripsi, tesis,maupun desertasi mereka.
Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mempopulerkan metode survei dalam penelitian masalah-masalah opini publik di kalangan perguruan tinggi. Dengan adanya pogram ini
masyarakat perguruan tinggi akan lebih tertarik untuk menggeluti topik - topik penelitian opini publik dengan menggunakan metode survei. Semakin berkembangnya tradisi penelitian survei opini publik di perguruan tinggi, akan semakin memperkaya demokrasi melalui artikulasi aspirasi publik, seperti menjadi salah satu tujuan didirikannya AROPI.
Kategori penelitian yang dapat diberikan beasiswa sesuai tujuan program ini adalah :
1. Penelitian untuk penyusunan skripsi, tesis, dan desertasi
2. Penelitian tsb mengangkat topik opini publik dengan menggunakan metode survei
3. Atau penelitian tersebut mengangkat topik tentang opini publik tetapi tidak harus menggunakan metode survei; atau
4. Menggunakan metode survei tetapi tidak harus tentang opini publik.
Syarat Pemohon Beasiswa
Mahasiswa yang akan/ sedang menulis skripsi sesuai kategori penelitian di atas dapat
mengajukan beasiswa kepada AROPI dengan syarat dan prosedur sebagai berikut :
1. Pelamar sedang dalam proses penyusunan skripsi / tesis / disertasi.
2. Topik skripsi / tesis / disertasi berkaitan dengan masalah opini publik.
3. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei.
4. IPK sekurang-kurangnya 3.0
5. Proposal (research design) yang diajukan telah memperoleh persetujuan dari Dosen Pembimbing.
Prosedur Pengajuan Beasiswa
1. Pemohon mengajukan surat permohonan kepada Asosiasi Riset Opini Publik Indonesia (AROPI).
2. Permohonan ditujukan kepada Tim Penilai Beasiswa Riset AROPI , dengan alamat Jl Pemuda No 70 Jakarta 13220
3. Permohonan disertai dokumen pendukung (proposal, persetujuan pembimbing dan fakultas, transkrip nilai dan curriculum vitae).
4. Permohonan lengkap paling lambat diajukan tanggal 15 Mei 2008 (stempel pos)
5. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan diundang ke Jakarta untuk mempresentasikan research design-nya.
Kuota Beasiswa
1. Penerima beasiswa dibatasi untuk 40 orang setiap tahunnya, terdiri dari 30 orang mahasiswa S-1, 7 orang mahasiswa S-2, dan 3 orang mahasiswa S-3.
2. Penerima beasiswa diharapkan mewakili mahasiswa dari Indonesia Timur, Tengah, dan Barat secara proporsional.
Tim Penilai Beasiswa
1. Denny J.A, Ph.D
2. Yanyan M.Yani, Ph.D
3. Dr. Marwan Mas, MH
4. Dr. Dede Mariana, M.Si
5. Dr. Ferdi, MH
6. Drs. Umar S. Bakry, MA
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
Sekretariat AROPI , Jl. Pemuda No. 70 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur, Jakarta 13220
Telp. 021-47861078 , HP. 08179925132 , E-Mail : secretariat@aropi.or.idThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mempopulerkan metode survei dalam penelitian masalah-masalah opini publik di kalangan perguruan tinggi. Dengan adanya pogram ini
masyarakat perguruan tinggi akan lebih tertarik untuk menggeluti topik - topik penelitian opini publik dengan menggunakan metode survei. Semakin berkembangnya tradisi penelitian survei opini publik di perguruan tinggi, akan semakin memperkaya demokrasi melalui artikulasi aspirasi publik, seperti menjadi salah satu tujuan didirikannya AROPI.
Kategori penelitian yang dapat diberikan beasiswa sesuai tujuan program ini adalah :
1. Penelitian untuk penyusunan skripsi, tesis, dan desertasi
2. Penelitian tsb mengangkat topik opini publik dengan menggunakan metode survei
3. Atau penelitian tersebut mengangkat topik tentang opini publik tetapi tidak harus menggunakan metode survei; atau
4. Menggunakan metode survei tetapi tidak harus tentang opini publik.
Syarat Pemohon Beasiswa
Mahasiswa yang akan/ sedang menulis skripsi sesuai kategori penelitian di atas dapat
mengajukan beasiswa kepada AROPI dengan syarat dan prosedur sebagai berikut :
1. Pelamar sedang dalam proses penyusunan skripsi / tesis / disertasi.
2. Topik skripsi / tesis / disertasi berkaitan dengan masalah opini publik.
3. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei.
4. IPK sekurang-kurangnya 3.0
5. Proposal (research design) yang diajukan telah memperoleh persetujuan dari Dosen Pembimbing.
Prosedur Pengajuan Beasiswa
1. Pemohon mengajukan surat permohonan kepada Asosiasi Riset Opini Publik Indonesia (AROPI).
2. Permohonan ditujukan kepada Tim Penilai Beasiswa Riset AROPI , dengan alamat Jl Pemuda No 70 Jakarta 13220
3. Permohonan disertai dokumen pendukung (proposal, persetujuan pembimbing dan fakultas, transkrip nilai dan curriculum vitae).
4. Permohonan lengkap paling lambat diajukan tanggal 15 Mei 2008 (stempel pos)
5. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan diundang ke Jakarta untuk mempresentasikan research design-nya.
Kuota Beasiswa
1. Penerima beasiswa dibatasi untuk 40 orang setiap tahunnya, terdiri dari 30 orang mahasiswa S-1, 7 orang mahasiswa S-2, dan 3 orang mahasiswa S-3.
2. Penerima beasiswa diharapkan mewakili mahasiswa dari Indonesia Timur, Tengah, dan Barat secara proporsional.
Tim Penilai Beasiswa
1. Denny J.A, Ph.D
2. Yanyan M.Yani, Ph.D
3. Dr. Marwan Mas, MH
4. Dr. Dede Mariana, M.Si
5. Dr. Ferdi, MH
6. Drs. Umar S. Bakry, MA
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
Sekretariat AROPI , Jl. Pemuda No. 70 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur, Jakarta 13220
Telp. 021-47861078 , HP. 08179925132 , E-Mail : secretariat@aropi.or.idThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

(ISC)2 is giving away US$100,000 in scholarship funds!
(ISC)2 is giving away US$100,000 in scholarship
funds! (ISC)2's Scholarship Program provides for eight deserving
post-graduate students to share US$100,000 in grant money. That's
US$12,500 per person - and you could be one of them!!
Will you be a selected recipient?
The (ISC)2 Scholarship Program was created for those who have taken
information security to a whole new level of professionalism,
and anyone pursuing a post-graduate degree at any regionally
accredited universtiy worldwide can qualify.
Other key criteria in order of importance:
* Relevant research
* Any (ISC)2 designation
* Financial need
Apply now at scholarship.
As the non-profit global leader in educating and certifying
information security professionals throughout their careers, (ISC)2's
job is to constantly give back to the very industry it represents.
So look into what the scholarship has to offer you, keeping these
specific dates in mind:
* April 30, 2008 - deadline for application submission
* June 2008 - Award announcements
We wish you the best of luck!
(ISC)2 Management
READ MORE - (ISC)2 is giving away US$100,000 in scholarship funds!
funds! (ISC)2's Scholarship Program provides for eight deserving
post-graduate students to share US$100,000 in grant money. That's
US$12,500 per person - and you could be one of them!!
Will you be a selected recipient?
The (ISC)2 Scholarship Program was created for those who have taken
information security to a whole new level of professionalism,
and anyone pursuing a post-graduate degree at any regionally
accredited universtiy worldwide can qualify.
Other key criteria in order of importance:
* Relevant research
* Any (ISC)2 designation
* Financial need
Apply now at scholarship.
As the non-profit global leader in educating and certifying
information security professionals throughout their careers, (ISC)2's
job is to constantly give back to the very industry it represents.
So look into what the scholarship has to offer you, keeping these
specific dates in mind:
* April 30, 2008 - deadline for application submission
* June 2008 - Award announcements
We wish you the best of luck!
(ISC)2 Management

Bagi kaum muda lingkungan yang memiliki kepedulian
nyata terhadap lingkungan hidup serta memiliki
kepemimpinan dan komitmen tinggi terhadap pelestarian
lingkungan, baik di kampus maupun komunitas, Bayer
Young Environmental Envoy merupakan kesempatan terbaik
Empat duta muda lingkungan yang terpilih akan
memperoleh kesempatan mengikuti kunjungan ke jerman
dan bertemu dengan utusan dari 17 negara lain untuk
mempelajari dan memperoleh spektrum baru tentang
pelestarian lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah,
masyarakat, dan kalangan industri di jerman.
- mengisi formulir pendaftaran
- mahasiswa Indonesia yang terdaftar di perguruan
tinggi Indonesia
- usia 18-24 tahun (sampai dengan 1 september 2008)
- cakap berbahasa inggris (lisan mupun tulisan)
- memiliki program pelestarian lingkungan dan aktif
untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi:
http://www.bayeryou en/Indonesia. aspx
Aplikasi pendaftaran harus diterima paling lambat 16
Mei 2008 (cap pos).
nyata terhadap lingkungan hidup serta memiliki
kepemimpinan dan komitmen tinggi terhadap pelestarian
lingkungan, baik di kampus maupun komunitas, Bayer
Young Environmental Envoy merupakan kesempatan terbaik
Empat duta muda lingkungan yang terpilih akan
memperoleh kesempatan mengikuti kunjungan ke jerman
dan bertemu dengan utusan dari 17 negara lain untuk
mempelajari dan memperoleh spektrum baru tentang
pelestarian lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah,
masyarakat, dan kalangan industri di jerman.
- mengisi formulir pendaftaran
- mahasiswa Indonesia yang terdaftar di perguruan
tinggi Indonesia
- usia 18-24 tahun (sampai dengan 1 september 2008)
- cakap berbahasa inggris (lisan mupun tulisan)
- memiliki program pelestarian lingkungan dan aktif
untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi:
http://www.bayeryou en/Indonesia. aspx
Aplikasi pendaftaran harus diterima paling lambat 16
Mei 2008 (cap pos).

Research Scholarships in Media and Communication, Arts and Cultural
Research Scholarships in Media and Communication, Arts and Cultural
Criticism University of Westminster
£12,000 p.a. tax-free stipend (plus tuition fee waiver)
Fixed-term (renewable for 3 years subject to satisfactory progress)
The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) based in the School
of Media,Arts and Design at the University of Westminster is one of the
UK's leading research centres (RAE 5, 1992, 1996, 2001) and has an
international reputation in media policy and economics, media history and
media audiences. The Institute hosts the University's China Media Centre
and Arab Media Centre. It is developing work in media audiences and
identities and Indian and African media. We currently have an opportunity
for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD in media and communication.
The Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) is a
leading centre for research across the disciplines of ceramics and visual
arts, photography, film and digital media. Its researchers and
practitioners are internationally recognised for their work in ceramic
history and installation, art criticism, sculptural and architectural
installation, photographic history, theory and practice, documentary and
experimental film and new media arts. The CREAM doctoral programme is at
the cutting edge of theory and practice based research and is a major
centre for PhD by practice in the still and moving image area. We
currently have an opportunity for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD
in arts, media and cultural criticism (written or practice based).
In recognition of the scholarship you will also be required to undertake
teaching or research assistant duties not exceeding 6 hours per week. To
be eligible to apply you will need to hold an Upper Second Class Honours
first degree in a relevant subject and a Master's degree, or equivalent
postgraduate standing.
Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may
contact Dr Roza Tsagarousianou for the CAMRI Scholarships
(tsagarr@wmin. or Dr Joram ten
Brink (tenbrij@wmin. for the CREAM Scholarships.
To receive a University application pack and further details of the
scholarships, please contact Erica Spindler (e.spindler@wmin.
You should specify that you wish to apply for the CAMRI or CREAM
Closing date for receipt of applications: 1 May 2008.
Interviews will to be held in May and the successful candidates will be
required to attend enrolment/induction in September 2008.
The scholarships will commence in October 2008.
READ MORE - Research Scholarships in Media and Communication, Arts and Cultural
Criticism University of Westminster
£12,000 p.a. tax-free stipend (plus tuition fee waiver)
Fixed-term (renewable for 3 years subject to satisfactory progress)
The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) based in the School
of Media,Arts and Design at the University of Westminster is one of the
UK's leading research centres (RAE 5, 1992, 1996, 2001) and has an
international reputation in media policy and economics, media history and
media audiences. The Institute hosts the University's China Media Centre
and Arab Media Centre. It is developing work in media audiences and
identities and Indian and African media. We currently have an opportunity
for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD in media and communication.
The Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) is a
leading centre for research across the disciplines of ceramics and visual
arts, photography, film and digital media. Its researchers and
practitioners are internationally recognised for their work in ceramic
history and installation, art criticism, sculptural and architectural
installation, photographic history, theory and practice, documentary and
experimental film and new media arts. The CREAM doctoral programme is at
the cutting edge of theory and practice based research and is a major
centre for PhD by practice in the still and moving image area. We
currently have an opportunity for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD
in arts, media and cultural criticism (written or practice based).
In recognition of the scholarship you will also be required to undertake
teaching or research assistant duties not exceeding 6 hours per week. To
be eligible to apply you will need to hold an Upper Second Class Honours
first degree in a relevant subject and a Master's degree, or equivalent
postgraduate standing.
Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may
contact Dr Roza Tsagarousianou for the CAMRI Scholarships
(tsagarr@wmin. or Dr Joram ten
Brink (tenbrij@wmin. for the CREAM Scholarships.
To receive a University application pack and further details of the
scholarships, please contact Erica Spindler (e.spindler@wmin.
You should specify that you wish to apply for the CAMRI or CREAM
Closing date for receipt of applications: 1 May 2008.
Interviews will to be held in May and the successful candidates will be
required to attend enrolment/induction in September 2008.
The scholarships will commence in October 2008.

Prasetiya Mulya Business School awards up to four scholarships for
full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year.
Subject Areas and Type of Scholars:
Open to highly talented and qualified potential leaders from
financially disadvantaged family. Preference is given to any students
who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in
Details of the Award:
Four scholarships are available each year paying tuition fee, books
and living allowance within the maximum tenure of 20 months.
Program Admission:
Application for the scholarship will be open each year. The full-time
MM Prasetiya Mulya program runs two intakes each year. The admission
process begins three to four months before the program intake. The
matriculation program starts in early March or July. Applicants must
complete both MM Prasetiya Mulya Application Form and Prasetiya Mulya
Future Leaders Scholarship Application Form.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Indonesian citizen who can demonstrate leadership potential
and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from any legally
accredited Indonesian or overseas institution. For overseas graduates,
valid proof of full scholarship is required. A minimum Grade Point
Average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) is required.
3. Applicant must be under 30 years of age when lodging the
4. Preferably having a minimum of two-year full time
professional work experience after the completion of their
undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
5. Pass Prasetiya Mulya screening process.
6. Preferably having: International or Institutional TOEFL with
a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based).
7. Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program
or school, or has already obtained a Master's degree or equivalent.
8. Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship
offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family
and that without the scholarship s/he will not be able to study for
our graduate (MM) program.
Enquiries and Contact Information:
Marketing & Admission Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Jl. R.A. Kartini, (Tol TB Simatupang) Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Phone: (021) 751-1126 ext.1005 (Rini), 1119 (Lina)
Fax: (021) 750-0462
Email: futureleaders@
Website: id
Prasetiya Mulya Business School is a member of The Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International and The
Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS).
full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year.
Subject Areas and Type of Scholars:
Open to highly talented and qualified potential leaders from
financially disadvantaged family. Preference is given to any students
who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in
Details of the Award:
Four scholarships are available each year paying tuition fee, books
and living allowance within the maximum tenure of 20 months.
Program Admission:
Application for the scholarship will be open each year. The full-time
MM Prasetiya Mulya program runs two intakes each year. The admission
process begins three to four months before the program intake. The
matriculation program starts in early March or July. Applicants must
complete both MM Prasetiya Mulya Application Form and Prasetiya Mulya
Future Leaders Scholarship Application Form.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Indonesian citizen who can demonstrate leadership potential
and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from any legally
accredited Indonesian or overseas institution. For overseas graduates,
valid proof of full scholarship is required. A minimum Grade Point
Average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) is required.
3. Applicant must be under 30 years of age when lodging the
4. Preferably having a minimum of two-year full time
professional work experience after the completion of their
undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
5. Pass Prasetiya Mulya screening process.
6. Preferably having: International or Institutional TOEFL with
a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based).
7. Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program
or school, or has already obtained a Master's degree or equivalent.
8. Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship
offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family
and that without the scholarship s/he will not be able to study for
our graduate (MM) program.
Enquiries and Contact Information:
Marketing & Admission Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Jl. R.A. Kartini, (Tol TB Simatupang) Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Phone: (021) 751-1126 ext.1005 (Rini), 1119 (Lina)
Fax: (021) 750-0462
Email: futureleaders@
Website: id
Prasetiya Mulya Business School is a member of The Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International and The
Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS).

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship - 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 10 AM – 12 PM
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower (ex. Tower A), 25th Floor, Room 01
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
(For more information: utami.permatasari@ sampoernafoundat or ella.cecilia@ sampoernafoundat or 021 577 2340)
Name of Scholarship
Maximum number of scholarships for 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in UK
Basic Requirements
Indonesian citizen under 35 years of age when lodging the application
Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
Have a valid proof of GMAT and TOEFL as required by each Program (GMAT and TOEFL score can be submitted when applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation selection)
Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent
Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship
Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award
Demonstrate that without the scholarship, they are not able to afford an Overseas MBA Program
What is covered?
This scholarship is worth approximately USD 70,000 – to USD 150,000 per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study and it covers:
· GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
· University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
· Student visa application fee;
· Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
· Tuition fees;
· Living allowance;
· Literature allowance.
List of universities
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2009 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following universities:
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)
5. University of Chicago
7. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
8. University of California–Berkeley (Haas)
9. Columbia University (NY)
10. New York University (Stern)
11. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)
12. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC)
12. University of Virginia (Darden)
14. Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)
14. Yale University (CT)
16. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson)
17. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)
18. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
18. University of Texas–Austin (McCombs)
20. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA)
* Reference: USNews: America’s Best Graduate Schools 2008 (www.usnews. com)
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
Australian Graduate School of Management
Macquarie Graduate School of Management
Melbourne Business School
Monash University Graduate School of Business
Curtin University of Technology Business School
* Reference: Australian Financial Review Boss - MBA Rankings in 2007
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
HEC Paris
ESCP – EAP European School of Management
Essec Business School
*Reference: Financial Times European Business Schools 2007
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
* Reference: Asia’s Best MBA Schools 2000 (www.asiaweek. com)
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
London Business School*
University of Cambridge: Judge*
University of Oxford: Said*
Manchester Business School*
Lancaster University Management School*
London School of Economics and Political Science**
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2007
** The Scholarship is only applicable for Management and Business Related Program
Prospective applicants should directly contact the universities to find out about the admission process and requirements for enrolment. Applicants’ inquiries about the scholarship (requirements, conditions, coverage, etc.) should be directed to Sampoerna Foundation.
How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at www.sampoernafounda , or obtained it from:
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th – 27th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
When submitting the application package, please write the name of the program at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will only consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Further Information
Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including our policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafounda or call us at 021 577 2340
Inti Utami Permata Sari
Program Department
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.45, Jakarta 12930. Indonesia
Phone : 62 21 577 2340/ Fax : 62 21 577 2341
E-mail : utami.permatasari@ sampoernafoundat
Website : www.sampoernafounda
READ MORE - Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship - 2009 Intake
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 10 AM – 12 PM
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower (ex. Tower A), 25th Floor, Room 01
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
(For more information: utami.permatasari@ sampoernafoundat or ella.cecilia@ sampoernafoundat or 021 577 2340)
Name of Scholarship
Maximum number of scholarships for 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in UK
Basic Requirements
Indonesian citizen under 35 years of age when lodging the application
Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
Have a valid proof of GMAT and TOEFL as required by each Program (GMAT and TOEFL score can be submitted when applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation selection)
Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent
Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship
Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award
Demonstrate that without the scholarship, they are not able to afford an Overseas MBA Program
What is covered?
This scholarship is worth approximately USD 70,000 – to USD 150,000 per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study and it covers:
· GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
· University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
· Student visa application fee;
· Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
· Tuition fees;
· Living allowance;
· Literature allowance.
List of universities
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2009 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following universities:
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)
5. University of Chicago
7. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
8. University of California–Berkeley (Haas)
9. Columbia University (NY)
10. New York University (Stern)
11. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)
12. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC)
12. University of Virginia (Darden)
14. Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)
14. Yale University (CT)
16. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson)
17. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)
18. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
18. University of Texas–Austin (McCombs)
20. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA)
* Reference: USNews: America’s Best Graduate Schools 2008 (www.usnews. com)
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
Australian Graduate School of Management
Macquarie Graduate School of Management
Melbourne Business School
Monash University Graduate School of Business
Curtin University of Technology Business School
* Reference: Australian Financial Review Boss - MBA Rankings in 2007
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
HEC Paris
ESCP – EAP European School of Management
Essec Business School
*Reference: Financial Times European Business Schools 2007
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
* Reference: Asia’s Best MBA Schools 2000 (www.asiaweek. com)
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
London Business School*
University of Cambridge: Judge*
University of Oxford: Said*
Manchester Business School*
Lancaster University Management School*
London School of Economics and Political Science**
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2007
** The Scholarship is only applicable for Management and Business Related Program
Prospective applicants should directly contact the universities to find out about the admission process and requirements for enrolment. Applicants’ inquiries about the scholarship (requirements, conditions, coverage, etc.) should be directed to Sampoerna Foundation.
How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at www.sampoernafounda , or obtained it from:
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th – 27th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
When submitting the application package, please write the name of the program at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will only consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Further Information
Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including our policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafounda or call us at 021 577 2340
Inti Utami Permata Sari
Program Department
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.45, Jakarta 12930. Indonesia
Phone : 62 21 577 2340/ Fax : 62 21 577 2341
E-mail : utami.permatasari@ sampoernafoundat
Website : www.sampoernafounda

Stanford Launches On-Campus Venture Fund, SSE Ventures
Posted on | Minggu, 06 April 2008 | No Comments
Michael Arrington
Countless startups, such as Sun, Yahoo and Google (as well as newcomers like Meebo) were started at Stanford, or by Stanford graduates. Now Stanford wants to help its students by providing seed funding directly, and in the process will get a little equity in those new ideas, too.
Stanford Student Enterprises, a Stanford student association with several hundred employees and $13 million in assets, has launched an early stage venture fund called SSE Ventures to invest directly in student founded startups.
Until now, the organization has focused on managing various investments, operating a student banking service, managing Stanford’s phone directors and selling Stanford apparel.
The new entity, founded by Matt McDonald, Matt McLaughlin, Samuel Lipsick and Brian Chavarria, says it will invest $50,000 or $100,000 in each approved proposal from Stanford undergraduate or graduate students.
SSE Ventures has also put together an advisory board to help review proposals. The board includes The Founders Fund, Charles River Ventures and angel investor Rajeev Motwani. Of course, those advisory members will be getting an early look at all of these startups, making it well worth their time.
READ MORE - Stanford Launches On-Campus Venture Fund, SSE Ventures
Countless startups, such as Sun, Yahoo and Google (as well as newcomers like Meebo) were started at Stanford, or by Stanford graduates. Now Stanford wants to help its students by providing seed funding directly, and in the process will get a little equity in those new ideas, too.
Stanford Student Enterprises, a Stanford student association with several hundred employees and $13 million in assets, has launched an early stage venture fund called SSE Ventures to invest directly in student founded startups.
Until now, the organization has focused on managing various investments, operating a student banking service, managing Stanford’s phone directors and selling Stanford apparel.
The new entity, founded by Matt McDonald, Matt McLaughlin, Samuel Lipsick and Brian Chavarria, says it will invest $50,000 or $100,000 in each approved proposal from Stanford undergraduate or graduate students.
SSE Ventures has also put together an advisory board to help review proposals. The board includes The Founders Fund, Charles River Ventures and angel investor Rajeev Motwani. Of course, those advisory members will be getting an early look at all of these startups, making it well worth their time.

Beasiswa ke Amerika-Surabaya
Kesempatan belajar di Amerika Serikat dengan beasiswa dari Fulbright …Juga berbagai macam program beasiswa lainnya…
AMINEF mengundang
Anda sekalian untuk menghadiri Information Session yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Senin/ 07 April 2008
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00
Tempat : Seminar Room, International Village 2nd Fl.
Universitas Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya.
Telp. 031-2981320, 031-8471809, 081-7395538
Ratna I. Widjaja
Village 2nd Floor, Universitas Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut,
Ph. 62.31.8471809, Fax. 62.31.2981321
www.aminef.or. id
READ MORE - Beasiswa ke Amerika-Surabaya
AMINEF mengundang
Anda sekalian untuk menghadiri Information Session yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Senin/ 07 April 2008
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00
Tempat : Seminar Room, International Village 2nd Fl.
Universitas Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya.
Telp. 031-2981320, 031-8471809, 081-7395538
Ratna I. Widjaja
Village 2nd Floor, Universitas Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut,
Ph. 62.31.8471809, Fax. 62.31.2981321
www.aminef.or. id

beasiswa pusbindiklatren bappenas 2009
Posted on | Sabtu, 05 April 2008 | No Comments
Rabu, 19 Maret 2008, 12:04 WIB
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas institusi perencanaan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota melalui peningkatan potensi SDM di dalamnya serta sejalan dengan fungsi Bappenas sebagai Instansi Pembina Jabatan Fungsional Perencana, maka Bappenas pada Anggaran Tahun Dinas 2009 Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana (Pusbindiklatren) Bappenas kembali memberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi staf perencana yang bekerja di Bappenas, Unit Perencanaan di Departemen/LPND, Bappeda atau nama lain, dan unit perencanaan di Dinas Teknis pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota untuk memperoleh Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2008 untuk program : (a) S2 Dalam Negeri 13 Bulan; (b) S2 Double Degree, (c) S2 Luar Negeri, S3 Dalam Negeri dan (d) S3 Linkage.
Untuk seleksi beasiswa tahun 2009 dan seterusnya, Pusbindiklatren Bappenas membuka kesempatan menyampaikan usulan calon peserta melalui pendaftaran sepanjang tahun. Dengan demikian, dimulai dengan seleksi yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2008 ini, selanjutnya Pusbindiklatren Bappenas akan memiliki jadwal tetap, yaitu untuk pelaksanaan TPA setiap bulan Agustus dan pelaksanaan TOEFL setiap bulan September.
Untuk Selengkapnya silahkan download dibawah ini.
READ MORE - beasiswa pusbindiklatren bappenas 2009
Rabu, 19 Maret 2008, 12:04 WIB
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas institusi perencanaan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota melalui peningkatan potensi SDM di dalamnya serta sejalan dengan fungsi Bappenas sebagai Instansi Pembina Jabatan Fungsional Perencana, maka Bappenas pada Anggaran Tahun Dinas 2009 Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana (Pusbindiklatren) Bappenas kembali memberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi staf perencana yang bekerja di Bappenas, Unit Perencanaan di Departemen/LPND, Bappeda atau nama lain, dan unit perencanaan di Dinas Teknis pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota untuk memperoleh Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2008 untuk program : (a) S2 Dalam Negeri 13 Bulan; (b) S2 Double Degree, (c) S2 Luar Negeri, S3 Dalam Negeri dan (d) S3 Linkage.
Untuk seleksi beasiswa tahun 2009 dan seterusnya, Pusbindiklatren Bappenas membuka kesempatan menyampaikan usulan calon peserta melalui pendaftaran sepanjang tahun. Dengan demikian, dimulai dengan seleksi yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2008 ini, selanjutnya Pusbindiklatren Bappenas akan memiliki jadwal tetap, yaitu untuk pelaksanaan TPA setiap bulan Agustus dan pelaksanaan TOEFL setiap bulan September.
Untuk Selengkapnya silahkan download dibawah ini.

Posted on | Jumat, 04 April 2008 | 1 Comment
The Government of Italy offers scholarships to Indonesian citizens wishing to pursue their studies in Italy. The selection is held annually by a Selection Committee consisting of competent authorities and expert representing both Italy and Indonesia. This Scholarship grants are distributed for students, professionals, teachers, and
artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrollment in any Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies,conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of Cinematography, research centers or laboratories, libraries, archives, museums and other national or nationally-recognized institutions, and who would like to attend specialization courses or to conduct research in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are
awarded for specific programs which are held at the Universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at the other recognized institutions (which are authorized to issue certification of Italian as a second language).
The short-term scholarships are distributed in the range period
between one to nine months and are reserved primarily for courses in
Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school
diploma at the time they apply and must be 35 years of age or younger
(minimum maturity age is 18 years old for Indonesian citizen).
Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are
reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies,
and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.
The long-term scholarships consist of a nine – to twelve-month period,
(depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn. They are
awarded for specific research or specialized courses at public
post-secondary institutions in any area of study, except for medical
studies. All courses of study must be undertaken at the Government
approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term
scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must
possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enroll in
university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the
post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree.
Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger (minimum maturity age in
Indonesia is 18 years old).
Elements taken into consideration by the Selection Committee are:
- The applicant's curriculum studiorum and vitae.
- The applicant's proposed program of study (for post-graduate, master
courses and doctorate studies).
- The Reference letters from Indonesian or Italian academics (for
post-graduate, master courses and doctorate studies).
- The existence of direct contacts between the candidate and Italian
academics and/or institutes of higher learning in the candidate's
field of study (applies particularly to applicants for long-term
scholarships) .
- Knowledge of Italian is mandatory; unless the applicant is applying
for Italian language courses or applying for an independent study (in
this case the candidate must have a letter from a professor declaring
willing to follow the student in another language).
Scholarships offered by the Italian Government cover standard living
expenses such as boards and lodging expenses, Insurance( valid only in
Italian Territory ) , and do not include air fares (return)
Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship
recipients is the decision of the individual university/ institution;
no exemptions are granted by private institutions.
Changes in the place of study or the starting date will not be
permitted once the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must
therefore indicate the name of their chosen institution and the dates
of the chosen existing course/s clearly and exactly on their
application forms.
Please read carefully; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- three copies of the application form (in MS Word Format n. 1), each
with original signature and each accompanied by a signed passport-size
When you win the scholarship, you are subsequently required to submit
the following documents as soon as possible:
- at least two original letters of reference from professors, teachers
and/or professional superiors (for post-graduate, master courses and
doctorate studies)
- Original (for authentication) and certified copies of the
applicant's high school diploma and/or university degree(s).
- Original and certified copy of High school transcript;
- Original and certified copy of University transcript, if applicable;
- Original (for authentication) proof of Indonesian citizenship:
copies of one of the following: passport, citizenship certificate or
birth certificate;
Certified copies will not be returned and original documents will be
returned upon completion the process of authentication and
authorization by the Italian Institute of Culture and the Embassy of
Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.
For more information click here:
http://www.iicjakar ta.esteri. it/IIC_Jakarta/ Menu/Opportunit% C3%A0/Borse_ di_studio/ Per_nome_ abitanti_ in_Italia/
artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrollment in any Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies,conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of Cinematography, research centers or laboratories, libraries, archives, museums and other national or nationally-recognized institutions, and who would like to attend specialization courses or to conduct research in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are
awarded for specific programs which are held at the Universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at the other recognized institutions (which are authorized to issue certification of Italian as a second language).
The short-term scholarships are distributed in the range period
between one to nine months and are reserved primarily for courses in
Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school
diploma at the time they apply and must be 35 years of age or younger
(minimum maturity age is 18 years old for Indonesian citizen).
Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are
reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies,
and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.
The long-term scholarships consist of a nine – to twelve-month period,
(depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn. They are
awarded for specific research or specialized courses at public
post-secondary institutions in any area of study, except for medical
studies. All courses of study must be undertaken at the Government
approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term
scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must
possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enroll in
university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the
post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree.
Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger (minimum maturity age in
Indonesia is 18 years old).
Elements taken into consideration by the Selection Committee are:
- The applicant's curriculum studiorum and vitae.
- The applicant's proposed program of study (for post-graduate, master
courses and doctorate studies).
- The Reference letters from Indonesian or Italian academics (for
post-graduate, master courses and doctorate studies).
- The existence of direct contacts between the candidate and Italian
academics and/or institutes of higher learning in the candidate's
field of study (applies particularly to applicants for long-term
scholarships) .
- Knowledge of Italian is mandatory; unless the applicant is applying
for Italian language courses or applying for an independent study (in
this case the candidate must have a letter from a professor declaring
willing to follow the student in another language).
Scholarships offered by the Italian Government cover standard living
expenses such as boards and lodging expenses, Insurance( valid only in
Italian Territory ) , and do not include air fares (return)
Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship
recipients is the decision of the individual university/ institution;
no exemptions are granted by private institutions.
Changes in the place of study or the starting date will not be
permitted once the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must
therefore indicate the name of their chosen institution and the dates
of the chosen existing course/s clearly and exactly on their
application forms.
Please read carefully; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- three copies of the application form (in MS Word Format n. 1), each
with original signature and each accompanied by a signed passport-size
When you win the scholarship, you are subsequently required to submit
the following documents as soon as possible:
- at least two original letters of reference from professors, teachers
and/or professional superiors (for post-graduate, master courses and
doctorate studies)
- Original (for authentication) and certified copies of the
applicant's high school diploma and/or university degree(s).
- Original and certified copy of High school transcript;
- Original and certified copy of University transcript, if applicable;
- Original (for authentication) proof of Indonesian citizenship:
copies of one of the following: passport, citizenship certificate or
birth certificate;
Certified copies will not be returned and original documents will be
returned upon completion the process of authentication and
authorization by the Italian Institute of Culture and the Embassy of
Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.
For more information click here:
http://www.iicjakar ta.esteri. it/IIC_Jakarta/ Menu/Opportunit% C3%A0/Borse_ di_studio/ Per_nome_ abitanti_ in_Italia/

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